Sunday, January 19, 2025


     Hi everyone. I hope you're having a nice weekend. Yesterday we had a bit of warm up 😀, but tonight we could get snow, and then, the bitter cold arrives. Jeepers creepers this month has been tough, and I don't even mind cold temperatures. 😐

    The Good News:  I can now say that after spending some of my time over the last 2 weeks cleaning, sorting and purging I have enough cleaned up in my art space that I can start making art again-Hurrah!!! I still have some things I want to go through, but my attitude about those things is when I get to them, I get to them.  I can actually see the floor. Big smile. I filled up 4 big bins with supplies to donate. I feel good about that. I also managed to fill 5 bags of trash, much of it scraps of paper and packaging I was saving to cut from. And I saved more than enough to use for probably the next several months. I'm happy because since the weather people say  it's going to be cold this upcoming week,  I can  hunker down and have some art fun.

    Today I have a page for Mia's Dots challenge at Art Journal Journey. I'll also be linking it up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles.

    Today's page should be titled Dots Galore. It's more of an abstract design where I used lots of old rubber stamps along with blue or red ink. I added a tag that I cut out of a sheet of paper and a few stickers. I also drew in the triangular line and colored in the flowers. And you might have noticed that even the dog has dots on him. 

    Yesterday we had a lot of clouds and later some rain, but before it got wet, we took a little beach walk in Maine after a visit to my mother-in-law.She just had her 91st birthday this past week, and this visit was much much better than the last time we went.

For some reason I really like these red berry photos. Perhaps I am thinking about dots with Mia's challenge. 😏

    That's all for me today. I hope you have a great rest of your weekend and start to the new week.



Iris Flavia said...

That´s a wonderful page!
And that pic at the beach... oh, I´d love to join, cold or not! Dots everywhere, have a great rest-Sunday and a great start to the week, hugs

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad you had a better visit this time. That last one sounded really difficult and sad, too. Grab the good ones. I love your walking area! We're getting the cold tomorrow, they say. Very low temps with loads of wind and wind chills down to 20 below. I'm pretty sure I'm going to wish I'd done my lab work Friday instead of tomorrow! Well done on the art purge. I am just about holiday-removed and then on to "that" room, which should take me a good couple of months! Keep cozy.

Angie's Recipes said...

I don't mind low temperature either, as long as it's dry and sunny :-) Blue and red are beautiful together.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Miriam once in a while has these purges in her sewing room, and finds hitherto unthought of uses for fabric scraps previously deemed too small. Of course, she then doesn’t have quite the coordinating prints so she has to go the fabric store to buy more! You’ve probably seen the sign that says, “She who dies with the most fabric wins.” She is determined to win by a furlong or two! I can see why you like the red berry pictures so much. I do too. All the best - David

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I answered your question regarding our Costa Rica itinerary on my blog.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Happy 91st Birthday to your mother-in-law! What a great way to spend the day.

Tom said...

...I love the rose hips among the dried grass!

Anonymous said...

Lovely page and photos, congrats on clearing up I now envy you -Christine

CJ Kennedy said...

Big dots, little dots, tiny dots, too. And I like the red berry dots of the beach photos. What beach in Maine?

DVArtist said...

OMGosh! That art piece took my breath away. It is stunning. The photos are beautiful too. Thank you for your comment on lupus.

Gillena Cox said...

Dots Galore is s fabulous page. Happy Sunday Erika
Thanks for linking to my SundaySmiles linky party


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Erika, I actually prefer the beach in winter when it is mostly deserted. We're also expecting snow in Nashua, NH, and I'm looking forward to the first measurable snowfall of 2025. I made soup today and went to the library so a comfy day is on my agenda.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I have certain area for my creative supplies. If items start to fall out. It time to go though and purge.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

The walk on the beach at your mother-in-law's was lovely, it's a lovely old one. It's good to read that the visit was good this time.
We have mixed weather here too, still cold today and at the end of the week it will be warmer and rainy again.
I think your journal is full of ideas and great, so imaginative with the dot pattern!
Have a good start to the week too!Hugs Elke

Elkes Lebensglück said...

You have designed great pages with the KI
Hugs Elke

hels said...

It is so difficult to deal with truckloads of discarded products that were once used but are no longer. As I was saying to another blogger today, I FINALLY got rid of squillions of books unread since 2014.

Aimeslee Winans said...

That's so good y'all had a nice visit this time with her. And I like your dotty page. Yikes to it being a hard month up there. We're supposed to get snow on Tuesday. It's a BFD here, we are all so excited. Just for one day though. And praying it's not ice and sleet instead, lol. Yes, crafting is on my schedule too. And a load of wash every night to keep the pipes running ok. XOX

Christine said...

Lovely page and photos! It is bitterly cold in Toronto this week. 6.8F today

Neet said...

I too would be drawn to the red berries if I saw them on my walk somewhere. Great photos Erika, and I love the journal page which, for me, shows warmth and cold.
The dominant colour is blue (love all the variations on the dots) but you warm the page up with the use of red in the snowflakes and butterfly plus the other little touches and the orange of the flowers.
Hope it warms up a bit for you even though you are planning on 'hunkering down'.
Hugs, Neet xx

Mia said...

Awesome page, Erika, full of dots! And I LOVE the red berry photos! Yes, my friend, they fit our dots theme! Ha ha! Thank you for entering our challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Co-administrator for AJJ {My Blog}