Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Practicing for Retirement

That is how my summer feels this year. I have sunk into the land of  domestication. It's been humid and rainy all week and this morning we had a peak of sun so I went out and did some gardening. My vegetable garden is like a jungle and full of budding fruit.
Today I picked my first produce of the season:
3 cucumbers, 1 green zucchini, 1 yellow zucchini and 1 bell and 1 jalapeno pepper.
Looks like tonight I might use the bigger zucchini to make some chocolate zucchini bread for our breakfast tomorrow. The garden is full of potential.
 My tomato plants are as tall as me. They are LOVING this summer's excess amount of humidity.

 And a few peppers are almost ready to pick.

 And there's more zucchini both green and yellow to come.

This week I have been also baking-banana bread and a loaf of sourdough bread and I've started a major studio rearrange and clean out. Well really started it. Last week I moved a couple of things but now I am full on in cleaning mode. The place is in the what a mess stage.
More rain due this afternoon and tomorrow and I hope to make some headway into my cleaning and maybe even manage to take a break with some art.
Or work on the pair of socks I am knitting as last week I found 2 different skeins of sock yarn I forgot I even had.
And lastly I have a page from my Japan travel journal for you. I am linking up to both Chris's challenge at Art Journal Journey and the latest challenge at Try It On Tuesday which is book paper.
This lovely Japanese woman serving up some kind of food came from an advertisement in a Japanese travel magazine I brought home. I made the page by first stamping the background, then adding a piece of origami paper and then my magazine woman. I finished off the page with some metallic tape along the edge. 
That's all for me. Hope everyone is having a fantastic day.


kathyinozarks said...

wow great produce-the first harvest is always the best I think
I need to get back to my craft space-lots to do in there for sure.
I love your Japan pages!
Happy Wednesday Kathy

Valerie-Jael said...

Another lovely journal page, and the socks look great. They will be good in winter. Your veggies look fantastic, wish I lived nearer, I would help you pick them! Hugs, Valerie

froebelsternchen said...

Your veggies look all so very yummie! And the page is so beautiful as well!
Enjoy the reanrranging and every single day! Yes - train for retirement - and I hope you will enjoy it so much that you really stay at home soon! It's a wonderful life and a free life!!!
Thank you for such a fabulous post linked to AJJ again ! You are the most supporting artist - I am so thankful dear Erika!
I didn't write it yet as I was so stressed the last days:
Liyongo has had a big surgery on Tuesday - we are so happy to still have him - he had a bad splenic tumor of 12 cm , but fortunately this tumor hadn't begun a cycle in his body- so it all looks fantastic so far and he is on the way to recover and already at home with us. We are just sooo happy!

Big hugs,

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a wonderful post! Your vegetables are looking really healthy and delicious! I love the colours of the socks you are knitting! Oh My! That journal page is fabulous and I am so happy that you linked not just to Art Journal Journey but also to Try It On Tuesday! Thank you so much! Hugs, Chrisx

Dianne said...

I adore Asian art! beautiful motifs and collage! visiting from Art Journal Journey, which I've only participated in once before. have also enjoyed all the beautiful photos you posted about your trip when I visited from Elizabeth's T Tuesday blog hop. ♥

Meggymay said...

Your vegetables look super and I;m sure by looking at the photos you will have lots more in the coming weeks to enjoy.
Wow I am in awe of you knitting socks, I never ever learn't how to turn a heel.
The journal page looks fabulous, thank you for sharing with us over at Try it on Tuesdays.
Yvonne xx

CJ Kennedy said...

You have been busy! Your garden looks fabulous. Mmmm, chocolate zucchini bread for breakfast. I'm coming to your house! Isn't it too hot to think of socks? :-D I like the colors and the patterns on your Japanese journal page. Stay cool!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am so in awe of your veggie garden. You have so many wonderful things going on and I am a bit jealous, since all my veggie plants died within a week of planting them this year. You really ARE Mrs. Domesticity. LOVE the socks and look forward to seeing the zucchini bread.

Of course, your beautiful journal page is absolutely perfect. I am truly impressed and love your stamping. Thanks for sharing yet another wonderful journal page from your Japan journal with us at Art Journal Journey.

Astrid Maclean said...

Oh wow, your garden produce looks awesome! And what an interesting way to use a zuchini... Wished we lived in a climate where things like that would grow...
Your socks also look fantastic, super colours!! Make sure to show them to us when they are done! Finally your journal page, really creative, love how the lady spans both the stamping and the origami background and love the tapes on the left. I think your retirement, once it comes will be very creative, oh and good luck with the studio clear out!!

Rita said...

Nothing better than food from your own garden. Yours looks beautiful!
Pretty page, too. :)

Divers and Sundry said...

ooooo, that bell pepper! You inspire me to try again next year :)

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

I'm impressed by the size and variety of your vegetable garden, Erika. The harvest is the most fun. Enjoy! Love your Japan page. Hugs, Eileen

Marjut said...

Beautiful page. Thank you for joining us at TioT.

Let's Art Journal said...

Those veggies looks so good and now you have a me wondering what chocolate zucchini bread tastes like - yummy I guess 😉. I'm loving your page! The papers, metallic tape and Japanese lady look amazing! Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday and have a great day! J 😊 x

Jeanie said...

I'd say practice is going very well! Three cheers on that! And love the socks!

sheila 77 said...

I love the sock wool (speaking as a sock wool hoarder).
Your garden looks really productive. Good that you've got plans for the courgettes which seem to grow as we look at them.

Joan said...

Wow ,what a great post, love the vegetables that you have grown, I don't have garden space now but used to love growing my own tomato and cucumbers and French beans, luckily I gave a nice neighbour who brings me her home grown produce. I love the journal post with that beautiful lady.

Thanks for joining us at Try It On Tuesday challenge


Mrs.B said...

A beautiful journal page Erika, the image is so beautiful.
Your garden must be such a treat, and isn't it great to be able to eat really fresh home grown veg. We've just picked our first tomatoes as we were a little late in starting things off this year.
A great post and thanks for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday
Avril xx