Sunday, October 20, 2024

By The Light of the Moon

     Hi everyone. Happy Sunday. I hope your weekend is going well. We're having some warm October weather after a couple of pretty cold weeks. And with the colorful foliage, it's just a lovely weekend. ❤

     I'm back today with another  journal page for Alison's Autumn Colors and Inspiration at Art Journal Journey. I am also linking up to GIllena's Sunday Smiles.

    This is another page from my autumn journal I made last month. You can see I used a lot of scraps of paper including this sky view paper on my page. I also used my sewing machine to stitch the edges of my page because I pulled the spiral apart and took out the pages to work on them. (Afterwards I put them back into the spiral binding.)

     I liked the steampunk cat. He doesn't have to be black  because this isn't a Halloween page, but he does have some cool kitty goggles. I think he lives with a mad scientist in the beautiful house behind him. 

     My autumn thoughts behind this  page were just how much shorter the days are; hence how much longer the nights are. With leaves still on the trees in my yard, I am needing to start turning on lights in some rooms by 2:30 in the afternoon. Once we lose the leaves I get a bit more afternoon sun, but the sun is so low right now the leaves block a lot of it.

     To finish off my page I also used a punch out set of leaves, some small black half craft-pearls, some black lace tape as well as a metallic paper moon. The quote is a printed piece of chipboard. 

     Keeping this post short. Have a great rest of your weekend and start to the new week. 



kathyinozarks said...

Love your journal page

David M. Gascoigne, said...

October weather here has become ridiculous. Yesterday it got up to 21 degrees C and we took our lunch to a local park and ate at a picnic table. It’s a little crazy for late October. All the best - David

Angie's Recipes said...

That's a cute kitty! I love that leaf..

Jamie Ghione said...

The cat looks good with goggles.

Iris Flavia said...

Very nice page :-)
I look forward to tomorrow when the heating gets repaired, my legs fell of, I guess (kidding, but it´s cold!)
Steampunk is always cool(in another way).
To warm days? Hugs, take care, buuuhhh (Halloween-buh - to a great, WARM Sunday)

sirkkis said...

Beautiful, well done Erika 👍🏼
Have a happy new week ahead 🥰💐🐛

Christine said...

Lovely page!

Valerie-Jael said...

Your journal page is beautifu, love it. The moon has been shining very bright here. It doesn't get dark here till much later, either. Have a nice evening, hugs!

Tom said...

...short days are marching on, enjoy sun when you can.

Gillena Cox said...

Awesome journal page, Erika.
Thanks for linkibg to SundaySmiles
