Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 2

     Hi everyone. It's a Cold Sunday morning at my house, and it's supposed to be bitterly cold and windy all day. BUT luckily, it will be above freezing again by Tuesday. 😏 And the sun is shining.  😏

     Since today is March 2, it is time for Second on the Second over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.    For my second look I am talking you back to a post from 6 years ago in 2019. I'm picking this post because 1) it is all about a home, which is my theme over at Art Journal Journey. 2) It was warm which is NOT what it is in New Hampshire today. 3) This post is not about New Hampshire and since I have some cabin fever, I wouldn't mind being away. And finally 4) I thought Bleubeard and Squiggles, Elizabeth's kitties, might enjoy these kitties. 

    In February of 2019 my husband and I took a trip down to Key West and the Everglades of southern Florida. Today's re-post is from one of the places we visited in Key West.  In case you don't know, Hemingway was a famous American writer and at his house in Key West there are generations of 6 toed cats that all originated from one that he was gifted.

This kitty reminds me of my cat Leo, who we lost in 2014.

And this next kitty reminds me of Emma, who we lost in 2012.

And here's another house that was on the property, this time a cat house.

You can see the original post by checking out this link: Hemingway's House-March 4, 2019

     I also thought I would share another journal page for my Home Sweet Home challenge at Art Journal Journey. This page was a quickie in my new ledger journal.

    Basically all I did was ink the page. Then I arranged and glued down some paper images from Stamperia. I stamped the quote which is from an old Wendy Vecchi set that was in my collection, cut it out and glued it down. 

      I am also linking up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles

     Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and start to the new week.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Many years ago I visited the Hemingway House too and found it very interesting. He is one of my favourite authors and I also visited the hotel in Havana where he resided for many years. If my memory serves me well, the cats have some distinguishing feature; an extra toe comes to mind. Perhaps you know. We also experienced Key Lime pie for the first time while down there. I hardly ever eat dessert but I would go for that one again. The tiny Key Deer were also a highlight, not right at Key West but farther down towards the mainland. All the best - David

Tom said...

...I'm with Ukraine too!

Iris Flavia said...

We saw where Hemingway lived in Havadero/Cuba, he really did see the world.
To remembering loved cats... And...
WOW on your journal page!!!
And thank you for supporting Ukraine, too.
Hope the evil stops...

Angie's Recipes said...

I would love to visit Hemingway House! That cat house looks great. The page looks so lovely with hanging plants and the vintage dinner table.

Christine said...

Same here, lovely page and photos Erika

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Great Photos about the Hemingway-House and cat -house !
Your journal page is wonderful, enchantingly designed
Happy sunday , hugs Elke

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I remember this post. It was the first time I had heard of the 6 toed cats. It was a great second look because I had forgotten about the cat house. Thanks for sharing this second look on the 2nd.

What a fabulous new page. You might call that a quickie, but I think it is amazing. Thanks for another great entry using your theme at AJJ.

I stand with Ukraine, too.

CJ Kennedy said...

The Hemmingway house is very beautiful, but I wouldn't want to wash all those windows. Besides the house, fun to visit the kitties there. 6 toes. That's some murder mitten. It's very cold outside so today is a day to stay inside and be cozy just like your journal page. Stay warm

Mae Travels said...

Your photos of the Hemingway house are neat. Some time ago, I was there — I enjoyed the long drive from the mainland to Key West along all the little islands and long bridges more than I liked the city itself — it was SO crowded and commercialized! I’ve been there a couple of times. I don’t think I saw any cats, though.
best… mae at

kathyinozarks said...

Beautiful post Happy new month and week

Lowcarb team member said...

A lovely page and I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

Happy Sunday Wishes.

All the best Jan

Jeanie said...

That yellow house reminded me of Kennebunkport's wedding cake house! I'd love to go to Key West!

Rostrose said...

Dear Erika, I've learned something new again. I didn't know anything about Hemingway's six-toed cats in Florida. I had to google it straight away, and I found out that cats with six or more toes are mainly found in coastal areas of the USA. The cats with the extra toes were very popular with sailors. They were considered excellent mouse catchers, were good climbers, and used their sixth toe as a thumb to grab things. Fascinating!
Thank you for showing us this older post again. And I also really like your Home Sweet Home page! It looks nice and cozy and homely.
All the best and have a nice March, Traude

PS: And we're here with Ukraine, too 💙💛

DVArtist said...

I never tire of seeing Hemingway's house. What a treat to see it in person. I do love the art. It is excellent. Ohhh a foot of snow..... My art room window isn't that great. I do have grow lights too. Have a nice evening.

*Vicki* said...

That would be such an amazing house tour! Love your page with those Stamperia images...I find that fun to do sometimes to add to pages! I love that quote too! Have a great week!