Hi everyone. I hope everyone is having a nice week so far. And Happy Spring to everyone north for the equator and Happy Autumn to everyone south. Since I live north of the equator, winter is now officially over unless Old Man Winter decides he isn't done yet. 😉 (And from the extended forecast it sounds like maybe he's not done yet-we'll see.)
If you stop by my blog regularly you probably know I am hosting this month at Art Journal Journey, and that my theme is Home Sweet Home. You also might know that when I retired I started keeping a hive or 2 of bees because it was something I had always been interested in. My page today is all about the bees and their home in the hive.
I am also linking up to Creative Artiste Mixed Media Bloc Challenge #113, Nicole's Friday Face Off and Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.
My page is made with an inked background. Then I attached some torn pieces of this "bees in the hive" tissue paper. I also added a die cut set of honeycombs, which I colored in the centers of a few of the combs, just like you'd see in a hive. Then I die cut 3 bee hives and colored them some cheery colors. After that I stamped this giant bee image from Pink Ink Designs, colored it and then fussy cut it out before adding it to my page.I slightly mushed one end of my quote when I stamped it because the block slid a bit, but it's not so bad that I had to add it stamped on paper over the other one.
And some of you have been asking how my bees made it through the winter. Well the very sad news is that I didn't have any bees this winter. 😭
Back in early October I had a very full hive with lots of honey and probably about 75,000 +/- bees.
Then in mid-October our nights were getting cold so I decided to put one of the winter wraps on the hive. I was worried about them overheating, so under the cover of the hive I left the screen on so there would be good air circulation.
When I went back a few days later and opened the hive I was totally shocked to find the hive completely empty except for maybe 5 bees. There weren't even any dead ones on the bottom of the hive.
My bees had done not unheard of thing by absconding. It's not swarming, which is when half of the hive and a new queen leave mainly because the hive is full and they are splitting to form 2 hives. When bees abscond the whole hive clears out and goes. Scouts had gone out, found a new place for the hive to live and then all of the bees from the hive then moved to that new place to live. I looked around (for several days), but I couldn't find where they had disappeared to.
Why do bees abscond in fall? Well I found out it could be for many reasons. It could be because it's too hot (did I put the wrap to early?) or too cold? It could be a high mite load. I did check for mites, and I had some but not a really high count, plus I had treated the hive with mite "medicine". It could also be lack of forage, but I had already been feeding my bees. Maybe other insects had been threatening the hive or surrounding territory. It could also be just that they were being disturbed too much; the queen had died; it was too wet; the air flow wasn't right, or some other unsuitable situation. Whatever the reason they left,I can't put my finger on it. I do worry the wrap made them too hot, but I have no way of knowing that. The sad part is most likely they moved someplace where they didn't get any winter protection and probably died from the cold.
I left the hive as was for a few weeks, just in case they decided to return, although I didn't actually expect that would happen. After that I closed it off to keep other "critters" from getting into it. When I checked it the other day, it was untouched. I did turn the electric fence back on though because there is honey in the hive, and I know a hungry bear coming out of hibernation could smell that.
This spring I am back to ordering new bees again. My new ones were supposed to arrive during April, but the cold winter down south has pushed that off until May.
I've read why a lot of people like bee keeping is because there are always new things to learn, and I can agree with that. I'm trying a different variety this year; let's see what surprises these new bees throw at me.
Have a great weekend and start to next week. I'm heading out this weekend as my brother is getting married. Some of you who have visited my blog for several years may remember his first wife passed in 2019 from cancer, and so I'm happy he's found someone to share his life with. Plus, as a bonus, I also really like her.
Oh no.... your bees have absconded!
When they left your home, did they have another place in mind or did they just take off and hope for the best? Might they return to your hives?
It’s a shame that your bees absconded, Erika. The only thing I can add is that I hope they survived the winter and are doing well in their new quarters. Bee keeping is not for the timid, is it? Did you at least get a decent quantity of honey from them last year? All the best - David
...I knew that bee keeping is a challenging activity, but I didn't know that it was this challenging!
