Thursday, January 31, 2019

Do What You Love

Happy Thursday everyone. The cold has returned here to New Hampshire. Many of you in other parts of the US know what I am talking about, even though some places are a lot colder than we are. January isn't ending with any hint that spring, is it?
It's also been a long week (It isn't Friday yet?), but I knew it would be like that. Getting used to my new classes and the change in routine always takes a little adjustment. But no complaints. My classes right now are looking pretty good and my first day worries have come to nothing. Smile. And both yesterday and today we have a 2 hour delay. It was nice to sleep a little bit later.
So today I am sharing a tag I made for Tag Tuesday and their new challenge of Hearts-Hearts-Hearts! You might wonder why there are so many postage stamps on this tag, and that is because I started this tag for the last challenge and ran out of time so I never finished it.  But I turned it into a hearts tag because it has so many things on it I love- birds/nature, music, travel and of course art. And I must say I really like hearts too.
Stay warm wherever you are- or cool if you are lucky enough to be someplace warm. 
 Thanks for visiting.


CJ Kennedy said...

A lovely tag reminiscent of Spring, birds and their music, a little nest, and green growing things. What not to love? Bundle up and stay warm.

Words and Pictures said...

Happy to hear that you've settled in to your classes now, and how nice to have a couple of later mornings to enjoy. Hope you haven't been hit by the Polar Vortex though.

Love this fabulous collaged tag - so many tiny treats for the eyes, and the bird perched at the top gazing down at it all is lovely.
Alison x

Valerie-Jael said...

This is a gorgeous tag Erika, so much to see and enjoy. Glad you didn't have such an early start today, that must have been welcome. Stay warm, look after yourself. Hugs, Valerie

Cath Wilson said...

I really like this, Erika - lots of my favourite elements, too, including postage stamps, which I haven't used in eons... I'm so pleased I'm not the only one who doesn't finish (or even post) challenges on time but transforming it was a brilliant idea :-)

So pleased your classes aren't as difficult as expected but you'll be ready for your weekend. Only one day left after today... don't work too hard and stay warm! It's REALLY cold in other parts of the States, isn't it? Not quite so cold over here and our forecast snow didn't come to much where I live, though it's still on the ground from yesterday's because it hasn't yet warmed up enough to melt it.

Have a great weekend!

Cath x

kathyinozarks said...

I love your tag-lots of elements and textures
stay warm hugs Kathy

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm glad your classes are going well and that at least you're getting to sleep in a bit because of these frigid conditions. Brrrr!

I'd assumed the stamps were because you love "real" mail, the personal kind that comes with actual stamps on it :) The sentiment is perfect going into the new year.

Krisha said...

OOOOOOOH! I love your tag!

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow Erika! I love all the layers in this - a truly lovely tag! Stay warm!! Hugs,Chrisx

Caty said...

Woooww this tag is absolutelly GORGEOUS Erika !! I love everything on it, really great Art !! Love hearts too. I hope you are fine, and yes, tomorrow it´s Friday again, so, I hope you´ll enjoy your weekend. Here the weather is not so cold, today around 17º C, but windy.
I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugs

Mrs.B said...

A great tag Erika, and I love the quote. We've just got our first snowfall tonight, wonder how deep it'll be tomorrow.
Stay warm, Avril xx

Meggymay said...

A fantastic tag, I love all the elements and details, it is a great variety of postage stamps as well.
It was good to read that your new classes are settling in.
Stay safe and warm in the cold and icy weather.
Yvonne xx

Astrid Maclean said...

Glad to hear your classes are going well and that the worst of the weather is passing you by... Some parts of the US seem to be hit by the most incredible cold...

LOVE your tag, so much for the eye to see, yet it all comes together beautifully/ Love that bird at the top specially!

froebelsternchen said...

What a wonderful tag Erika! Gorgeous! Great to hear that your first day worries about the new classes have come to nothing! Sounds super! Stay warm my friend ! I am sure spring is near ...... at leat on your wonderful tag! Happy start of the weekend for you!Big hugs, Susi

Gibby Frogett said...

Beautiful tag Erika - what a great mix of lovely ephemera - lots to see :)
Hope you have a much deserved relaxing and wonderful weekend.
Have been watching TV and seen some of the dreadful cold weather you're having in the U.S - keep safe and warm my friend.
Gill xx

Jeanie said...

Hearts are fun, aren't they? These have loads of cool layers and I like seeing the stamps. Brrrr. Keep cozy!

sheila 77 said...

This is a fabulous tag, Erika, with so much to look at. I love the little bird (a siskin?) and all the postage stamps, what a good idea. I often have a great idea for a challenge and then the challenge is over, whoof. 😉
Glad to hear your classes are good and you have a couple of extra hours to sleep.
Have a great weekend.

craftytrog said...

I love this fabulous, collaged tag Erika! It's a beautiful composition.
It's snowy here now, and I'm fed up with being stuck in. I'm paranoid of slipping on ice after a nasty fall a few years ago! It's forecast to warm up a little in the next few days though, so that should see our little bit of snow off.
Happy weekend,
Alison xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Who doesn't absolutely love hearts. And of course, I am in awe of all the things that touch your heart and made this tag so YOU. Wonderful and brilliant.

Let's Art Journal said...

Beautiful tag! I love how you turned it into a tag to celebrate all the things you love and those postage stamps add such interest too - perfect 😁. I bet you're glad it's the weekend and I hope you had a lovely week, we've been busy with a burst water pipe, luckily it was in one of our outside buildings and it is all sorted now but it wasn't much fun without the heating in the cold temperatures we've been 😉. Wishing you a happy weekend! Go Pats! J 😊 x