Hi everyone. Happy first T day in June. I hope your month has started off well for you.
Not to complain but just to mention, last week I had a tough week. Monday/Memorial Day I was up early to go work at the lake. I took a shower and then put on a load of towels to wash. After about an hour I went upstairs to brush my teeth and the water in the faucet was no more than a trickle. Luckily it was a holiday and my husband was home from work for the day. I hollered down to him with the situation. We both thought our well pump had gone, but he figured he'd check downstairs in the basement. Good thing he did because at a spot where a filter was tied into our water treatment system there was a good sized leak.
Perhaps leaking is too mild a word.
I snapped a quick photo (ignore our basement mess please!) while I was moving things out into the garage before I headed out to work. The poor hubby spent his day off vaccing up the water and fixing the leak. Sadly, that fix didn't quite work, so he took Tuesday off and replumb the system.
Luckily now the basement is dry, and there are no leaks. It's a good thing he is a handy guy. ❤ Tuesday was also a tough day for us in another way.
A few months ago Maddie developed diabetes. Her glucose levels have been strange. The insulin has gotten her drinking and needing to go out for the bathroom under control, but it hasn't brought her blood sugar levels down. Sadly, it is very easy for dogs to go blind with diabetes and high blood sugar, and Maddie is now blind. Poor Maddie. I can't imagine what it is like to have her whole world become a giant blur. We're afraid this might be the beginning of the end, because if we can't control her blood sugar, other things can start to go wrong. 😢
Needless to say I've been in a pretty low mood this past week. I've been researching and trying to take on this blood glucose challenge. I don't think our vet has been the most helpful, but she has tried. One of the techs told me they don't deal with a lot of diabetic dogs. The specialist appointment I made isn't until early July (unless they get a cancellation-I can hope). Maddie is smart though, and we're already in the process of training her with a new commands to walk around and do steps. She's doing well with that, but it is hard to watch her walk into things as she figures out how to move around. I hope we can all make this adjustment and have her in our lives for longer than we've been feeling lately.
I don't want this post to be a total downer, because there were some things that made me happy. Here they are:
My irises are blooming, including some new white and dark purple bulbs I planted last fall.

My daughter came home Saturday to spend the night, and Sunday morning we went for a really nice long walk on a local rail trail.
She also found these cool scratch off maps in the Target dollar section. We had fun scratching off the states we had visited. Here's my map. (I've been to airports in a few of my no-scratched states, but we're only scratching states if we'd visited with more that just an airport layover.)
My azalea is still blooming, and it, as well as some other flowers, are attracting many various swallowtail butterflies. At one time I counted 6 butterflies on this azalea at one time.
This black swallowtail seemed to like my ground phlox better.
Mama and Papa bluebird have babies in the blue bird house. The other day I was working in the veggie garden, which is near their house, and they were both waiting and watching for me to leave so they could bring their babies some food. I'm looking forward to seeing when the fledglings leave the nest.
I have also gotten my veggie garden set up too. Other than some tomatoes and green peppers in a different raised bed, I'm going very low key in my veggie garden this year.
And lastly I need a drink for T day over at
Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog this week. Since my yard and gardens are making me happy right now, I'm going to share this photo for this week's drink.
My honeybees love to get a drink of water at my birdbath. The reason you see some terracotta pieces in the birdbath (on the top of the photo) is so that the bees have extra places to land.
That's all for me this week. I hope you have a happy T day and week ahead.
...plumbing problems are never fun.
I can relate to water in the basement. Been there, had it happen. That's the time shop vacs are so very helpful.
So sorry to read about Maddie. That makes me sad. I am so glad you are working with her in order for her to avoid many obstacles.
Your irises are gorgeous. I miss mine, so I will just have to appreciate yours.
What a clever drink selection you have given us this week, Erika. Thanks for sharing the bees drinking. Also, thanks for letting us know about Maddie and your basement flood for T this week.
Sorry about that leak glad it was fixed. Nice that you saw your daughter. -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com
You took a scary day and turned it beautiful. Very impressive! We lived on our boat for 20 years, so water coming in is one of my nightmares and hearing running water unexpectedly in the house sets me into a panic, LOL. Whenever anything happens in the apartment, I always say well, at least we won't drown. All best wishes to you, dear friend Aloha
Good grief, Charlie Brown! No wonder you've been down -- even with all the good things (and beautiful irises!) it is still such a load, physically and emotionally. Even the good things (like the garden) take energy to maintain. I've lived through water so I can truly emphasize with this one. I'm just grateful that you husband is as handy as he is -- that would cost a bloody fortune. As for Maddie, I'm so sorry she's having to adjust to this new way of being. She's such a sweet, good smart girl, but I know it is hard for everyone to see her have her learning curve stretched. I love that photo of her on the stairs.
