Monday, January 20, 2025

T Stands for Off to the Museum

     Hi everyone. Happy new week to all of you. Seems like so many people are in the cold right now. I hope if you are you're staying warm and toasty. My woodstove has been getting quite the workout this month since this is our second round of arctic weather.

      Since it's Monday I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth  for this week's T day.

   Last week I went to the big city on Thursday. I headed out early because some friends and I were going to the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston. It's the last few weeks of a Georgia O'Keeffe and Henry Moore exhibit which was our main point of the trip.  

     We managed to go late enough to beat much of the morning rush but were early enough that we still had to wait for the museum to open at 10. But because the tickets were timed and we arrived early, we were able to see a few other permanent parts of the museum. More about that another time.

  If you don't know about Georgia O'Keeffe, she was an American painter (1887-1986). She particularly liked to paint nature, and she became famous for her southwestern paintings and  close ups of flowers like this one that was on display at the MFA.  You'll have to excuse my photos because it was VERY crowded at the exhibit, and it was hard to get straight one for a good photo. In fact, I didn't get a lot of photos because of that.

And this one is a close up of a white rose.

     O'Keeffe painted many many flowers similar to the 2 I've shown, but there weren't many of her flower paintings on display in this exhibit. This show had  more of an eclectic group of pieces. There were some I have never seen before, including these southwestern architecture ones.

The flat topped mountain in these next 2 paintings is called Pedernal. I've been lucky to travel to this part of New Mexico several times, and  Pedernal is a very distinct feature in the landscape.

After seeing these Georgia O'Keefe paintings I really want to go back to New Mexico. 😏
     The other artist in this exhibit was Henry Moore. I knew nothing about him, but now I know a bit. He was  a British Artist and Sculptor who lived at the same time as Georgia O'Keeffe (1898-1986).  Like O'Keeffe, one thing he was interested in was bones.This display had a few of his sculptures and some of his paper art work.  I liked his sculptures shown in this exhibit, but with the crowd, it was really hard to appreciate them. Here's a couple of them.

If you're interested, you can read more about Georgia O'Keeffe here: Georgia O'Keeffe Museum  and Henry Moore here: Henry Moore . 

     After the exhibit, we had lunch in the museum. I had a Diet Coke with my sandwich, and this is my ticket to T this week. You can also see my friend's Diet Coke too in this photo.


     That's all for me this T day. Hope yours is a super and have a great week ahead too.


Anonymous said...

A lovely visit thanks for sharing. -Christine

Mae Travels said...

First, thank you for the book recommendations that you gave me in a comment on my blog. I haven’t read them, and will look for them.
And, I enjoyed reading about your visit to the MFA Boston. I too am a fan of Georgia O’Keeffe. When I visited her home in NM I was amazed to see that the Pedernal was a real mountain. I had always thought it was a product of her imagination and did not look anything like the paintings. But it is/does.
Best… mae at

Carola Bartz said...

This must have been a very interesting visit, Erika. I especially like Georgia O'Keefe's Southwestern paintings and you can understand that she was drawn to the landscape in New Mexico. Henry Moore so far I've only known by seeing some of his sculptures at the Tate, but I'm not very familiar with his work. Happy T day. Hugs - Carola

Tom said...

...I'm a Georgia O'Keeffe fan!

Sharon Madson said...

I do know and like Georgia O'Keeffe. I had never heard of the other artist. I enjoy a diet coke once in a while. Happy T Day.