Last night was an EXCELLENT concert for CSN at Meadowbrook!
I haven't seent hem perform for like 5 years, and when they walked on stage (pardeon this-but they looked like 5 old guys) it was a bit disconcerning but BOY THEY STILL HAVE IT!
Our House, teach Your Children (and David Crosby's comment about doubling all teacher's pay), Wooden Ships, Deja-Vous, LOve the One You're With, Marrakesh Express, Gueniveve, Helplessly Hoping, Southern Cross, Almost Cut my Hair, Wasted on the Way, Cathedral (that song gives me chills),ETC.
Wow. Lots of anti-war songs, great vibes, fun crowd (less sedate than last time)
And tomorrow night with Katie-we're on to the 70's with an Abba tribute Band!
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