Thursday, November 14, 2019


Hi everyone. 
Today is day 14 of Art Every Day Month.  And today for Art Every Day Month I just have some snippets of a big project I am working on. Between drying paint and matte medium this project is taking me quite awhile to get through.
And I am not finished yet.

I promise once finished I will share!
Stay warm if it cold where you are and if it's warm, stay cool.

Thanks for visiting.


Valerie-Jael said...

Looks like you are having fun completing a big job! Hugs, Valerie

craftytrog said...

Looks interesting, can't wait to see the finished project! xx

Cath Wilson said...

Now I'm intrigued...which is the aim, I guess? It's looking good, whatever it is. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result. Hope you're enjoying the long process... it's a while since I've worked on something that took a while to complete, though I do often wait between layers of texture paste, etc.
Have a great day!
Cath x

CJ Kennedy said...

This looks so fun. I love the kitty. Of course. 😺 Hope you're staying warm

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Oh wow, Erika, you sure know how to tease us. This looks like a BIG project. And who wouldn't love a cute cat, too?

NatureFootstep said...

yeah, seems like a lot of work :) Just keep going :)

Birgit said...

I love that cat! I can see a lot of detail is going into this project which has something to do with Christmas I am thinking. An Advent calendar?

CAAC said...


Hmm, a big project. Piecing together the artwork samples I have to ask, are you making an advent calendar? That's what came to mind almost instantly. I love what you've revealed thus far, though. It has a vintage feel to it.

I appreciated your visit yesterday. It's always a nice surprise when someone new pops in. :) May I make a few suggestions? This might help to get new people to find you easier when they see your comment and that is to make sure your Google profile has your blog URL listed. I noticed your Gravatar profile that you used on my WP site does not have a direct link, either. Unless someone knows you or how to find you then it might be a challenge for others to locate you. :)

Have a doodletastic day!

sheila 77 said...

Oh gosh, this looks intriguing.
I like the lady singing and the cat.

DVArtist said...

I am intrigued and can't wait to see it finished.

Jeanie said...

Can't wait to see the finished piece! This should be loads of fun!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Oooh, I like these snippets. I've been humming Christmas songs, then catching myself, and telling myself to stop. I don't like hearing Christmas music until Dec 1. I think before that is too soon. But I enjoy seeing Christmas artwork at this point.