First a few photos. Top is the unfinished cover of my travel journal for London that I am working on. I'm basically getting the book ready for our trip (3 weeks-we leave the 23rd of February and tomorrow is February. So excited) s0 I can keep a travel journal while we are there. I did one in Ireland and I was happy with the results. Its also great for looking back when you go to journal all the photos from the trip. Its got great info, the big things, the little things, the items and moments that make up a day to day adventure. Its great to look back and remeber those little details like flooding the bathroom when the shower curtain isn't tight or the maid walking in on you because you forgot to hang the do not disturb sign. Maybe not the deepest moments in life, but certainly part of life.
Second photo is some flowers I am crocheting. I taught myself to crochet a few weeks back and I have been making some flowers to link together into a scarf. I'm getting there making enough flowers...only I'm a bit slower since my fingers swell up with hives at night. Can't crochet very well then
You know, I've come to the conclusion that there are days when being myself is really good. When I like feeling unique and different-like I don't quite belong but I belong enough and belonging enough is excellent. That it gives you a positive edge in life. That I have a valuable part to play. That I'm not just this mothering-care giving person. That I don't let my insecurities and poor self image get in the way.
And there are days when I feel like the major outcast, that I don't fit in any place, and I hate that. Days I don't like how I see myself- true or not true, my distorted self image pulls me down. Its me being too hard on myself. You'd think at that point in my life I would know how to avoid those feelings and get around them. Detour them. But, as it is, not possible. I still have those days when I need to deal with those left out feelings-those over sensitive moments, and don't do a very good job handling them. Like last Sunday when my hives were horrible. But today, I feel good. A bit hivey tonight, but I'm working on it. Hot tubbing or showering later in the day to get rid of histamine loaded sweat. These flax seeds I was told about seem to be helping. I being cautiously optimistic because I know any moment I could got back into itchy, splotchy red miserable hives. Chronic hives- one of the challenges in life that make me unique and sometimes feeling like an oddball because lets face it, people besides me have chronic hives but they're not that common. I know I am very blessed, and we all have to deal with things because life isn't about everything being easy or perfect...but somedays, its just so much harder to deal with that. Sometimes I feel like everyone gets what they work for but me. Somedays I just see what's missing. I need reminding what I do have somedays.
Rambling words. Rambling on. Rambling, rambling, rambling as thoughts pass through my brain.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wading into the shallow after the deep
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Breakfast for dinner
For some reason, I can't upload my image of my eggs in a bowl. Too bad! Its a great photo-blue bowl, yellow yolks. After the photo was taken I would Scramble those and add some cheese and a bit of 5 layer dip from Trader Joe's (salsa, black beans, avacado, sour cream and a bit more cheese). Yummy.
OR...Make homemade waffles and Fix up those waffles with raspberry sauce from Stonewall Kitchen and whipped cream. Yummy. Seeing I'm home alone tonight I went for the waffles (I could add a bit of ground flax seed to them- see if that controls hormone flushes and my hives).
YUMMY! YUMMY! YUMMY! Breakfast for dinner is a fantastic thing to do on a chilly and windy winter night!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
My quilt-finally finished
Friday, January 25, 2008
Feeling icky
Thursday, January 24, 2008
If I am ever NOT a teacher
1- Have nice breakfasts- as its my favorite meal and I usually eat 1/2 a dry bagel, a drinkable yogurt and a mug of herbal tea in the car. I love breakfast. I read this blog- Simply Breakfast, and there are photos of some yummy looking food. Some day when I don't have to run out at 6 a.m.
2- Exercise in the morning. An early morning walk, or a workout on the elliptical. I am just beat by the end of the work day and it usually doesn't happen. I walk in the morning all summer- and I love to greet the day while its still cool and fresh-or usually is.
3-Read before I get out of bed, or go back to bed after I exercise and read. I love to read in the morning. I get so much reading done, especially if its quiet.
Anyhow, don't know when this might happen...I'm far away from retirement, not rich...just an average gal. I don't mind working, really, just my mornings would be wonderful.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Another movie and more hives
Another film from Ireland. Dave and I watched it last night. Not a bad movie, I liked it. There were things in the film that made me say WHY? Like drinking pregnant gals. I guess I need to take it as it is rather than expecting it to be totally my logic. You can check it out. Maybe its my sense of humor and maybe its the time-since it was a 1980's film and things have changed, at least here. But check it out.
