Friday, December 20, 2024

Friday Again

  Hi everyone. Today is the last day of autumn,  unless of course you go by meteorological seasons and for that that autumn ended on November 30. It hasn't felt like autumn for several weeks at my house, although we still keep getting these warmer days thrown in-between the cold.  And this weekend is going to be very cold.

   Since it is Friday I am linking up today to Nicole's Friday Face Off and also to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break. Today I want to share the first Lego set I ever made. I made it just the other day, and I had a lot of fun doing it.

     I get Lego emails because my daughter and son-in-law are Lego fanatics, and a couple of times I have gotten them Legos  for Christmas. This year I got an email for a set that just screamed my husband. He's not a Lego fanatic, but he is talking about retiring later in 2025, so I thought I would splurge and get him this set for Christmas.  I thought it would be a good activity for him when he retires. (And if he wants to build  it sooner, then more power to him.)

    Anyhow, the hubby got the same email about the set and was telling me how nice it was, so I'm glad I ordered it for him.  This particular set was released on Black Friday, so I ordered it and received 3 free sets as their Black Friday special. One set goes with my husband's Christmas gift so he's getting that, one set looks like something my son-in-law would like so he's getting that, and the third free set was this holiday train. I decided I would keep it for myself and see if I enjoyed making it.

     I spent part of an afternoon making it, and I had such fun I think I need to start building Legos rather than making puzzles. The only problem(s) with that is Legos take up a lot of space once they are made and they are a lot pricier than puzzles. So we shall see about Legos in my future.

    And just a note, if you ever go to order directly from Lego when they release a new set, order early. That was the advice from my daughter when I had mentioned this set I bought my husband. She told me to order it as soon as I got up, because they sell out quickly.  I didn't even wait that long. When I got up in the night for a potty run, I ordered it on my phone. I am glad I did because by 7:30 in the morning, when I finally got onto the computer, it was already on back order.

     I think my little train looks great with my Snoop display. The 2 smaller pieces are hand-me downs from my daughter. She collects Snoopy village pieces and ended up being gifted some doubles. The big Snoopy and Woodstock are something I found at Costco a couple of years ago that I thought would work great with the little pieces.  And I like how they work with my train too.

     The Snoopy and Woodstock faces are my link up to Nicole's Friday Face Off.

     That's all for me today. For those you who I only visited on Friday's, have a wonderful holiday season, whether you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah. And I hope everyone has a great weekend.




Gene Black said...

How fun! The train goes perfectly with your display.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The train looks quite wonderful, and I am sure it was fun (at times a little frustrating perhaps) to assemble. When my daughter was a little girl she had Lego but none of the elaborate kits that are available today. It always seems to me that Lego should be the basis for real construction - perhaps it is and I just know about it. All the best - David

Tom said...

...have a Merry Snoopy Christmas!

Angie's Recipes said...

We are not Lego fans, but the train looks perfect for the holiday display.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Erika! I look forward to the days as they start to get longer. -Christine

Valerie-Jael said...

I've never played with Lego, but my neighbour loves it! Hope your hubby enjoys his Christmas present! I'll stick to reading books! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your Lego train looks perfect with your Snoopy decorations! I've never made a single thing with Lego. When I was a kid a million years ago, Lego was in existence but not sold where I lived. I wasn't really aware of Lego until well into adulthood.

*Vicki* said...

I am a huge Snoopy fan and I love the little train with your display! Super cute and festive!

sirkkis said...

Happy Christmas season to you and yours Erika 💖🎄🎁

CJ Kennedy said...

The train is so cute. Great job. Are you getting snow? We were supposed to get 1-3 inches, but Winter weather advisory just upped it 2-5 inches! 😿

DVArtist said...

This is such a fun Christmas scene. I never played with legos but I know a lot of people who do. Thank you for joining FFO and have a great weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

Snoopy and the train are awesome ~ lovely creations ~ legos are fun ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jeanie said...

Oh Erika, how I love your Snoopy display! The new train is perfect there, too. (I wonder if they have Peanuts legos?) I'm a huge Peanuts fan, so that's terrific. The kids love their legos. Some of those kits are super expensive (I found out, while Christmas shopping!). But they do look like loads of fun!

Soma @ said...

Welcome to the world of LEGO. You could not have picked a better set for your first LEGO and it looks great with your tree and Snoopy. A perfect match.


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday, Erika
Happy Holidays


Shari Burke said...

Wow! Great that you ordered when you did and how cool that you got some extra goodies to share and even get a bonus for yourself! The train looks great with your Snoopy collection. I love the little Snoopy and Woodstock scene. It woulod make me smile every time I looked at it. Happy solstice!

Lucimar da Silva Moreira said...

Que legal Lego quando era criança brincava muito, Erika desejo um ótimo final de semana bjs.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Great idea with Lego, fun posting
have a happy Christmas!
hug Elke

Iris Flavia said...

Ohhhh, you know I would love to have that! Ingo bought two BRIKKS (or such, a brother of Lego)-trains. And that was that.
Yay to yours, hugs!

Carola Bartz said...

That Lego train is very cute and it actuallymakes a nice set with Snoopy and Woodstock. As a child I played a lot with Lego, but we never had the kits that are available now. We just had the construction legos and it was fine for us, we enjoyed it very much. My daughter didn't play that much with Lego but with Playmobil.
I didn't get around to send any Christmas cards this year, so I will wish you merry Christmas now and a happy new year.

Val Ewing said...

I went all out with Lego fun a few years ago. Building the larger sets with my husband who has dementia and other issues has become something we do for fun.
Then again, I have to play with the sets and the minifigures.
It is great creative fun. Enjoy your adventures with Lego!