Monday, October 21, 2024

T Stands for My Quebec Trip Part 3-Perce

     Hi everyone. Happy new week to you. I back today for T Day over at Bleubeard's and Eizabeth's blog , and I'm also back with more of last month's trip to Quebec. Today instead of taking you on a driving route, we are visiting one town called Perce. 

     For today's  map I "borrowed" this one from a blog  called The Travels of BBQ Boy and Spanky which I found on an internet search. I like this map because the added details of the Gaspe Peninsula give you a more specific locations. HOWEVER we did not have a Carleton car crash nor did we follow this exact route (but the route on the far right and top of the map is how we traveled). We visited some of the other places they marked on the map which I'll share in future posts. But for this post, most importantly you can get a good idea where Perce is from its label on this map.

     The first thing Perce is known for is this very large and very cool rock.

     There is also an island you can visit with a boat tour from Perce called Ile Bonaventure, but for several reasons we didn't manage to get there. The biggest reason is we couldn't find a way to get boat tickets since the park center was closed and gated off for construction.  The 2 ticket selling booths along the street were both empty. I'm guessing that's because it was Wednesday in late September, and there were only a few tourists around. Also it was overcast, cool and while we walked around town it started to drizzle.

    Bonaventure Island would have been great to visit, and I was a little disappointed not to see any gannets (a type of seabird) except for all the "fake" ones in the windows of gift shops in Perce. I'm not sure North America's largest Gannet colony would still be active at this time of year since nesting was over, but I would have enjoyed the boat trip and a walk on the island. (However, the next day I saw a lot of gannets which made up for this disappointment. 😀 More about that another time.)

     Instead the hubby and I had a nice little walk around town, visited a few shops that were open, and were tourists. The dogs took one of their many daily naps in the car because it was definitely cool enough to leave them there with some partially open windows.

I had to laugh at the giant lobster statue. I bet you could have made a whole lot of lobster rolls from this guy. 😏

The other thing we did while in Perce was find this great little place for lunch.

    I'll get to the food in a moment, but on the side of the building they had some fun pieces of "art". This first one reminded me a lot of my brother-in-law the chef.  I wonder if he dances along with the giant mixer when he's at work. Hee-hee.

     Lunch was delicious. I had this mini spinach quiche.

And the hubby had a Croque Monsieur (which is like a ham and grilled cheese sandwich). 

     Here's our drinks. I had water, and the hubby had an orange San Pellegrino.  The bakery section looked amazing also. I noticed they had coffee eclairs. The last time I saw (and had) a coffee eclair was years ago in Paris, so I couldn't resist having another one.  The hubby had a cookie, and I think it was a sugar cookie but I don't actually remember since I was so busy enjoying my eclair before my quiche arrived. (My quiche had to be heated up, and so why wait to have dessert until after  lunch, right?) 😏

That photo is my ticket to T and also the end of my post. 
Have a great T day and week ahead.

(And just an FYI: if you're really interested in my trip posts and you missed the one from this past Saturday about the fossil fish at Miguasha National Park, here's the link: Miguasha National Park . If you're not, that's OK too.)

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