More hives.. UGH!!!! They're in my joints tonight, I ache all over. No ambition to do anything, not even art. Now you know something's wrong with me
Monday, January 21, 2008
As good as the first time

Anyhow- finish my Dublin journal today. Went out shopping this morning with Katie and got a few small items at TJ MAxx and Target. Saw some cool new stamps by Autumn Leaves and Inkadinkado on eBay. Also heard Ma Vinci has some cool new stamps going on sale really soon too. Had a fun day in Nashua Saturday and ran into a former student- she recognized me and she graduated in 1990. Wow. Made me feel young since she could still recognize me- even though its been 18 years since she graduated. I was like 30 at that point. Started making Valentines for the swap I signed up for.
Pats are going to the superbowl. Amazing, they haven't lost 1 game yet this season. A superbowl victory in 2 weeks could make it a perfect season- how amazing is that?
Relaxed, enjoyed my 3 day weekend. Exams at school this week- think I will make it a jeans day everyday this week. Thursday I have leadersgip teacher at Lonza Biologics. Friday is teacher workday. Wow- at this rate this week will fly by.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Another Irish film

This is one of them- ONCE-its a fairly new film-the DVD was just released last month. Anyhow- great music, story seemed to start a bit slow for me but I was hooked by the end- and the music-there is a lot of- was fantastic. I also loved that it was set in Dublin and there were some familar places from a visit we made last spring. Recommended!
So its the weekend- a long one for me! I like that. Today we are going to Nashua to go to Costco and Trader Joe's- I love both of thos stores though I end up spending too much money even though I go saying I won't do that. The rest of the weekend is pretty open- big Pats game tomorrow, have Valentine's to make for a swap I'm part of, still need to sew flowers on my quilt to finish it, working on a scarf I'm crocheting (my new skill), movies to watch. Its suppose to get COLD, so sounds like I've got plenty of indoor things to keep me busy. looking forward to just chilling too- but weekends are meant to be a bit of both- plus I am cleaning like crazy since my hives were so bad this past week- like washing some curtains and blankets...
All in all- am looking forward to this weekend.
Enjoy yours!
Friday, January 18, 2008
What's in a name?
How does the world see me versus how I see myself?
Maybe I've got some view blinders. Maybe some view issues. I do wear glasses, but maybe they need a new prescription. Maybe I need to like myself more.
You think?
I'm still really depressed about my weight at the drs yesterday. I hate how its impossible for me to lose anything.
Ok, that's my thought or two.
Still shaking my head.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Irish movies

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Now I can get to my other reading. Today found a discarded copy in the school library of Maeve Binchy's novel Tara Road. Don't think I've read that one, and haven't read any Maeve Binchy in a long long time. Should be a quick read, but hopefully enjoyable since I have now been to Dublin where the book is set. I like to read a book about a place I can somehow relate too- not that I use that as a rule to pick books because its great to expand your mind and get to be other people in other places- those unfamilar. Anyhow, before I get too deep or too confusing, I liked her other books; they're light reading, nothing to work my brain too hard-especially since exams are next week.
Read on!
Monday, January 14, 2008
My Top 100 List
So last night with the help of my family- since they remember movies I like I may not be thinking of- I came up with my top 100-well, I got to 87 as of right now. I also grouped some-like the first 3 StarsWars from the 70's-80's, since they go together in my mind. Here it is. I will say it is not in any particular order except how it came to mind or got mentioned, and some of these are movies I loved as a child (and still hold a place in my heart) and some are very recent. Some are great films, some are silly, but they are movies I really like and would place in my top 100. I'm also sure there will be some changes with time. There's also movies I like but didn't include in my top 100 like the first 2 Spiderman films or the French film 8 Women. Don't think this included TV shows or TV movies like masterpiece theatre- but maybe.
