Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Not exactly new
Raining-2 fronts coming through and then they say tropical storm Danny this afternoon. Dave's been working in western MA for the last days and he's due home dinner time tonight. Katie's off with her boyfriend later. I need to decide whether to be smart and stay home and make art or to go spend money at my favorite craft store (25% off storewide/50% holiday stamps). HMMM. My body is wide awake and my eyes are tired, don't know exctly why. Woke up kind of early and read a lot of a Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson, I love his books and this one is no exception. Otherwise, its wind down until back to work. Kind of like rainy weekend mornings- make you kind of lazy, which is relaxing. Just seems like there's been so much rain much rain. Till later.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Just sharing some art
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Top 5, or 10, or 25
So today while I drove to Worcester and back, I tried to come up with my top 5 movie list. Why did this come into my head? It was Katie's homework in her film studies class last night. Think I've done something like this on blog before-a long time ago, but top 5, that's tough. So here's my top 5 and then the rest-at least those in my head right now...there's sooooooooo many good movies.
1-Casablanca (oh got to love it!)
2-When Harry met Sally
3-The 9th Gate
4-The Graduate
5-Some Like it Hot
and the rest of the movie I love!
The Truth about cats and Dogs
The Pirates of the Carribean series
The Bourne Trilogy
70's version of a Star is Born
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
Hitchhiker's guide to the Universe
Young Frankenstein
Julia and Julie
Its a Wonderful Life
Shirley Valentine
The Big Chill
Finding Nemo
Beauty and the Beast
Bread and Tulips
Gone with the Wind
The Red Violin
and I'm sure I'll think of many others...
1-Casablanca (oh got to love it!)
2-When Harry met Sally
3-The 9th Gate
4-The Graduate
5-Some Like it Hot
and the rest of the movie I love!
The Truth about cats and Dogs
The Pirates of the Carribean series
The Bourne Trilogy
70's version of a Star is Born
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
Hitchhiker's guide to the Universe
Young Frankenstein
Julia and Julie
Its a Wonderful Life
Shirley Valentine
The Big Chill
Finding Nemo
Beauty and the Beast
Bread and Tulips
Gone with the Wind
The Red Violin
and I'm sure I'll think of many others...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A little bit of Art
Yes, actually some art. I made 4 cards this week, using paint cards (like the ones you get at Lowe's to pick your color paint). I'm going to send these into Stamper's Sampler, but thought since its been sooooooooo long since I posted any creative endeavers, I would show you. All my cards have a nautical theme-will show you more next time.
So went back to school today and met my intern, had a brief meeting and got more organized for next week. I'm not going back in now until I have to on Monday-when my school year begins. At noon today went out to lunch with 2 of my corworkers-to this great Greek restaurant, and we sat out on the deck and talked for almost 3 hours after we finished our sandwhiches. Really enjoyed that, and it was a great day til the clouds came in and then it got soooo dark. Nice to come home and nap and did finish my book (The Alexander Link). Now I am going to read A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. Am looking forward to it.
Off to Massachusetts tomorrow to visit my mom, one last trip before school begins.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Feels like I'm playing hookey
With Katie in school and me home, I feel like I called in sick or something that would keep me home. No still on vacation- loving it. Finally the humidity has gone so I can turn off the AC units and open doors, windows, etc. Made the rest of the cards I want to send into Stamper's Sampler this morning-love working in the studio after a nice walk and having a quiet house. Didn't sleep well this morning-woke up at 4, getting in the school brain mode and am thinking about retreating to my screen porch and reading since I'm kind of tired, also could go work some more on my refinishing project-am starting to spray paint so I should go and do that, which won't take very long at all. So much to do and so little time, just don't want to work my whole last week away-and since tomorrow I need to go back into school to meet with my intern and finish up some room setting up and getting some papers run off...ah, love sumemr but it always goes TOO fast.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Back to school
Not much of a back to school post in the photo department, but today was Katie's first day of her senior year in high school. I can't believe my baby is in the 12th grade and will graduate next Memorial Day weekend. Wow. I went into work to start setting up my classroom since I don't go back until next Monday- was almost done getting books organized and the fire alarm went off so I packed up and left since I'd been there for awhile by that point and I needed lunch. Tomorrow I'm not going in but will go back on Wednesday to finish up and meet with my intern, and then I'm staying away until Monday because once it all begins on Monday-it goes on until next summer. But don't take me wrong, I love my job most of the time and it was excellent to see people today because a lot of my department was in working.
