Saturday, October 12, 2024

Autumn Leaves

 Hi everyone. Happy weekend.  To those of you in Canada, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving weekend. And if you're in the US, I hope you get a long weekend for Indigenous People (Columbus) Day on Monday to enjoy. 

     Today I have  photos of autumn color to share with you. These first few are from our recent Quebec trip and are taken in Gaspe National Park. The interesting thing about the Gaspe Peninsula is that you have the ocean or St. Lawrence River and then just a few miles inland you have 4,000 foot mountains in the Northern end of the Appalachian Mountain Range. In a few spots there are mountains right at the waterline.

These first few not only have some pretty autumn colors, but also have some cool low clouds.

A few of these photos are from the road, and I included the road because I think it helps add some scale.

These next photos also have some pretty color and are also of some 4,000 foot mountains in the Appalachian chain.  These were taken  several days later at the very end of our trip, as we drove down through Franconia Notch in my home state of New Hampshire on our way home.

     I think the color was just a tad bit more in Franconia Notch, and that was probably for 2 reasons. One, it was a few days later than our being in Gaspe National Park, and two, these mountains are not as close to any large water body (the ocean or St. Lawrence River) as Gaspe National Park is. That water definitely has some  temperature tempering, although  much of the leaf color change comes from the amount of daylight not temperature. Or it could just be that there are fewer evergreens in this area also.

     Today would have been my mother's 95th birthday. Funny, my brother and I were talking, and he always feels sadder on the day each of my parents passed, and I always feel their loss on their birthdays. I'm just going to have to find something fun to do today like make and then have a slice of chocolate cake which was my mother's favorite. 😀

    Enjoy the start to your weekend. 


David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is rugged, beautiful country. People come from all over the world to experience it. I hope your dogs appreciated it! All the best- David

Angie's Recipes said...

It's beautiful! The one in the middle had plenty of autumnal colours and the clouds looked so dramatic.

Harvee said...

Lovely fall photos! Happy birthday to your mom. Mine would have been over 100 this year.
Didn't realize that Canada has Thanksgiving this weekend. Some in laws are coming down from Toronto today for the weekend. Glad I know it's their holiday.

Tom said...

...I once saw these sights when I was a young boy, thanks for the reminders!

CJ Kennedy said...

Really beautiful scenery up your way. We're getting a lot of color showing down here, too. I think a chocolate cake is a great way to celebrate your mom's birthday. My fork is ready. What time are you serving cake?