Today there are a lot of important birthdays.
First of all, a famous American president.
then a very famous and ground breaking biologist
Yes, I am a biologist, and he was a genius, whether you buy into his theory or not.
And then, my "little" brother turns 50 today.
My dorky little brother.
I must say, he really isn't dorky-
he has a PhD in civil engineering-
but he is my little brother .
Happy birthday old man-
So this past Sunday after we finally cleared up after the blizzard we went and bought my Elfa storage pieces at the Container store-the sale ends today (30%) off and since the Container store is south of me in Massachusetts, it isn't easy to get to during the work week. Now I can't wait for Dave to get the cabinet built in our bedroom and for the storage pieces to go in. The Elfa system is kind of expensive, but looks pretty sturdy compared to some of the other pieces I saw at IKEA and Lowe's. Since mine is going to be my bedroom clothing storage, it will get a lot of use. Can't wait to get organized!!!
So speaking of this past weekend's blizzard, here's a few more photos I took.

I must say, he really isn't dorky-
he has a PhD in civil engineering-
but he is my little brother .
Happy birthday old man-
So this past Sunday after we finally cleared up after the blizzard we went and bought my Elfa storage pieces at the Container store-the sale ends today (30%) off and since the Container store is south of me in Massachusetts, it isn't easy to get to during the work week. Now I can't wait for Dave to get the cabinet built in our bedroom and for the storage pieces to go in. The Elfa system is kind of expensive, but looks pretty sturdy compared to some of the other pieces I saw at IKEA and Lowe's. Since mine is going to be my bedroom clothing storage, it will get a lot of use. Can't wait to get organized!!!
So speaking of this past weekend's blizzard, here's a few more photos I took.
The day after the storm (Sunday) was gorgeous outside. Look at this cool shadow my garden fence made on the snow.

More cool shadows on the snow, tree branches.
Look how deep the snow is out around Dave's truck. This was Saturday morning while the snow was still coming down.
Look at the piles of snows on the back deck.
Yesterday we got a couple more inches before it turned to rain so I once again had to come home and shovel off the deck. Not that much snow though, but still...I am tired of shoveling already.
They say maybe snow tomorrow tonight- not much-though it may go out to sea south of us.
We shall see.
Have a great day!
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