Monday, July 16, 2018

Back to the Heat

Hi everyone.  My husband and I  made it home finally last night after missing a connecting flight and also after just missing the bus back to New Hampshire from the airport.  That added about 4 hours to our traveling day but I guess that is how that goes sometimes. It was good to get home last night for sure.
But, I can't let that overshadow the great trip we had. We went to Newfoundland, Canada.  Here's a  couple of maps for you who may not be familiar with where that is.
 We spent our week on the west coast of the island, which is actually quite large. (To drive from west to east on the highway it can be more like 8-10 hours depending on where you are starting and ending) I drew 2 circles on this map to show you. The first part of the week we spent up on the Northern Peninsula near St. Anthony and then the rest of our trip we were based out of Deer Lake. Most days we went west to Gros Morne National Park which is located out on the western edge of the island.
It is truly a beautiful place. 
Here's a couple of photos just to give you a taste for some of what we saw.
These are taken from the beginning of the trip when we went up north. If you look carefully to the right you see something really cool.

Yup, that is a good sized iceberg that floated into the harbor. I had never seen icebergs and it was one of the things I most wanted to see.
(We ended up seeing about a dozen-silly us driving around looking for them. But I think a lot of people did that, even locals.  If we had been a few weeks earlier there was still some pack ice and even a couple of polar bears that came down on the ice sheets, but they had swam back and left for the season.)
There is not really anything for show you scale here but you can see the iceberg is higher than the hills.
And we saw lots of fascinating tiny fishing harbors in towns of about 30 people. Newfoundland is known as the Rock, and I can see why because the glaciers scraped away most of the topsoil and it is very rocky.
And we saw a couple of moose and even some whales right from shore.
(I haven't yet done any playing around with my photos to fix light or crop to make bigger (like this moose in this photo could use). 

But I thought I would share a taste of what we saw with you.

We spent our week on the Viking Trail, which is one of the top 10 beautiful drives in Canada according to several websites. It's called the Viking Trail because at the top of the peninsula is the only known place in North America that the Vikings spent some time. We visited this spot and I have more to show you about this too.
But best of all was spending a week with the hubby with no distractions. We haven't done this for quite some time.
But I am glad to be home and I missed checking in with everyone.  I am off to make art today, which is quite exciting to me.
Hope everyone has been well and has a great start to your week.


Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Erika, thanks for sharing those wonderful photos. I would like to be near an iceberg right now instead of here in this stifling heat. Sorry about the waits and delays on the way home, but these things happen. Good to have you back with us again! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm excited to see your photos! This is so different from any place I've ever been. An iceberg! And Vikings! I'd have been thrilled :)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What an unbelievable trip. I loved the sneak peek from your camera lens. I am thrilled you had a good time, at least until you returned home. At least you weren't flying alone, which was comforting, I'm sure. I look forward to many, many more posts from Newfoundland, possibly interspersed with more memories from Japan.

froebelsternchen said...

What a WONDERFUL trip . my gosh! I love those photos - I am so happy you share this with us! AMAZING dear Erika!
Big hugs, Susi

Gibby Frogett said...

Wow - great photos for your exciting trip Erika.
G;ad to hear you both had a wonderful time but sorry to hear of the travel problems.
Awesome iceberg - wodering what happens to them - do they just melt or what? I saw something on news at weekend about this happening in Greenland at present and the uncertainty of a tsunami happening if the floating iceberg breaks apart :(
Have a great week.
Gill xx

sheila 77 said...

Hello Erika, I always love to see your holiday photos as they are so different from mine. An iceberg! - how amazing, it actually looks like something photo-shopped in, although I know it isn't, it just looks so out of place.
Moose and whales too, how exotic, and I do like the orange house right on the sea.

Meggymay said...

Fabulous photos and seeing the icebergs must have been an amazing sight to see. Your holiday sounds and looks from these photos you shared, to have been a super destination . So pleased you enjoyed the trip with your hubby.
Yvonne xx

CJ Kennedy said...

Sounds like a fabulous trip, and I can’t wait to see your photos. The iceberg is awesome. Welcome home!

craftytrog said...

Wow! Your trip looks amazing Erika! Definitely my kind of place, wonderful nature and few people. Love the iceberg... and how exciting to see moose and whales! Welcome back!
Glad you spent some nice quality time with hubby too.
Alison xxx

Astrid Maclean said...

Oh my goodness, that sounds like another trip of a lifetime.... what an amazing place, that Iceberg is just incredible!! Thank you so much for sharing the highlights with us, and glad you got back home safe and sound despite delays....

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning Erika, Wow what an awesome vacation you had-I would have enjoyed this-and much cooler temps too. enjoyed all the photos and look forward to more
so glad you had the opportunity to get away with your husband.
Hugs Kathy

Jeanie said...

The red building with the pier is especially beautiful with that blue water. It looks like a wild, rugged and very beautiful countryside. I've never seen an iceberg, either. I would thank that would be fascinating (though after last winter why either of us would go searching for ice is a bit of a mystery!) I'll look forward to more!

Let's Art Journal said...

Wow, your trip looks amazing! How awesome to see icebergs, they look spectacular 😁. Your photos are brilliant and that whale was real close. I'm so pleased you had such an amazing time with your hubby on vacation! It looks like you made lots of happy memories 😁. Enjoy your week! J 😊 x