SO they are all gone???? o my...I hope they are somewhere safe and maybe return later. The weather is getting warm over here too...later today the temperature might reach up to 20C!!!
Oh Erika, I am SO sorry to learn about your bees. I was going to ask if the hive had been opened. That's so sad -- I know how much work you put into them. When will the new ones be ordered or arrive? Do you leave the honey in the hive for new bees or pull that (and I bet it is delicious!). You're right about always learning something new but I'm sorry this is what you had to learn this season.
Oh Erika, I was so sorry to hear about your bees absconding and that you'll have to get more in Spring. Glad you have some honey to collect and it's protected from the naughtily bear 🐻. Loving your colourful bee page with the hives, honeycomb and pretty queen bee - perfect ❤️. I hope you're having a wonderful week and sending you happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x
I'm so sorry, Erika, for your bees. You do so much to keep them happy, and then this!
You've created a beautiful page about the home for the bees.
Love, hugs, Elke!
First, best wishes and congrats to the bride and groom!
Next, your page is definitely you, I can tell you collect bee/honey art supplies as you should...but I mean, who else have hive box dies? lol. Love it. But I hate that they left you. You put a lot of effort and money into trying to keep them. I'm afraid I'd cut my losses. Your dedication is admirable.
And finally, speaking of bees, my Honey has a local honey guy named Bill who keeps active hives of course, even gives people shots, I mean, bee stings for allergies. So Honey told him his wife has a friend up in NH who bee keeps. And Bill cuts him off right there and asks, outside? Yes. Oh, that's a hard road to hoe in winter. So, maybe your location makes it really Hard? He also told Honey that Texas has more bee farms than any other state. I did not know that! Hope your new southern bees are homebodies! XOX
Sorry about the bees! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com
First I love your bee art. Second, I'm sorry your bees took to flight. As sad as it is I love reading about your bees and what's going on with them. Yes, there seems to be something new to learn every years. Thank you for sharing it.
Since I know so very little about bee keeping, this information was all new to me, Erika, Who knew that bees could take off (abscond) for better digs? Hopefully, the new shipment and variety will work out well. Also, congrats to your brother and best wishes for the family celebration.
I think it's awesome that you bee-keeping! It's lots of work, but I'm sure it can rewarding as well and hope this new batch will reveal something for you. Your page is fantastic and a great subject to incorporate into your theme too! Love the colorful bee and homes!
A lovely bee page Erika, something to remember your first lot of bees by.
I'm so sorry to read that they absconded and reading your post - not knowing anything about bee-keeping, I was surprised at how difficult it seems to overwinter them, but at least they left you some honey! Have a lovely weekend and Congrats and Best Wishes to your brother and his new wife.
Avril xx
Such a shame that your bees absconded, I hope your 'new bees' arrive safe and well for you later this year.
Have a lovely weekend at your family wedding celebrations.
All the best Jan
PS Meant to say I do like your bee art.
Love your page, but, oh. So, so sorry to learn about your real bees. I hope the new hive will last longer and be less complicated and brings you honey on top.
Big yay for your Brother, too (and that you like his future wife, I sure do know how important that is...). Have a great weekend and trip, hugs
Your bee page is beeutiful. I'm so sorry about your bees. I had never heard about bees absconding so that was very interesting to learn about. Hopefully some nice weather this weekend.
So sad that your bees upped and went, you always cared for them so well. I hope the new ones that come wull behave better. And es, bears would surely eat up your honey if they could. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie
Sounds like an interesting hobby. I like the always learning bit. I love that about most things. Learning, learning, learning. Good, good stuff.
Amazing, your bees.
Have a nice weekend.
Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday
Here in T&T🇹🇹 we are neither north nor siuth
And we are in our Dry Season
That's really disappointing that your bees absconded, Erika. I hope they made it through the winter in the place they went to. Hopefully you will have more luck with the new bees. Where do you get your bees from? And what makes you decide which variety to get? Have a lovely weekend, hugs - Carola
Bees are an important symbol in my life and on my blog too, so your bee art and beekeeping are fascinating to me!
Oh beautiful bee art collage ~ sorry to hear the bees have left ~ sigh.
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
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