So here's the rest of this it winds down tonight.
Any big plans?
Not us...I am just happy the antibiotics have kicked in and my head isn't as blocked as it was- but I will complain for half a second- what a way to spend my vacation-grrr.
I will feel great Wednesday when it is time to go back to work, won't I? But I will admit, I am glad I was off and that I could rest and relax and not have to go to work or call in sick.
I do love having this in between the holiday week off-it is one vacation I give myself time to be a slug.
I will feel great Wednesday when it is time to go back to work, won't I? But I will admit, I am glad I was off and that I could rest and relax and not have to go to work or call in sick.
I do love having this in between the holiday week off-it is one vacation I give myself time to be a slug.
Anyhow, from July through now, here is the rest of my year in review.
My first ride ever in a Porsche
My first trip to Washington, Alberta and British Columbia
My first visit to Glacier National Park, Banff and Jasper National Parks in Canada
My first real Glacier, my first ride up onto and steps out on a glacier

Beautiful flowers

Lots of fun out in the boat-fishing and swimming

summer 2012 journal

kayaking- the most relaxing morning thing to do
along with taking all kinds of morning walks

After boating for 3 years-I caught my first fish-with lots of other mackerel to come
Breakfast and lunch picnics at the lake-Katie is working here

the world's most delicious margarita

enjoying summer!!!

favorite puppies

my first wild wolves in Canada
mountain views
glacier lake views
raging rivers
off to the Maine woods for a few days
fun times in Maine kayaking and boating

working on my travel journal from our western trip

making cards

beautiful boating scenes

I caught a crab!
More summer journal work

daytrip to St. Gaudens with my honey
a fun day at my brother's house in Maine
and a fun road trip into Boston with Katie

and we also went to

JFK birthplace
wow-I had a super fantastic summer-

and finally, a super fun class with Julie Fei-Fan Balzar and meeting my blog friend Penny.
Then it was back to school and back to work
Even though Dave is still out of work until October 15th.

some fun fall cards

a corn maze fun time


another fun fun class- with Dina Wakely this time

starting those Halloween projects

the end of boating season

making some deli sheet art for some projects

working to finish up my summer journal
All this while being back at school!!

celebrating my mom's 83rd birthday
hurricane Sandy
Dave's birthday
Katie's birthday
our wedding anniversary
Dave goes back to work

Halloween art

more Halloween art-cards and journaling

a real fun new art toy-above and below

a taste of fall

and the look of fall

and more Halloween

and the start up of college hockey-although this is not the season we saw last year


more journaling

more summer journaling

a trip to Bar Harbor

a new delicious beer

end of the autumn beauty

making holiday/winter cards and art


a fun concert and night out

really like this card-it makes me smile

from our Acadia trip

2 more hockey games- although the only game that went well was one to Lowell

a fabulous holiday
even with this very nasty cold and ear infections

handsome Harley

and Emma pie

and cranky snuggly Leo

it was a coup at Christmas-we both got binoculars but Dave never figured it out

I made my own gingerbread house

my holiday journal

more holiday journal
our first snows-
although not until Christmas did we get anything lasting
yes, our inch or 2 on Christmas morning
so a white Christmas

a trip to Boston for a good hockey game and dinner in the north end

and finally more holiday journal
2012 was a very very good year for me.
I found a lot of inner peace and joy and I must say
I am at a good place with this year.
And I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who stopped by and took time to read my blog this past year.
I really appreciate it .
and now Have Happy New Year!
Tomorrow it is 2013.
Need to get used to that when I write the date.
I hope your New Year is fantastic
and fabulous,
full of good health,
rich with lots of love and friendship,
empty of stress and worries,
that you have lots of fun and laughs
and lots of smiles and joy,
lots of great ideas and ambitions,
lots of fantastic journeys and adventures,
lots of hugs and kisses
very few waves and wind but lots of sunshine and star-shine,
and also
lots of good art and creativity.
And I hope happiness fills your heart.
Happy New Year every one.

some fun fall cards

a corn maze fun time


another fun fun class- with Dina Wakely this time

starting those Halloween projects

the end of boating season

making some deli sheet art for some projects

working to finish up my summer journal
All this while being back at school!!

celebrating my mom's 83rd birthday
hurricane Sandy
Dave's birthday
Katie's birthday
our wedding anniversary
Dave goes back to work

Halloween art

more Halloween art-cards and journaling

a real fun new art toy-above and below

a taste of fall

and the look of fall

and more Halloween

and the start up of college hockey-although this is not the season we saw last year

more journaling

more summer journaling

a trip to Bar Harbor

a new delicious beer

end of the autumn beauty

making holiday/winter cards and art

a fun concert and night out

really like this card-it makes me smile

from our Acadia trip
2 more hockey games- although the only game that went well was one to Lowell

a fabulous holiday
even with this very nasty cold and ear infections

handsome Harley

and Emma pie

and cranky snuggly Leo

it was a coup at Christmas-we both got binoculars but Dave never figured it out

I made my own gingerbread house

my holiday journal

more holiday journal
our first snows-
although not until Christmas did we get anything lasting
yes, our inch or 2 on Christmas morning
so a white Christmas

a trip to Boston for a good hockey game and dinner in the north end

and finally more holiday journal
2012 was a very very good year for me.
I found a lot of inner peace and joy and I must say
I am at a good place with this year.
And I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who stopped by and took time to read my blog this past year.
I really appreciate it .
and now Have Happy New Year!
Tomorrow it is 2013.
Need to get used to that when I write the date.
I hope your New Year is fantastic
and fabulous,
full of good health,
rich with lots of love and friendship,
empty of stress and worries,
that you have lots of fun and laughs
and lots of smiles and joy,
lots of great ideas and ambitions,
lots of fantastic journeys and adventures,
lots of hugs and kisses
very few waves and wind but lots of sunshine and star-shine,
and also
lots of good art and creativity.
And I hope happiness fills your heart.
Happy New Year every one.