Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Lots of Swirly Dots

      Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week to you. 

Today I have some dots to share. Dots is Mia's theme over at Art Journal Journey.

     The dotty background is made using some very old clear stamps and a couple of different ink colors. Then I used a bit of pink watercolor paint too. I added some bits of ephemera including a chipboard sun, some punched out buttons as well as a yellow arrow from an old game that was left in my classroom and that I scavenged the arrow (well  a few arrows) from. I stamped the quote. I am craving sunshine because it seems like we've had hardly any days when it stays sunny all day lately. I also finished my page with just a bit of white paint splashing. 

      I'm also still in art supply/art room cleaning mode. I'm glad to be doing it, but sometimes it seems like it isn't getting done fast enough. 😏

And did you notice the moon the other night?

Have a great middle of your week.



nwilliams6 said...

Fabulous use of dots, Erika - so fun and full of pretty colors. When you are done with organizing/cleaning up the art supplies please come here! Great moon picture. Hugz

Rostrose said...

Dear Erika, your Hello Sunshine page with the swirling dots looks great! And yes, we need sunshine at the moment, too.
I'm also in tidying up mode - and I'm not making very quick progress either. A lot of things accumulate over the years... And it's hard to decide what to keep and what to give away...
Your moon photo is wonderful!
Thank you for your New Year's wishes!
Hugs and all the best from Austria, Traude

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning what a great theme for the journal challenge this month. I am really enjoying the wolf moon this month very much It is very bright

Tom said...

...we have swirling white dots this morning.

Jamie Ghione said...

Looks good!

Angie's Recipes said...

I LOVE the butterfly!! A beautiful page, Erika.

Iris Flavia said...

Great page and it speaks to me so well today!!!
A grey day, yesterday was even worse, my heart sank and today... in my heart is SUNSHINE :-)
Beautiful moon, too. One expects some witches flying through on their brooms ;-)
Hugs and to a great rest-week.

*Vicki* said...

Wow! So fabulous with the colors and swirly dots! Loving the collage of images over it too! I think January is probably known to be a "clean" season time! I started a very small pile and then I had enough and had to take a break for another day! LOL On the bright side, maybe you'll find something cool!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

This is brilliantly designed, the journal page is so beautiful!
I could really use some sun again, it's been foggy all day long here for a few days and it will be the same tomorrow.
I hope you have a good tidy-up! Hugs Elke

Christine said...

Lovely dots, tried to see mars beside the moon the other night but it was cloudy

redbox+ Dumpsters of North Central Ohio said...

This is a really cool post! Being in the dumpster rental industry for a number of years now, it always saddens me seeing the art that some people throw away. Art is such a gift in this world. Yours is wonderful. Keep sharing it !

Neet said...

Love your swirly dot design. It reminds me of some diamante I once had for sticking on t shirts. It was a phase I went through (sticking diamante on t shirts). The additional ephemera you used to make your picture works so well and I love that little bird house.
Hugs, Neet xx

NatureFootstep said...

You reminded me. I have been lazy creating art lately. Mabe it is time to start again. :) Loved to see the butterfly.

peppylady (Dora) said...

The moon is sure lovely dot in the sky.

Sharon Fritchman said...

Hi Erika! Yes, my husband and I definitely noticed the moon the other morning (we try to take our dog for a walk early every morning), and we see it as it continues to get smaller each day, too. Your photo is stunning! And I absolutely love your dotty background on your art. The swirly dots look amazing here, as well as your butterfly, green sun and arrow. I agree - we need more sunshine here, too. And good luck with your art room cleaning. I definitely need to organize my room better and especially throw away or donate some things that I never use. Thanks for sharing!! Hugs, Sharon

Mia said...

I LOVE your dotted background, Erika! And beautiful photo of the moon! I need to clean my craft room too! Thank you for entering our challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Co-administrator for AJJ {My Blog}

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your dots.
Nice photograph of the moon.

All the best Jan