Friday, June 21, 2024

More of Greece

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Boy this month is buzzing right by since it is already the 21st of June.

     Today I have some more photos from Greece. Thank you everyone who mentioned you are enjoying them. I never know how much gets to be too much, but I guess if people are sick of something they'd just skip the blog post. 😏

    Today's photos are from Delphi. We had a lovely little hotel (Delphi Acropole City Hotel) for the  night we were there, and being March, it wasn't very crowded. Look at the sunset view from our hotel balcony.

We also spent the next day exploring the ancient site and the museum on that site. Here are a few photos with some faces for Nicole's Friday Face Off  and Gillena's  Friday Lunch Break  at  the Archaeological  Museum in Delphi. Everything in this museum was dug up at the ancient site. The Ancient Greeks considered Delphi to be the center of the world, because according to mythology,  Zeus threw 2 stones, each one in different directions, and this is where they both landed. Delphi was also home to the Oracle, the source that was considered when decisions needed to be made in  ancient times. There's no smoke left that the oracle used so if I had any important decisions to make, Delphi's oracle couldn't help me- grin.

The site is on the side of Mount Parnassus, which is now part of a Greek National Park.

One thing that surprised me (but that I found interesting) was how some of the items dug up at Delphi almost have an Egyptian look. That is true for these 2 large statues.  I guess that was as true then as it is today.

I love the idea that we can see pieces of the past that have been dug out of the ground. You can guess after that statement that I really enjoyed this museum and the archaeological site. I’ll share more in another post.

Delphi is also a town with some good restaurants and interesting shops.

Thanks for visiting.  And have a great start to your weekend also.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sure that the visit to the museum was quite fabulous. It is always so interesting to connect with the past in this manner. As for the Oracle, it might have been wise for modern politicians in Greece to have consulted it. They might have done a better job running the country. All the best - David

Katerinas Blog said...

Thanks Erika for the photos and information about Delphi.
The Oracle of Delphi was very important to Ancient Greece and the Homeric Years and has a very long history.
The male statues were called "kouroi" and the female ones "daughters".

Tom said...

...thanks for taking me along on this mini tour. I doubt if I'll ever make it on my own.

Angie's Recipes said...

The view from your hotel balcony is amazing!

Christine said...

Wonderful Greece!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful photos and love the antiquities, really fabulous! I could look at photos all day, and often do just that! So keep them coming! Hugs, Valerie

Jeanie said...

I love your balcony view and the museum looks fascinating! Such old stuff -- makes you realize how young our country is. Delphi looks like a pretty and fun city. Love these pix!

R's Rue said...

I love the Grecian photos.

kathyinozarks said...

Wow you enjoyed such fabulous views from your hotel
We get a few archeology magazines in the mail for interesting reading. I do enjoy your travel blogs-since I see no traveling in my future at the moment I really like to view them and you take good photos too.
happy friday Kathy

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your balcony view and enjoyed seeing your photographs from the museum.

All the best Jan

DVArtist said...

I wish I was there right now. These are some amazing pieces of art. Thank you for joining FFO and have a wonderful weekend.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Looks nice and warm

Fundy Blue said...

The artifacts are beautiful, Erika, and the sunset photos are wonderful! I hope that you have a great weekend. Stay cool!

Gillena Cox said...

Wow!!! nice of you to share . Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


*Vicki* said...

What amazing views! You've got a perfect area to enjoy it all! The art work is so intriguing! What a trip of a life time!

Divers and Sundry said...

How can photos of Greece ever be too much?! This may be as close as I ever get, so thanks!

That balcony view!!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I agree with Nita about the photos. I also thought your balcony views were stunning. Was that an ash tray on the table?

Amazing views of the museum. Those statues were HUGE!!! Thanks for this mini trip. I love seeing your photos.

Soma @ said...

I am certainly enjoying your Greece travel photos. Gorgeous view and I love the photos of the city itself. Connection between Greece and Egypt - thank you for pointing that out, I will look into it a bit more. What a fabulous journey, Erika!


Neet said...

That view from your balcony was absolutely awesome! How lucky and how lovely to have that view each day you were there.
Delphi looks a lovely town and I too find it strange how things dug up have an Egyptian look about them.
Hugs, Neet xx