So the photos are some more shots from Chinatown in San Francisco-one thing I loved were the very Asian stores that we don't exactly have here in NH, like the Chinese medicine shops and the markets with their outdoor stalls with exotic ingredients-we do have Asian markets here that sell exotic items but they're not the same as city shops with their bins on the sidewalk. Chinatown felt like being in a far far away land. Got to love that.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Playing Wii

So Dave bought a Wii the other day and we set it up today. He and I bowled all afternoon-it was a blast. Made a fun day of another sketchy weather afternoon.
So a few more California photos. One of these days I will photograph some of my summer art, but am having so much fun posting trip photos...
From top to bottom-
a view of Mt. Shasta from route 5, just north of Mt. Shasta the town
a mailbox on the side of the road-someplace-not sure where
view of South Klamath lake bird sanctuary-one place I want to go back to bird watch someday
and lastly, some windowmills along the grassy hills between the coast and Sacremento
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Still posting trip photos

More signs. People are always trying to tell you things-and these signs are important, don't get me wrong. I finished my studio shelf cleaning/reorganizing-I need a sign that says get rid of some stuff!
More weird weather. While cleaning, the sun was out and it was HOT in my studio as its the only room in the house with no AC and it has only 1 window, a skylight. Now, I come downstairs and its as dark as dark can be and thundering...guess what's on its way. I still need to go up with the vac and dow the rug, and I have a mess in front of the closet door I must do before school begins.
So I finished reading the Road by Cormac McCarthy. I found it sad and rather a depressing view on life. (Just looked up and out the window and its raining.) At least that book was a quick read and it does stay with you as its very vivid and very well written. Still also reading my Steve Berry novel-the Alexandria Link which is kind of Dan Brownish but am enjoying it.
Its a weird kind of day too- besides the weather. I'm feeling kind of lost, like I should have done something and I didn't. Think its because I'm feeling very cooped up in the house today with this aweful humidity outside-don't want to be out, and its NOT a beach day with the storms blowing through, and I got my shelves finished organizid in the studio but I still have things to do in there and feel like I should have gone and done that...
Also I'm starting to think about where to go during my Feb. school vacation week. Its very important this year since I will be turning 50 right after we get back and I want to go someplace good. I can think of lots of spots but I only have a week to travel without missing work. Plus, this is our last year that Katie will be on the same school vacation as next year its off to college, so I think a good trip is important. Right now thoughts are on Portugal. Lisbon looks beautiful and it would be an adventurous trip. If I had 2 weeks I'd go to Hawii where I have never been or Tokyo, since I've never been to Asia either. Or Australia. Could go to Mexico or Costa Rica too. Hmmm. Any suggestions?
Well this is lots of babble and not much focus. Need to go finish cleaning the studio a bit-get that chore done today since the weather is so sketchy...
Friday, August 21, 2009
One Month Ago
These are photos from a trip to Angel Island one month ago today when we were in San Francisco. We ended up having to book the Angel Island/Alcatraz trip because it was the only one available, but we loved Angel Island, and the views there were amazing. Plus, it was fascinating how its the western Ellis Island, and was a missile silo sight and an old military base. You can also see from these photos that San Francisco and that view was still foggy (as you can't see the top of the Golden Gate Bridge), and the other side of the bay was bright and sunny. It was a great day out.
