Hi everyone. Happy new week to you. And to everyone who stops by for tea over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog, Happy T day to you.
What have I been up to? Last week started off without too much on the agenda, but luckily the weather cooperated for a Friday north into Maine road trip. It was hockey night for us, which since Friday was Valentine's Day wasn’t exactly romantic, but since my husband and I met in college and we traveled back to our Alma mater for the game, I guess it was fitting. 😏
I actually bought these tickets back in August, 10 minutes after they went on sale, and I couldn't get tickets for Saturday night which was our first choice. It worked out in the end because Friday and most of Saturday the weather was clear, but Saturday night a snowstorm moved in that lasted into overnight into Sunday. If we had had Saturday night tickets, our drive home Sunday would have been terrible.
Even buying our tickets back in August, the only seats we could get is way up towards the top of the arena. It was OK though, since there is nothing better than being in your home area when you play your biggest rival team.
And even though it looks like we were a big distance to the ice, that's just because I took this photo with the wide angle view clicked on my phone. We didn't need binoculars to see what was happening and the players were NOT that small. 👍
This past weekend the University of Maine (my Alma mater) was playing the University of New Hampshire. Our rivalry is called the border battle not only because (for those not familiar with the location of US states) Maine and New Hampshire border each other, but also because back in 1999, when these 2 teams were playing for the national championship, Maine won in over time. New Hampshire has never gotten over that. (And maybe Maine still likes to rub it in-grin.)
We usually watch the games on TV since the University of Maine is a little more than 3.5 hours away. However, it was great to be in the home crowd wearing our hockey jerseys, listening to the pep band playing and the student section cheering and booing. We haven't done this since before covid, although we have been to a few games in other venues. This is a horrible photo of my husband, taken with the wide angle phone lens, having fun at the game.
The game officially ended in a tie, but Maine won in overtime.😀 Saturday we watched the game on TV from home, and it was a much better game, at least for Maine. There's only a few more weeks of regular season play, but Maine is having a super year so they should make the national play offs. I'm not sure where those games will be played since some of the teams in the playoffs will be from other places in the US.
I hope I haven't bored you with hockey talk, but I also know this is T Day so I need to share a drink. Before the game we went out for pizza at one of the few places left from our college days. Here's my beer and our 2 cans.
And since it was Valentine's Day we decided to split dessert after our pizza. We had a slice of chocolate chip cookie pie. I wanted the triple chocolate cake, but that was already sold out. 😒 The cookie pie was very tasty though, and since my husband isn't really a chocolate guy, I'm sure he enjoyed this choice much more.
The crazy weather has returned to so many places so I hope you're safe and comfortable whatever it is doing in your area. Have a super T day and week ahead.