Thursday, June 13, 2024

Beautiful Days

    Hi everyone.  
      I'm back today with another page for Matilde's What Makes You Happy challenge at Art Journal Journey  One thing that makes me happy is being by, on, or just in the vicinity the ocean. I sometimes think it's because I must have a lot of Viking DNA that was passed down to me. Ha-ha Grin!

      I'm also linking up to Creative Artiste MIxed Media Challenge blog. Their challenges are always Anything Goes, and this time it is challenge #105.

      This is a page from my Greece journal. The background paper reminded me of the many times I was near the ocean in that country including riding a ferry, driving along the shore, or walking near the shore.  The paper was only 8x8 inches, so I had some space on the top and bottom of my page. I filled in the bottom with some die cut waves (using a very old QuicKuzt die) that I then added some white glitter glue too. Along the top I used some fabric ric-rac trim. I would have loved to stitch down that trim in, but sadly the page behind this was already finished and I didn't want to ruin it with stitching. I also added a layered frame, an older quote as well as a die cut seagull.

     Last week after my allergy shot appointment I met up with a friend, and we went for a walk at the shore at Odiorne State Park. It was warm, but not really humid, plus there was a lovely breeze off the water so we had a nice walk. Thought I would share some photos today.

Did you spot the painter?

The path right along the beach looked like it had been re-sanded. It was pretty walking through this patch of beach roses.

Further along we came to pink ones too.

And along the trail, there was a patch of beautiful irises. This was an area of an old homestead, so maybe someone planted them long ago. I don't know.

I just love this part of the park and walking under these oak trees.

And of course the ocean is always great to see.  This view is at one end of the park overlooking a harbor.

The jetty marks the end of the harbor. Some day I am going to be here when the tide is low and when  I can walk out to end of this jetty. I think that the wet area just beyond the first rocks looks a little sketchy when there's water up around it.

And here's some views out to open ocean. (well mostly)

Tomorrow for Friday Face Off I'll have some ocean views from Greece.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and have a great Thursday.



Hels said...

The path along the beach and the walk between the oak trees are lovely areas, especially in summer I am guessing. The photos will draw other visitors.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I only spotted the painter after you pointed him out, Erika. He could be used as a study in camouflage! All the best - David

Tom said...

...I wish you many beautiful days.

Jamie Ghione said...

Beach roses? Never heard of those.

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful artwork!
Oh, I miss the ocean. And seagulls, stealing food or not! To (hopefully soon) summer (still too cold here) - hugs!

craftytrog said...

Beautiful photos Erika, and I love your page!
Water always has such a calming effect doesn't it?!

craftytrog said...

Beautiful photos Erika, and I love your page!
Water always has such a calming effect doesn't it?!

Divers and Sundry said...

Happiness! I live many an hour's drive away from an ocean, but it does sound and look delightful 😊

Angie's Recipes said...

The page looks beautiful and I love the quote. I love the beach views too.

*Vicki* said...

Fabulous page today! I love that quote very much and it's so true! What a beautiful set of photos to look at! Thank you!

Valerie-Jael said...

I always love nature photos, and when there's the ocean or a river or lake included, then I get very happy! Great page, too! Hugs, Valerie

Valerie-Jael said...

And yyes, I did see the painter! Hugs!

Mae Travels said...

Your photos are beautiful and peaceful.
best, mae

Christine said...

Nice art and lovely photos!

kathyinozarks said...

Awesome page Erika, and I enjoyed all the photos
Hugs Kathy

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love this page you created for the two challenges. I especially like the frame and the gorgeous picture of the ocean. I can see why this made you happy. I also LOVE the irises and the real ocean in your photos. Thanks for sharing this with Matilde's theme at Art Journal Journey.

Lowcarb team member said...

I did enjoy your photographs but have to admit I only saw the painter after you'd pointed him out!

Have a happy end of week.

All the best Jan

CJ Kennedy said...

This page and your photos make me happy. Looks a bit like the Marginal way

Aimeslee Winans said...

My heart lept when I saw your page. It's one I wished I'd made. Pisces unite! hahaha And that jetty does look sketchy. I may in for a bad time next week on the dirty side of TS Alberto if it makes. The usual weather people alarmists are already freaking out. Oh joy. xoxo

Andree said...

A wonderful art journal page. You've extended it beautifully with the die cuts and rik rak making it seem like they were meant to be. The glitter on the waves is fabulous and the frame has done a perfect job highlighting the lovely sentiment and seagull.
Thank you for joining in with our June challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media. Good luck! x

Neet said...

I think I have Viking blood in me too. And I feel happy when I am besides water although I am no swimmer. If I am feeling down or something I just long to travel to the nearest seaside place to us so going to our caravan in the country is ideal as it is only 15 minutes to the sea.
Your page is beautiful, love the colours and everything about it.
Similarly love the photos fro your walk, it reminded me so much of Anglesey in Wales. We used to holiday there (caravan again) lots of the time and so many walks were similar to the one you took with your friend.
Hugs, Neet xx