Hi everyone. Happy end of the week. We're in the wind down of March. And the snow that fell this past Monday at my house is gone-😀 😀😀 Hopefully, that will be it for this year. 🤞
I know everyone is probably sick of winter scenes, but I have a few photos from my trip last weekend up to the mountains of western Maine. The day of my brother's wedding the hubby and I took a morning drive (since the wedding wasn't until later in the day) over to the Rangely Lakes area. We actually had visited this area several years back, but it was really the only place close enough to drive from the ski resort where the wedding was and where we were staying. We did have to be back in time to dress for and get to the wedding.
I'll be linking this post up to Nicole's Friday Face Off and also to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.
As we drove up in elevation towards a place called the Point of Land, we discovered the rain every place else had the day before had actually been snow here. Not a lot, maybe 2-3 inches. It might look wintery, but the views were gorgeous.
Great to be able to take advantage of the attractions of the area before the wedding. A Ruffed Grouse on the road must have been delightful, as were the deer. Still lots of snow in the high areas. All the best - David
...Erika, thanks for taking me along on your winter driving adventure. The sights were fabulous.
I hope every driver stops for the moose on the road. If a car hits one, the injuries would be truly horrible.
Good morning Friday-I enjoy your photos
I love seeing deer cross the road -- as long as they are far enough ahead I don't have to worry about them! I'm so ready for spring!
The mountain views are nice. The snow is not. I'd rather be by the ocean. Enjoy today and stay dry over the weekend.
Had to laugh at your hubby's silly picture :-)) I have never seen a moose in my life. I would be disappointed if I didn't see one when I visited the place.
A week ago we had here the same kind of views, but then came warm weather and snow is gone 👍🏼and it's coming warmer and warmer 😃
Thanks for sharing your great photos and have a great upcoming weekend 😀 😘
Interesting on the fishing frenzy.
Exquisite scenery! And your husband looks like quite a card!
How lovely that you were able to see some of the sights before the wedding, Erika. It does look beautiful. When we were in Maine almost 20 years ago, we saw LOTS of moose - mainly in the Baxter State Park area, along the Golden Road and around Moosehead Lake. That was in the summer though, I don't know how easy it is to see them in the winter. Anyway, it looks like you had a beautiful outing - and your husband made me laugh with his funny face. Have a good weekend, hugs - Carola
I'm not sick of the winter scenes. As long as it is not in my back yard. LOL It's beautiful there. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a nice weekend.
Some nice ones
Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday
Beautiful winter scene photos ~ love the deer ~ thanks,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Your husbands photograph made me smile and lovely to see the deer.
Enjoy your weekend.
All the best Jan
Great photos!!!
Good weekend, hugs Elke
Fun photos. Have a great weekend
Gorgeous wintery scenes.
Wonderful photos
Gorgeous! I used to work with someone at the food bank who used to live or regularly visit the Rangeley area--I can't remember which now. We lived in Maine for 4 years and never saw a moose there, so we had to content ourselves with memories of Alaska moose. :-)
Nice that you were able to go on a s cenic drive before the wedding and it really did look quite wintry, Erika. We were predicted to get some light snow this weekend, but so far it's only been a miserable rainy day, but then the weekend isn't over yet.
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