Monday, January 27, 2025

T Stands for Not Much to Share

      Hi everyone. It's another Monday evening and that means it is once again time for T. Last week was a really quiet week for me, but it flew by anyhow. Now here we are for T over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blogs .

     Most of last week it was pretty chilly,  and for a few days it was too cold to even walk. (It was -10  degrees F/ -23 degrees C a couple of mornings with wind so I can only guess what the actual feel temperature was. Brrrr.)  Here's a few photos right before that brutal cold spell, when I did get out walking.

The tree shadows in this next photo almost make the ice seem folded.

But the various textures the ice takes on is always interesting.

I particularly like these frozen pup prints. I'm not sure if they were made by Miss Maddie or Mr. Pete.

For my drink this week I'll share some homemade butternut squash soup that I made.  Since it was thick but didn't have any unblended additions  I could drink it from a  mug.

Then I came down with a head cold last week, and I think sleeping Pete best describes how I spent a few days. 😏

Luckily I am feeling back to normal from that. 👍

    This week it seems like we're right back into winter with some more blustery days and maybe even a bit of expected snowfall.  But the days are definitely getting longer 😏 and the few extra minutes of sunlight on either end is really noticeable.  Plus, we'll be moving into February before the next T day arrives. I hope you have an excellent T day and week ahead. 


Mae Travels said...

Deep freeze and hibernation seem to be the norm for a lot of people around here. For excitement I went to the dentist. Nothing new there.
I hope your life picks up… mae at

peppylady (Dora) said...

My blog post is very short today. Dog looks like he having a nice sleep.

Christine said...

Nice warming soup!

Tom said...

...being a dog looks like a tough life!

Angie's Recipes said...

Mr. Pete is so cute! And so bloody cold over there...

Katerinas Blog said...

Let's enjoy the winter with relaxation and wait for the spring for more!!

Iris Flavia said...

-32C?!!! Oh, lordy! Awful! And, yes, beautiful, too...The paws, awww.
Well, hope you are much better by now and Spring will soon be on the way...
Have a great T-Day, hugs

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your weather temps and mine are about the same. It's been the winter the weather people will be talking about for years to come. LOVE the paw prints.

Sorry you have been ill. I can feel your pain.

Your butternut squash soup looks delicious. The only thing I have made this week is egg salad to use up the last of the "cheap" eggs. Thanks for sharing your soup and icy world with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

hels said...

The dog doesn't look cold or uncomfortable. He looks like he is in heaven.

Aimeslee Winans said...

Omgosh, cooooolllllddddd! Your soup looks delish. I thoroughly enjoyed the tag and your pages this week, think my fave was the deer, loved the sky. Nice museum trip and good to know the days are lengthening, had not noticed yet. Hope your week is warmer, xox

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your butternut squash soup reminds me that we should make a new batch, since the last batch has all gone. I am sure we could drink it from a cup too, but it’s thick and there would probably be a spoonful or two coating the sides. It would be a good time to test the length of my tongue! All the best - David

kathyinozarks said...

I am thinking winter will be sticking around longer this year here though we are getting a bit of warm up-loving that-hoping it will rid us of the rest of the ice here. Loved your photos-glad you are feeling better Happy Tuesday

*Vicki* said...

Pete looks very cozy among all of that cold! LOL Your squash soup look yummy! Now the warm up has come over my way! I've hardly seen any snow so far...I think it went further south from us!

Violetta said...

Seems to be really frosty over there. I really don´t know if I would like to drink this yellow soup. Thanks for your nice visit to my blog.
All the best

Jeanie said...

Your soup looks delish! I did the same (the hardest part was cutting the squash open to roast!). Mine had an Indian flavor with garam masala and coconut milk. What's yours like? I love seeing Pete. And your icy snow is lovely!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hope you are feeling better, Erika, and yum on that butternut squash soup. I have been thinking about making some things week, so not have the "inspiration." We are having a very windy, but not Arctic cold day today.

Carola Bartz said...

Butternut squash soup - yum! Perfect for a cold winter day. Thankfully -10F is "only" -23C and not -32, but still freezing cold. I experienced it sometimes in Germany when we had exceptionally cold winters, and it certainly wasn't fun. I remember that while still dating, my husband and I went out in the night to take photos of the illumintated Dom in Erfurt, East Germany. It was -28C and after 30 minutes we were done. Well, we were young back then - today I would prefer doing what Pete did. Your winter photos are exquisite, Erika, I especially like the first one with the sun poking through the trees. Happy T day! Hugs - Carola

Shari Burke said...

I hope you're feeling better now! I really enjoyed your photos. I could feel the chill and the first one brought back memories of when we lived in the woods in Fairbanks.

Empire of the Cat said...

Lovely wintry photos and I love those paw prints! I also love pumpkin soup, just what you need when you're not feeling well. Glad you're feeling better, happy T day!

Lisca said...

Lovely snow photos. And that paw print...awww.. The butternut soup looks very tasty. I cooked a meal with buttrnut squash today. I spiralized half a squash and then made parcels with oven parchment, layering a slab of cod, thin slice of onion and olives on top of the butternut squash. Then in the oven for 20 min. Everybody has an individual parcel. It always is a success.
I think I'll make soup with the rest of the squash. Good idea.
clean and maintain your milk frother
Happy T-Day,

Sharon Madson said...

A cold can get us down, but sleeping is good for it. I am glad you are better. We have upper 50s today. I just got back from my first walk outside since before Christmas! But we are to get snow or rain and colder temps. So, today was it! Happy T day.

Lowcarb team member said...

Yum! Your butternut squash soup looks delicious.

All the best Jan

Neet said...

Love how dogs often sleep with a tip of a tongue showing. I hope you didn't have your tongue out when you were in bed (lol).
Love the doggy prints on the bricks and whilst the ice shadows reminded you of the ice being folded I could see steps in the snowy ice.
Hope you feel much better now.
Hugs, Neet xx
ps bet you nipped back to look at the snowy icy steps

The Happy Whisk said...

I love the photo with the sun looking through the trees. Took one similar years ago and I just love that sorta thing.

Fundy Blue said...

I'm glad that you recovered from your head cold, Erika. I love your photos. Take care!