Here I go:
2-Gone with the wind
3-African queen
4-Stars wars episodes 4,5,6
5-Indiana Jones 1,2,3
6-The Ninth Gate
7-Sweeney Todd
8-The Graduate
9-The gods must be crazy
10-The hitchhiker’s guide to the universe/galaxy
11-Johnny English-hey. its fun
12-The Flame Trees of Thika
14-Immortal Beloved
15-The red violin
16-A Star is born- 1970’s version
17-Wizard of Oz
18-The Fog- 1970’s version
19—Little Miss Sunshine
21-Out of Africa
22-Little Women (1980’s or early 1990’s version)
23-The Jungle Book by Disney
24-Mary Poppins (my first movie in the theatre too)
25- When Harry Met Sally
26-Bread and Tulips
27-the Commitments
28-the Bourne Trilogy
29-the Lord of the Rings trilogy
30-the Sound of Music
31-Whale Rider
32-Billy Elliot
33-the Full Monty
34-Dangerous Liassons (how do you spell that word?)
35-Gattaca/Outbreak-my biology girl speaking
36-the Truth about Cats and Dogs
37-When Peggy Sue got married
38-pirates of the Caribbean trilogy
39-Erin Brokovich
41-the Mummy, the Mummy Returns, the Scorpion King
42-the Big Chill
43-finding nemo
44-it’s a Wonderful Life
45-the return of the Pink Panther-1970’s
46-The Naked Gun-first one
47-Some Like it Hot
48-Captain Ron- a family favorite
49-Shirley Valentine
50-3 weddings and a funeral
51- Bridget Jones’ diary-1 and 2-1 is better though
52-the Prestige and the Illusionist- love a little Victorian magic
53-Cold Mountain
54-Camelot-1960s one
55- Austin powers-1,2 and 3
56-X files movie
57-Evolution (for a real silly mood)( or a view of David Duchoveny-is that how you spell his last name)
58-Van Helsing
59 -Young Frankenstein
60-Jurassic Park-only the first one
61-Nightmare before Christmas
62-Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
63-Mr. Blanding buys his dreamhouse
64-Butch Cassidy and the sundance kid
65-Something about Mary
67-West Side story
68-National Treasure-first one
69-the Jerk
70-Miss Congeniality-Katie said this one. I might take it off, though its a good flick
71-Legally Blonde-got to love the girl power and the pink here
72-Grease-ok, 1978, my high school graduation year, some teenage flashbacks, but I like it
73-Harry Potter (especially the latest#5)-another Katie mention, but the 5th one is good
74-the old Parent trap with Haley Mills
75-Beauty and the Beast
76-the Little Mermaid
77-the old 1960’s original Love Bug
78-Hunt for Red October and Das Boot- not a big war movie person, but these are good, and they have the Dave factor built in- Das Boot is an excellent mind sticking film
79-on Golden Pond-got to love NH
80-Back to the Future trilogy
81-a Fish called Wanda
82-Guess who’s Coming to Dinner
83-Pollyanna (1960 version) liked it as a kid and shall forever be in my heart for that
84-Bedknobs and Broomsticks-never saw this as a kid but when Katie was one, and I like it a lot 85-cannonball run/weekend at bernie’s-back to my teen time at the movie's and a great early 20's for me
86-American Beauty
87-My Cousin Vinny
and add as I'm thinking here
88-Vanilla sky- not a Tom Cruise fan but I like that film
91- a good James Bond movie- like the last one from 2006- Bond's a hunk but the name???Casino Royale I think
92-My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a great feel good flick
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A cool list
Let's see how many I have seen and how many I've missed and should see.
bold-I have seen
1. Citizen Kane (1941)
2. The Godfather (1972)-saw parts I know, but maybe not all of it
3.Casablanca (1942)
