Wednesday, June 19, 2024

2 Pages from My Greece Travel Journal

 Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday.  We're in for a real summery day today, hot and very humid. I'm not a fan of humidity, but it is summer (or just about). Luckily it's not going to be a long spell of this super sticky weather.

     Today is also the newest US Holiday called Juneteenth. It is the day the last remaining slaves in the US found freedom in 1865, even though slavery was abolished by the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. I find it hard to wrap my mind about the concept of "owning" people. Although today with human trafficking and racial judgments,  it's sad to think some things are still with us just under different titles. 

  I have a couple of different types of pages from my Greece journal. I am going to share them for Matilde's "What Make You Happy" challenge at Art Journal Journey. The theme of both of these pages are things I like to do when I travel. One is to try new food, including snacks, and two is to see the various signs we come across.

This first page isn't super attractive nor particularly artistic, but it makes my point. I don't know why it came out so blue, because I use the white adjuster in Photoshop to the maximum. You might also remember that we did an alphabet list of words relating to our trip, and I added a couple of letters from that list to this page. I also added some black dots to try to some something with these glued down labels. 

This second page also didn't photograph very well because it is a small page inside some larger ones.  It is my tribute to signs, especially all the cow signs we saw.  We never did see any cows though, which is the point of my page. 

That’s all for me.  Have a super middle of your week. 


ashok said...

Very creative pages

Angie's Recipes said...

Hot and humid is the worst combination. I don't mind hot and sick every summer when I still lived at my hometown..bloody humid that you can see the walls sweat all summer time. I love the cow page!

Tom said...

...signs seem to be everywhere.

Iris Flavia said...

Lucky you with summer - still brrr here.
Thank you for the history lesson and yes... will we ever learn anything or just rename things.
Instead of Jelly I´d chose pizza, but your page reminds me of the .. we called them Bonbons you got at the doc after any procedure :-)
I miss cows, too!! And sheep. And the country. To a summer, hugs!

Katerinas Blog said...

These creations are amazing!
My favorite is the first one!
Yes, heat and humidity are the worst combination!!
Have a nice day!

Mia said...

Hi Erika. The first page with the candies you tasted is super unique and inspirational. The second one is very funny and I love it. Well, the truth is that this sign is not for cows, it is for all country animals in general, sheep for example. Kisses, my friend.

Christine said...

Nice pages today.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely pages. Perhaps the sign is telling cows to go away?! Hugs!

Neet said...

When we used to do a lot of travel across Europe my then, little boy, was fascinated by the signs he saw and the mispronunciation of the places we passed in foreign places.
We have a photograph in the guest loo of some sunflowers from France, we saw so many, fields of gold; but I don't remember seeing cows funnily enough. Love your cow page.
Hugs Neet xx

Jamie Ghione said...

Laughing at the cows sign!

*Vicki* said...

I need to remember to save these wrappers for my pages! I love that you've done that especially keepsakes from your travels! That would make me happy too! Love your take on the second page with the cows! LOL Hope you stay cool!

Divers and Sundry said...

Greece sounds like a dream trip!

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks for sharing these two pages.
Wishing you a happy Wednesday.

All the best Jan

Aimeslee Winans said...

Those are great pages for your journal, just what you want to remember. Seeing the dots, I have to share what I just saw. We all have way too much Stickles, right? If you take a transparency sheet or page protector, you can make little dots with all your different Stickles colors, let it dry overnight, then peel them off to use as confetti. Also Liquid Pearls. They flatten as they dry.
In weather news, I saw Colorado U's hurrican forecast probabilities for 2024 and Texas is at 42% probability of a major Cat 4-5 but what shocked me was NH is at 35%, that's not much lower than us --WUTTTT??? October cannot get here fast enough. This whatever it's called tropical system hasn't been bad for us, but there's been lots of street/yard flooding from the baywater pushing into the bayous and waterways because of the wind plus the rain we are getting. Thank God not the foot they predicted, only 3-4 inches altogether here. The map of the Gulf looks ridiculous with circles, just glad they are lower level storms! XOX

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm playing catch up this evening. I admit I completely forgot about Juneteenth this year. I also forgot my friend Joseph's birthday on the 9th.

How clever to save food and drink wrappers from Greece. They are great souvenirs for your travel journal.

I laughed at the cows sign and you never saw a cow while in Greece. Another great entry for Matilde's theme at AJJ, dear Erika.