So 1 month later, it was a sketchy weather day-a splash of sun, lots of dark clouds, rain, HUMIDITY, the threat of Hurricane Bill offshore though they say this sketchy front will keep the storm offshore. But Katie and I had a blast- a great way to end her summer break- but we went SHOPPING over at the outlets in Tilton, NH, and we found bargains. Surprises- like Bass shoes had a sale to clear out boots- buy 1 get 2 pairs free. So I got 2 pairs (brown biker style and some black high fuzzy snowish type boots-sexy) and Katie got some purple dress boots. So fun. And we both got dresses for $10 at Old Navy and I finally found a light gray cardigan at GAP-been on the lookout for quite awhile. Oh and Yankee Candle was having this huge sale, and I love their candles, so I got a couple which is great-especially one of my favorite Christmas scents-which is 1 time of year I burn candles a lot, between the house being closed up and the scents are so much a part of that season. But had a blast...and Katie had a blast, and even though we had a great lucky bargain day- it was so much fun to spend the day with my daughter. That's the best, those of you who are parents most likely know what I mean!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Counting down
A month ago we were in California and spending the day in San Francisco. A month? Boy does time fly. Here's some pictures from our day-top to bottom-tug boat in the Nautical National Park Museum past Fisherman's wharf on Pier 41 or 43 or something like that. Also here, Dave behind the wheel of a masted ship. Pier 39 flags-better known as the very touristy Fisherman' Wharf. Our dinner one month ago tonight- sundae's from a Giradelli Chocolate shop at Ghiradelli Square. YUM! And lastly, this seagull down on Pier 1 or 3 or 5 (low in the numbers) and a view of the Bay Bridge.
This time, one month later, counting down the days till school starts. Katie goes back Monday, I got back 1 week later. Today was hair day so we'd girls look beautiful for our big days and also Katie's last weekday working at the lake. I brought her breakfast (bagels and chocolate milk/coffee milk for me) and sat and enjoyed the sun and the water. A sad part of summer ending is the flexible moments like deciding at the last minute to go up to the lake and enjoy some beauty of NH and summer. Plus, it means cooler fall weather will be coming-and I love fall, but it means the inevitable winter is on its way-which I don't look forward to. Another bad part is having to get up in the morning at 5, and then the stress of work. I know, I am very lucky to have my job, and I know that, and I appreciate that, but its so hard getting to the end of a long extended vacation. This summer has so far been GREAT, and I still have over a week to go. I know, I have played all summer-had a ball, and been walking (another morning activity I miss). So tonight, Dave is watching pre-season football-week 2- always a bad sign for the ending of summer but good if you like football and my show starts-Project Runway-now on Lifetime- recording the special pre-show with the older season designers which I really wanted to see but Dave wanted to see the game, and he does have to work tomorrow since he doesn't get the summer off like some people. Its recording and will catch it later-definately. I love Project Runway. It is an awesome show.
Till later.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
We waited for summer and now its here!
Hot, Humid, Sunny-
Photos from yesterday when we visit my brother and his family in Maine.
The only way to stay cool!
Caught my nephew pushing my neice into the lake!
My dog stayed cooled under my brother's truck (plus he doesn't like water), but my brother's family's dog Lexi is a water dog and she just wanted everyone's seat.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Staying Cool
This isn't cool- its a hot sulphur spring in Lassen Volcano National Park.
But just down the road a few miles- SNOW!!!! (Even though it was about 95 degrees that day)
Snow banks in the summit parking lot for Mt. Lassen You can see the trail in the photo in the grey volcanic ash above the snow and a hiker on the trail.
Below-snowball fight time!
More hot weather today in NH. Had a busy morning-finished stripping the paint off my little drawer chest Dave got for me out of his mom's over the garage storage( it was doomed for the dump last fall while cleaning but he rescued it for me and it'll be perfect for some craft supplies), swept the garage, and worked on my organization in my studio (made some great strides in organization-yahoo!). Spent my afternoon at the lake, reading one of the 2 books I'm into right now. My lake read is The Alexandria Link by Steve Berry- a thriller with historical links, set in Europe and DC. Liking it! Also reading one of Kate's summer reading books-The Road by Cormac McCarthy-its very good but rather sad and depressing so I can't read it sitting by the lake. Read 100 pages of it this morning (and 50 yesterday), so if I can keep that pace then I should finish it before the week is out. Then I can give it back to Kate, she'll need it next week for school-man has summer gone SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fast this year.
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