More rain and very dark skies
Here's a different kind of page from my calendar journal. I am linking up to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's challenge over at Art Journal Journey. The theme this month is Count Your Blessings.
It is an unusual style of page for me, but I had fun making it. Sometimes you just have to step outside of the usual. And celebrate our own uniqueness, which is definitely a blessing, even if we sometimes (or often) overlook it.
I first colored the background with various markers, then added the face which I cut out from a magazine. Since he was looking up, I added the sparkly golden circle to represent the sun. I was going to do more with the page, but decided I liked it with just what I had added to it.
And a few random photos for you.
First, for those of you who know Corrine, I'll share this photo.
We live relatively close to each other (like about an hour apart) and we got together the other day for lunch, some good conversation and a walk around Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.
My husband was motivated to make me a pepper, onion and cheese omelet as well as a grilled English muffin for me this morning. I was half asleep on the couch so this breakfast was much appreciated.
I got some more marked down goodies at Hobby Lobby yesterday including this pattern book. I figure it will be great to cut out people and clothing images from for artwork. I went in for some dye to make some holiday gifts, but spent more time (and money) on the discount walls.
And I went swimming at my mother-in-laws along with the dogs the other day when it was sunny.
For the first 2 hours no one was home, and the breeze was amazing, so I sat on the dock and read.
And threw sticks into the water for the dogs to retrieve.
Maddie jumped in and once she even went under water, putting up this big splash.
Pete eases himself in. He's definitely more coordinated in the water.
My sister-in-law joined me after that which was nice. We chatted about books, when we both have to go back to school and a little bit of family gossip. My MIL is having some major back issues this summer and other than pain meds, they can't do much for her. I think she was hoping for surgery, but the doctors are saying she isn't in good enough shape for that. It's got her down but she still likes company to come by.
Not much else going on here other than the patter of rain on the roof.
Hope you are having a great weekend so far.
Your page is spot on. To make art in your own voice. Fun to get together with friends and score art goodies. Sweet of hubby to make you breakfast. The dogs certainly looked like they were having fun in the water. Hope the wild weather missed your area yesterday. Missed mine this morning.
It's still dry here, but at least we're not getting those kinds of storms. I'm glad y'all were ok. I like that "everybody's weird". It'd be so boring otherwise ;) That breakfast looks delicious! Swimming in the sunshine would make a fun outing, making the best of summertime while it lasts :)
Sounds like you are having fun. Glad you enjoyed the film, I suppose I will get to see it when it ends up on Prime or Netflix. Love your beautiful journal page. I'm envious of the dogs splashing in the water. Still very hot and humid here. Hugs,
Your page is so cool, I'm loving the colourful background and the quote is so true - perfect 😁. From your happy smiling faces, I'm guessing that you had a wonderful time with Corrine, that's such a great photo of you both! So nice of hubby to cook you breakfast and your crafting goodies look fabulous! You got some amazing bargains, I use quite a few Liquitex products so would have bought those too 😉. Your dogs are having so much fun in the water and I hope you MIL is feeling better soon. I'm off to see what String Gel is now ... Happy Saturday! J 😊 x
It was good to see you and Corrine together. What fun it would be to have an artist friend who "gets" you.
Lucky you to have a loving and caring husband to make you breakfast. That looks GOOD. Sorry to read about your MIL. I didn't realize back surgery would be that hard. My friend Kathy had back surgery and she is overweight. I wonder if that's the case of your MIL.
I really MUST get to Hobby Lobby. You always SCORE when you go.
And finally, the journal page you shared is brilliant. I'm working on a weird/uniqueness piece too. Yours is so unique and rare. I love what you did with the background. It is fabulous. The sun, the boy, and the sentiment all add up to a great blessing in my book. Thanks for sharing it with us today at Art Journal.
A fabulous page with an amazing background!! Drawing all those ovals must have taken hours, but it certainly is effective!! Great Johnny Debb quote too! Film sounds worth watching. Glad you were safe during that storm.....
Super fun photos too!
Here in France it is still boiling hot, too hot to do anything much... and no air con anywhere....
I love this super page - it's a fantastic quote and I do like how you built up this page! Thank you for linking this to E.'s AJJ theme Erika!mMuch appreciated.
So happy to see you both had fun together! I miss Corinne - she doesn't join AJJ any more and as she mostly posts on FB she also doesn't visit or comment on my blog since so long. Sad, but I do understand that people don't have that much time when they spend their online time on FB. I am not that interested in FB - so many uninteresting things posted there. I don't like that.It's like reading tabloid press. I prefer blogging and visiting bloggers so much more. I would say you both could be related to each other - . Such beautiful and happy looking women - so similar looking ! O.k. maybe you are related to each other in real as you wrote once that the New Hamphire people are often related to each other at the time you made this heritage test and found out that your hubby is a far away cousin. I guess this is the same as here in the region I live now. The most people here are related to each other as well.
What a lovely boy your hubby is to bring you breakfast to the couch!Looks yummie!
I love to see Maddie and Pete having so much fun !!!♥♥♥ Happy dogs!
I hope your MIL feels better soon - back pain is so bad - so sorry for her!
Happy Sunday my friend! HOT HOT HOT here. We were out with the dogs at 6 a.m. in the morning - otherwise it is much too hot for them. They are nearly indoors here the whole time . Even Quinnie although she is normally a sun worshiper stays indoors now - it's just tooo hot!
Hugs, Susi
I forgot to say how super things you found at Hobby Lobby.
How good for me I don't have such big stores here nearby - I couldn't resist such bargains often I fear. But I decided to not buy anything at least for one year. I have so much things unused here --- unbelievable:sustainability is announced in my crafting now!
Your page looks great, it looks a fabulous background and super words.
You got an super bargain book at the store, you craft stores sound good places to shop. Most of my craft shopping is done via the internet.
The photos looked lovely and you dog seemed to be enjoying the water.
have a goos Sunday.
Yvonne xx
I love your page Erika! That's a great JD quote! Glad you enjoyed the film, it's on my list.
Happy weekend,
Alison xxx
It sounds like good summer time (apart from the tornado/weather problems, but fortunately, you were fine and no damage, too.) Great bargains and I love the page and "weird" quote. That's a good one. Looks like fun with Corrine -- yes, art pals are the best! All good. Max out that vacation time. August is going fast, fast, fast!
Hi Erika, first thanks for comments left on several of my blog posts about our cross-country road trip, which we are still on - finally arrived at the destination state of Oregon and staying until next weekend! Today, I am playing catch-up with some blog reading before starting on more travel posts. We've been keeping top with the weather back in NH and it has been fairly miserable along with the same on much of the east coast where we have family. I enjoyed seeing your Newfoundland travel shots as well. Nice to meet up with friends and when we're back in NH, maybe we can do that. We've been to Wolfeboro and it's a neat little town.
I like your journal page. :) Johnny Depp is right!
Your day at your mother in laws looks so relaxing. Poor MIL, hope she is able to get around!
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