4. Raging Bull (1980)
5. Singin' In The Rain (1952)
6. Gone With The Wind (1939)
7. Lawrence Of Arabia (1962)
8. Schindler's List (1993)
9. Vertigo (1958)
10. The Wizard Of Oz (1939)
11. City Lights (1931)
12. The Searchers (1956)
13. Star Wars (1977)
14. Psycho (1960)
15. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)-I think I've seen this
16. Sunset Blvd. (1950)
17. The Graduate (1967)
18. The General (1927)
19. On The Waterfront (1954)
20. It's A Wonderful Life (1946)
21. Chinatown (1974)- I think I saw this??? Is it the nuclear meltdown one-no, that's another one?
22. Some Like It Hot (1959)
23. The Grapes Of Wrath (1940)
24. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
25. To Kill A Mockingbird (1962)
26. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (1939)
27. High Noon (1952)-I've seen tons of westerns, not sure if this was one
28. All About Eve (1950)-really want to see this one but never have
29. Double Indemnity (1944)
30. Apocalypse Now (1979)
31. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
32. The Godfather Part II (1974)
33. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
34. Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs (1937)
35. Annie Hall (1977)
36. The Bridge On The River Kwai (1957)
37. The Best Years Of Our Lives (1946)
38. The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre (1948)-again, not certain
39. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
40. The Sound Of Music (1965)
41. King Kong (1933)
42. Bonnie And Clyde (1967)
43. Midnight Cowboy (1969)-need to see
44. The Philadelphia Story (1940)-need to see
45. Shane (1953)-never heard of this
46. It Happened One Night (1934)
47. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
48. Rear Window (1954)
49. Intolerance (1916)
50. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001)
51. West Side Story (1961)
52. Taxi Driver (1976)
53. The Deer Hunter (1978)
54. M*A*S*H (1970)5
5. North By Northwest (1959)
56. Jaws (1975)
57. Rocky (1976)
58. The Gold Rush (1925)
59. Nashville (1975)
60. Duck Soup (1933)
61. Sullivan's Travels (1941)
62. American Graffiti (1973)
63. Cabaret (1972)
64. Network (1976) This is the one I was thinking of instead of Chinatown
65. The African Queen (1951)6
6. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
67. Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? (1966)-want to see
68. Unforgiven (1992)
69. Tootsie (1982)
70. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
71. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
72. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
73. Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid (1969)
74. The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)
75. In The Heat Of The Night (1967)
76. Forrest Gump (1994)
77. All The President's Men (1976)
78. Modern Times (1936)
79. The Wild Bunch (1969)
80. The Apartment (1960)
81. Spartacus (1960)
82. Sunrise (1927)
83. Titanic (1997)
84. Easy Rider (1969)8
85. A Night At The Opera (1935)
86. Platoon (1986)-saw bits of this, but it bothered me a lot
87. 12 Angry Men (1957)
88. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
89. The Sixth Sense (1999)
90. Swing Time (1936)
91. Sophie's Choice (1982) read the book though
92. Goodfellas (1990)
93. The French Connection (1971)-maybe saw this
94. Pulp Fiction (1994)
95. The Last Picture Show (1971)
96. Do The Right Thing (1989)
97. Blade Runner (1982)
98. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
99. Toy Story (1995)
100. Ben-Hur (1959)
OK, so I'm not toally up on their movies. Maybe I should write my own list- top 100 movies I love. If we get a snow day tomorrow and I don't get any more ambition than I have now- scrapped all afternoon and did laundry, but no cleaning out my 2 cabinets I need to put things in, no finishing my quilt...still hope to get more book read but feel like I might be getting sick too. I ache everywhere-ugh. Thought my great walk on a ncie afternoon would really perk me up, but no, it didn't.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
This weekend...the list of things to do-and those we DID

1-Let's start with a few more Dublin pages. Today did a bit of scrapping, working on pictures from Dublin still- doing Christchurch and St. Paul's Cathedrals. Will post as I finish them.
Friday, January 11, 2008
yeah, yeah Friday and more Ireland

I love this page a lot!
Finally I can sleep in tomorrow- this time of year is soo hard to get up at 4:45 a.m. I love sleeping in a bit later- or a lot later.
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
2 cool photos
Recounting and relaxing
Today- my morning workout- major big one since we have over 3 feet on snow on the ground- but is in the high 30's today and was a blast- me and Harley trucking through the woods behind the house. Got to do laundry and should run to the grocery store...and maybe stop arguing with Katie-think that's her news year's resolution- lets fight with Mom.
Yesterday went to North Conway with Deb and Barbara (my in-laws) shopping while Dave and dave and the girls went skiing at Shawnee Peak. Didn't buy much but did find a cute pair of flats in J Jill for about $26. Had never driven up through FRyeburg Maine but did so yesterday-, was pretty with the snow still so white, the snow banks so high and some snow still on the trees and roofs. Fun was had by all as they say.

