Monday, October 14, 2024

T Stands for Part 2 of my Trip-Maine, New Brunswick and into Quebec

     Hi everyone. Happy new week to you. I'm back with part 2 of my giant road trip. And I'm also here for T day over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. You just need to share a drink to join T day. I have a couple of drinks in my post, but  first let me once again share the map of my trip just in case you aren't familiar with the area.

Today we start off our driving  through the potato fields of northeastern Maine just about to pass into New Brunswick, Canada. The scenery was really pretty.

Maddie loves to be co-pilot, even if she can no longer see where we're going.  She puts her bottom on the floor of the backseat and her front on the console. 

Welcome to Canada. 

We picked up a highway and then exited onto this scenic and rolling road. I think these fields are also for potatoes.

From potato fields we entered some densely forested area.

     We didn't see any moose on our trip. It would have been nice to see one, but it's also OK since they live in my area where I have seen several on various occasions.  I certainly wouldn't want to collide with one while driving though.

And of course there's always road construction no matter where you go.

     We stopped for lunch in New Brunswick just before heading into Quebec. The burger plate was a special of the day, so we each had that. I had a Diet Coke and my husband has Coke Zero. Here's my first ticket for T this week.

Then we crossed this bridge over the narrow end of an ocean inlet, and we were in Quebec.

    Our route that day took us  along part of the south shore of the peninsula. We also stopped at a National Park all about fish fossils, but sorry, I'm saving that for a separate post.

 Instead here's a few views of the scenery.

     That  land off in the background (across the water) is New Brunswick, which made some time confusion for us. Quebec is the Eastern Time zone, which is what we have at home. New Brunswick is in Atlantic Time, which is one hour ahead of that. The time on the car clock and our phones kept bouncing back and forth for a bit, depending on where the signals were stronger.  Of course the actual time was in the Eastern Zone because we were in Quebec.

    Besides the beautiful natural scenery, I also noticed all these bright silver church steeples as we drove along. I discovered that many of the steeples are tin-plated, which gives them this really pretty  look. I also noticed how most every community had their own designed steeple too. Quebec may be part of Canada, but it is also very French. We have many French Canadian communities here in New Hampshire, and although you don't hear the French language as often as it used to be spoken, there are still a few homes where it is the first language. But we don’t have any of these silver steeples that I’ve seen.

     And here's drink reference #2 for T day.

  That evening we stopped at a grocery store to get some food. We also bought some supplies to make our supper. We were staying in an updated farmhouse that night, and some tomato soup and a grilled cheese  hit the spot ❤️. I really wanted some super cold water, so I stole one of the bottles we freeze and use in our cooler to drink that evening (since it had started to melt anyhow. and the house had no ice in the freezer.)

    I shared this photo before, but this story is still one of my trip favorites.  The farmhouse had 4 bedrooms, and we originally thought we’d just take the one that was on the first floor.  However the only bathroom was on the second floor, so we decided to sleep upstairs.  However when we went to bed we couldn't find Pete. He’s the nervous one of the 2 dogs, so we couldn’t imagine where he was.  My husband was down stairs looking for him, and I searched upstairs.  

    Ha ha. I think he was missing his dog bed, as he had found himself a bed and made himself comfy long before we even went to bed. What a guy. This was his bed for the night. He didn't even get up when I came in to see him. 😏

That’s it for me as this post is getting long. If you missed post #1 and want to see it, you can find it here: Part 1. Have a great T day and week ahead.


Mae Travels said...

How convenient to rent a place with a bedroom for each dog! As well as for yourselves of course. I love your scenery photos. I’ve never seen that type of church towers.
best, mae at

Angie's Recipes said...

LOL Pete is clever :-) The beach pictures are really nice...I look forward to the pictures of National Park.

Iris Flavia said...

So sad to know Maddie cannot see anymore. Maybe in her brain old scenes come around with the movement of the car?
Oh, boy, they really have everything in French, too. The French sure are a pride folk (like the Aussies).
Our Brunswick is asparagus-area. btw.
Ack... road construction... ack!
Hmmm, you make me hungry. Nice bridge! And the ocean.... LOL. Time-zones. Australia comes to mind. We traveled pre-internet, boy, that was confusing...
I maybe was too young (14) I can´t remember silver steeples in France. If I ever go again (my French is not good anymore) I´ll have an eye on this!
Grilled cheese!!!! "Want!"
Your bed, also????? To the wall??? Why? What are people thinking? How is the person at night to get out to pee? No!
Pete sure is... a fun weirdo (I mean that in a loving way).

Have a great T-Day, this post sure was FUN. Hugs.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Those steeples are absolutely emblematic of Québec villages, and it is the first thing you see as you approach. Takes me right back to the days when I lived there. Happy memories. All the best - David

Anonymous said...

Lovely scenery and happy T! -Christine

Tom said...

...I would enjoy taking this trip, but until I do, I will enjoy your pictures.

Let's Art Journal said...

Canada looks so beautiful, we've never been so I loved travelling with you! Pete looks very comfy on the bed he found and I bet the farmhouse was a great place to relax - fabulous 😊. So glad you had such happy travels and I could just eat that burger plate right about now, maybe with a beer! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x