Hi everyone. Another T day has rolled around. Not much new with me. I've been busy with normal daily things, as well as planning Thanksgiving. Like so many people, mine will be small. Just my husband, my daughter and myself, but I am looking forward to having my daughter home for a couple of days, making a couple of pies and probably going to chop our Christmas tree on the weekend.
I have been making a lot of art . Thank goodness for being able to amuse myself as the weather gets colder and having to be home so much more because of covid.
I want to share this owl piece for both Wendy's bird challenge at Art Journal Journey as well as day 23 at Art Everyday Month.
I'll also share this surprise I found this afternoon in one of my bird feeders.
Can you see the red squirrel? I had to take a pole and lift the top to let him out. He decided to grab onto the pole and use it as he escape route. All I saw was the squirrel running towards me, and then I told him no in a loud voice, and he turned around and went flying onto the ground and running faster than any squirrel I ever have seen. I'm sure he wanted to escape not only me but the dogs who were watching the whole adventure from a not to distant vantage point also. And he did get away. I think the dogs were more interested in what I was doing over the squirrel .

That got my heart pumping. This all happened after spending almost an hour and a half on the phone trying to get my hive biologic injection shipped out to my doctor. You would think the fact that my insurance had approved it and the pharmaceutical that produces it has had me on a grant to keep my co-payments low would be all I needed, but no, the pharmacy that mails the injection to my doctors office didn't have any info and couldn't seem to get it without me making phone calls and sitting on hold.
I really needed a nice afternoon cup of tea after these adventures.
That's all for me. Thanks for visiting and have a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate! And if you celebrate or not, have a wonderful week.
Wow what an adventure with the squirrel-I wonder how he got in there? they are mischivious for sure. Enjoy your Thanksgiving-wow so cool I haven't chopped down a tree since I was a kid at home-fun memories. Happy T
What a super page, Erika! The story with the squirrel is funny! There is no Tranksgiving in Greece. I am a little jealous that you will chop your Christmas tree. We never do that. Each year we buy an already chopped tree or we decorate a false tree we have at home. Kisses!!!
lol, can´t help but love this owl. So weird yet still lovely. Would not mind to have it on my wall. :)
Oh my- I wonder how that squirrel got into the feeder?? What an experience!
Hope you get your medical things situated.
Love your mystical owl page!!
Happy T day, and happy Thanksgiving too!
PS I made your Boston Brown Bread recipe-delicious:)
Squirrels are cute but they are really a nuisance around bird feeders. We just installed new feeders that are supposed to be more squirrel proof... I wonder how long that will last.
be safe!
mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Your owl is cute. The little squirrel reminds me of the kids who somehow crawl into the claw toy vending machines. How the heck did he get in there? I bet he's telling his T Day companions about the adventure he had, too, and a cup of tea makes everything better. Take care and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
I learned there is no way to keep squirrels from getting what they want if they are determined enough. I had to laugh at the one that got caught in your feeder, though. That was a new one for me.
LOVED your darling owl, Erika. It is so well done. I like the background and the quote, which is adorable. Thanks for sharing it using Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.
I am so sorry to read about your problems with your meds and injections. I hope it is now straightened out OK. I would need a nice cup of coffee or tea after that, too. I would love, love, love to have that mug. It's a beauty. Thanks for sharing your art, your squirrel, and your tea with us for T this almost Tuesday.
Cute owl-page and weee.... the squirrel! Sorry, but... cute!
"Mine" once killed the little scarecrow that was to keep him/her from the bird-feeder. Quite a show, sadly I didn´t have the cam at hand, it was a short but hard one-sided fight.
Happy T-day!
The owl is so sweet! I'm glad the cute squirrel got away safely after a big feed...thanks to your help.
Sorry you had all the drama over your Hives biologic injection. I hope it's all sorted now.
I like the design on your tea cup. :)
I hope you have a wonderful week too. xx
Fun squirrel story, they are always so cheeky! Sorry you had such problems trying to get your meds, that must have been very frustrating. I'm sure your tea tasted extra good afterwards. And your owl page is delightful, love it! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
What a day indeed! It can be most frustrating getting medications sometimes. I had a problem last month when my bloods had changed slightly, and my consultant took two weeks with pushing from me to approve my prescription. Grrr!
