An EARLY Christmas present that is...
Yesterday rained all day- but it was RAIN, not SNOW, and it was relaxing, so it was OK.
I hung out, made bread (will post photos once I load them onto the computer), hung out some more...I throroughly enjoyed my day. This morning we're WARM and FOGGY, warmer here than Orlando, Florida according the the news. They say it will only last the day, but since there's precipitation out, that makes it RAIN.
We also finally decided to break down and spend the cash and plan a vacation we've been discussing for awhile.
This weekend we booked plane tickets for our next vacation-in early March for a week- just me and the honey this time as Kate's in college and our vacations don't match. Here's our destinations:
We'll be flying into Vegas then heading out for a few days in the desert...something really different than what we have up here in the GREEN or at that time most likely WHITE COLD northeast. After our visit to Death Valley we'll head back to Vegas for 2 nights...enough for Vegas...we've been there before and its a crazy place...but after the wilderness it'll be fun to see a show and be in the bright lights.
Its definately something to look forward to.