Made these purses awhile back. Had sent them off to Somerset Studio's Haute Handbags but they didn't make it in. Man, there are some great purses in that publication- bought my copy today. I'm a little disappointed my work didn't make it into print- even though I know there's a tons of choices for the publishers to pick from and only so many pages to actually fill, and not getting into print doesn't make them bad. I especially like the cup of tea bag. Its just so nice to see them in print.
Guess I'm having a doubt day. Doubting myself that is- sometimes I think I'm much better at spending $$ and collecting supplies than I am any good at what I make. I say, why do I need all those rubber stamps and all those drawers of fat quarters or fabric scraps? But then that little voice in my head says- you like what you make, you have fun making them, and THAT- is what is important. Not that you make it in any magazine, and since I've been in magazines before, its not like I've never been published.
I tell myself, you don't have to be this big published artist with some big money contract- or some little money contract or being asked to teach classes at various stores and retreats to be an artist. All you need is to love it, right?