What a cheeky squirrel too bless him.
I love your owl page, he's adorable.
Keep safe,
Big hugs,
Alison xx
I love you owl art piece. And what an adventure you had with that squirrel! He must've unlatched the lid to get at the bird seed, then found himself latched inside. I think I would've dropped the pole in fear, if I saw it coming at me, so you were good to stay calm and just say, "No," in a loud voice. I'm glad he listened. I chuckled at the thought of your dogs watching the whole thing. I'm sorry to hear about your hassle with over the medicine. Happy T-Day!
Such a fun page, live the owl with the wording it really made me smile ...lol 😀. Wow, how did the squirrel get in the bird feeder, I bet he enjoyed all that seed and well done for letting him out! Your dog's must have been mesmerised 🐶. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x
I love your page with that cute owl!
What a cheeky squirrel to get into a squirrel proof feeder! I'm sorry but I did laugh when you said you told the squirrel no when it ran towards you!
Not the excitement you needed after your phone call! I have a kind of reverse situation - I apparently have something on repeat that I don't need every time but no one seems to know how to change it! I will soon have a cupboard full of sharps disposal boxes!
Love your tea cup! Hugs, Chrisx
Just love the little owl, thank you. That squirrel was a bit inventive to get in there.
Hugs Wendy
Wow -- rhat would have set my heart monitor on some jerky collision course! Poor squirrel -- probably thrilled to have th efood and then freaked. But not as freaked as you! Brave woman, you!
Good luck with the meds. I just hate it when we have to dance through hoops like that.
Wow! Squirrels are persistent, aren't they! You'll need to wire that top closed, I guess lol
Medical care shouldn't be this complicated *sigh*
I like the pattern on your mug. Happy T Tuesday!
I'm glad your daughter can be with you for Thanksgiving. Love your "owl night long" page.
You had quite an exciting day! How in the world did that squirrel get inside your bird feeder?! Dealing with bureaucracy, whether political or commercial is the pits! I hope the doctor gets your injection soon.
After living in Mexico over 20 years, I still find the way injections are given here odd. Doctors don't keep any drugs in their offices, except for samples from drug sales people. Only antibiotics and psycho-actives require a prescription. For anything else, the doctor will write down what you should get. You go to the pharmacy and buy it.
Chris injects me or I inject him. He's better at it. I cringe when I have to give an injection. Poor guy.
The last tine I broke my elbow, the doctor sent us to the pharmacy to buy gauze wrapping coated with cement (?) to set the break. That just blew my mind. At least he did the wrapping.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy T-Day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen
Love your owl and your coffee cup is so nice. As for the prescriptions through the mail, my brother has to fight every month for his insulin. It is ridiculous. Hope it all get settled.
Love the owl page! And the squirrel adventure really had me chuckling. I wonder how he got in.
I hope you get your injection sent without problems. But i can understand you needed a good strong cuppa.
Happy T-Day,
Hi Erika here is the Japanese Milk Bread recipe if you would like to try it. It is easy to make. https://www.carolinescooking.com/japanese-milk-bread/
What a deal with the squirrel! We had squirrel adventures where we lived before here. :)
Mostly trying to keep them out of the bird feeder. :)
Happy T Day!
OMG the squirrel escapade! Squirrels remind me of of I LOve LUcy episodes. That's so funny, that you yelled no! and like one of our dogs it responded! It my belief that animals communicate with mental telepathy and if we try hard we can think to them. I caught up a bit on your art, always so pretty and imaginative, Owl be seeing you soon... I signed up to get notices by email, so I can stop trying to remember where to visit! happy holiday, and it's special even if we're doing it in a different way this year. I tell people it's like living thru a war with it's isolation, deprivations and differences... and it will eventually pass when enough people get their vaccines.
Darling owl page! He is precious and sooo sweet! Love all the tiny details. Fab page.
Your squirrel discovery/adventure is fun too. Thanks for sharing the cute picture and story! Happy Thanksgiving, Erika.
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