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Ramblings on a very cold night
A colorful cloth book I made a couple of years ago but decided to once again try my luck with Sew Somerset. Its been mailed off, and I hope. It would be a great addition to my career list of publications. I also love this book because its bright and fun. I painetd muslin, stamped and stitched. Very different from many of my other projects and I think I should try a few more in this style. Put it on the to do list for 2008.
So far this year's been going along. The kids at school are ready to change classes (just a couple of more weeks). I'm ready too. Found out I am going to National Science teachers Convention in Boston in late March- we made our hotel reservations yesterday for a couple of nights. Should be fun and a nice change of late March pace. Maybe I can even find some time to visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum (hopefully I spelled it right too) while there since we're staying down near Fenway which is definately walking distance to that Museum or the MFA.
Also found out we're heading out for a little adventure tomorrow night- going to my sister-in-laws in Maine. Dave, Katie, her 2 cousins, and Dave R. are going skiing Saturday, and my sister-in-law Deb and my mother-in-law Barbara and I are going shopping. We'll be staying there tomorrow night and coming home Sat. night. Should be a fun change of pace, especially since vacation was pretty quiet (but that's exactly how I wanted it and we had a great time off).
Making an apple pie tonight and it smells so good asa its baking. I like these 3 day work weeks, though today kind of dragged and I came home pretty early-journaled, watched last nights Project Runway and then NAPPED. Nothing better.
Very cold tonight, but it will start warming up tomorrow.
And that's my ramblings for tonight.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
This is today, though the flakes are falling fast and furious. Relaxing in a way, but after hitting the snowiest December in NH on record, not sure I'm ready for more of this. PLus we took down the tree and all the Christmas glitter and treasures today, which always leaves me with mixed feelings. A bit relieved to have less clutter in my house and a bit sad its all over. Tomorrow reality checks back in and its back to work. I'm praying for a delay so its not quite so LONG of a day.
Last night was quiet but that was ok- it didn't feel very New Years like. We went out and brought home Chinese food and then put on the Bourne Ultimatium DVD, before falling asleep and waking up to see the ball drop in Times Square. Pretty amazing its still Dick Clark's Rockin new Years Eve like back when I was a teenager.
Need to cheer myself up today, and not being really successful. Down deep I wish I was someone different and that's bothering me- which is a silly waste of emotional energy since I can't be anyone other than me and in real life one can't go back and change who you are. I wish I was more a devil may care person and I had more fearless a personality. I wish I thought more of myself than I do right now- stuck with that being everyone's maid, which is all I was rbought up to be, but if you asked my mother she wouldn't get it at all, and she's say that's who I was...and that's what I don't like. I've never really accepted myself, always fighting myself, and right now, with more snow falling and vacation wrapping up and being up last night with intestional hives, I'm a bit blue. I'll get over it.
On the lighter side, looking at last years Museum a Month goal, and here's how I did. (Me, the anal list writer at it now):
- January-Harvard musuem of natural history
- Feb-Credit Union Museum of America (don't ask-it was for a workshop I went to but where I got this great idea)
- March-3 of them- Paris Fashion Week at the MFA, the NE Aquarium (field trip), and Museum of Science in Boston- the Darwin exhibit
- April- field trip to Harvard Museum of Nat. History and all those places in Ireland (old castles,breweries, etc.)
- May-The Peabody essex museum to see some of it and the box exhibit-why can't I think of the artists name- oh, its Joseph Cornell and a field trip to the museum of science
- None in June
- July-Lowell National Historic Park and some of the Freedom Trail and the duck boat in Boston
- August- All the things we did in Philly on our weekend trip-Valley Forge, The Franklin Institute, the King Tut exhibit, Constitution Hall and the vicinity
- September there was none
- Ditto October
- November I went to Seabrook-both the plant and the small museum
- December I went to 3-oo-wee-The Napoleon exhibit at the MFA, the Millyard Museum in Manchester along with histrorical library and finally our field trip to Museum of science.
wow- I'm proud of that accomplishment and am up to do it again in 08, lets see what new things I can find- only 3 months last year without making my goal and some months doing more than 1, so happy that I did it. It was an enriching experience too, making me know so much more.
Anyhow, suppose I've gone on enough...the museum list cheered me up surprisingly. Oh lets hope 08 brings health, happiness and lots of adventures for me and for you too.