Hang in there, my friend. You've got this.
Caring for an aging pet is a real labor of love, and I wish you well with your poor Maddie.
best, mae
Congrats on an excellent choice of husband! My daddy could fix anything. My hubby on the other hand 😂
I'm so sorry about your sweet dog. I trust the specialist will be able to manage it so you'll have her for many happy years ahead.
What gorgeous irises. They are our state flower, so I appreciate them. And those other flowers are lovely. That's a scenic spot- a pretty place for a walk.
You are lucky to get the bluebirds. They don't find our patio space suitable, so I love seeing your photos. I haven't seen hers in months :(
Oh wow it is a good thing your husband knows how to fix things. our basement still has water in it do to Larry's bad fall-sigh we were working on fixing that
lovely flowers, I lost my black iris in the move. loved your drink entry for T
was nice to spend time with your daughter. so sorry about your family fur member-so difficult when get older-we still cry over out Nikita.
Have a good week Kathy
Honey bees in the birdbath suggest that neither creature fears the other... they live in harmony :)
If your basement is a mess, then you should take a look at mine LOL...lots of water there, I hope that you have somebody to help you to clean it up.
Poor Maddie :-((( maybe just feed her raw meat, no carbs at all..
Fortunately, the difficulties passed and the flow stopped!
The irises are gorgeous!
The butterfly is enjoying her day!
I hope you have a beautiful month!
WOW on your new header! Love it!
Oh, boy, what a "leak"!!!!
Oh. Poor Maddie. Oh. I´m so sorry.
Fun scratch off map and yay to the flowers. No such luck here.
To bees - have a happy T-Day, hugs
Oh Erika, I feel sorry about your troubles with hous troubles and about Maddie's illness. It's comon that dogs have same heath problems as people. My past dog got heart illness and start to cough up in his old age. He had same kind of medicines as people, and lived 16 years old 🐕
I wish you get all solved with house and you all are well and can enjoy your beautful garden 👏🌸🍒🐝
P.S. I love your new happy banner ❤️
So sorry about the water and glad your husband could fix it. Poor Maddie, I know how much you love her, and can imagine how hard this is for you all. Pets are part of the family and I hope she will continue to be at your side. Hugs, Valerie
What a great T-Day photo! Bees drinking! That made my day!
So sad to hear Maddie has diabetes. My friend Dian's dog Rhoda is diabetic too, but she is on insulin and seems to be well regulated. Trying to find a convenient place to take blood to check the sugar levels has been an ongoing problem. But I think she doesn't need to check so often now. Rhoda is a Rottweiler and is probably slightly smaller than Maddie. Poor Maddie. Good thing she is so smart.
Beautiful flowers in your garden. The azalea is spectacular!
Happy T-Day,
Its a while since I had a catch up Erika. First of all I can imagine the feelings you have just now about Maddie, our furry friends are members of our family.
I hope all your water problems at home are resolved and good that your OH could deal with the problem.
Take care
Yvonne xx
P.S., LOL, I did comment on Erika´s blog, train-wise 🤣
Oh gosh, when it rains, it pours sometimes. So sorry you had the leak and then to have Miss Maddie's vision lost. Prayers sent for finding a way to get her sugars under control! Gorgeous irises and a gret start to your veggies. Happy middle week, xoxo
You have every right to complain. That was not an enjoyable start to the week, and it is doubtless heartbreaking when a pet is suffering. Despite having spent my entire life intimately involved with animals, I have never had a desire to have domestic pets. Perhaps it was a good decision. All the best - David
Water in the basement is such a pita. Good thing your hubster is so handy. Oh, poor Maddie and poor you. Your garden is awesome. I'm so jealous you have bluebirds never mind baby bluebirds. I love the bees getting a drink out of your birdbath. Happy T Day and take care.
I can totally relate to a tough week! Sorry about your sweet fur baby and sending hugs. Love that you have a lovely space in nature! TFS
I am sorry to read about Maddie, I wish I knew more about diabetes in dogs and could be helpful ... but alas I can't! I am very pleased that you are able to work with her and help her though.
Beautiful flowers in your garden.
Sending lots of good wishes.
All the best Jan
Ypur iris and azaleas are beautiful and I a sorry about the flooded basement but it is the post about Maddie that got to me the most. Certainly did make for an unhappy read.
I do hope that you can have her for a good while longer in your lives, I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a pet who is more than that, they are a member of the family. Roll on July for you or hopefully a cancellation much much earlier.
Give her a hug from me
Hugs, Neet xx
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