Friday, October 25, 2024

Fairy Houses

     Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Another week is winding down. Hope you've had a good one. I've spent mine doing a lot of cleaning, both outside and inside. Not a very exciting way to spend my time, but it's good to have it done except that the leaves have just decided to fall en mass off the trees in the last day so now raking awakes me-grin. 😏

     A few weeks back I met some friends at my local botanical garden. It was the Friday right before their final weekend and right before they close until next May. For their final weekend, the garden always has a fairy house festival with lots of scheduled activities. I've never been to the actual weekend, but on that Friday we visited, the fairy house competitors were setting up their displays.

     Some of these are quite clever, and I thought I'd share a few. I also learned how hard it is to take photos because most of these displays were 1) on the ground and 2) not more than a foot (24 cm) tall.

     These first 3 are from the fairy tale of the 3 little pigs. 

Then we have red Robin Hood.

I'm not sure about this one but it's a fun little garden.

Someone made a Peter Pan scene.

Another did Rapunzel.

It's hard to see much of the details on this next one, but it had a cool multistory  construction.

And my final one was even back lit and set within a removed stone from a pretty granite wall.

And here's the tree man that's rather hard to see in the above photo.

That's all for me. I'll be linking up to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break and if she's back with Friday Face Off, I'll also be linking up to Nicole's blog

Have a super weekend.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

First, Erika, I completely agree with your comment that it’s hard to take photos of things on the ground, especially with the need to bend down…then get up😕But, like you, I would have tried my best as these fairy houses were so creative. Can you share the name of this botanical garden as it looks like a place we would visit or possibly have in the past.

Shari Burke said...

This is so fun and cute! There's something similar along the river walk in a town where we used to live and at the end of it is a giant wooden troll. Have a great autumn weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Speaking of cleaning….the windows are still waiting for me. Maybe I can leave it till spring! All the best - David

Jamie Ghione said...

This looks like a lot of fun. I've never seen anything like this.

Let's Art Journal said...

Such a fun post 😊. Those little fairy houses are adorable and your did a great job of capturing them in your photos. I hope the fall colours are spectacular this year. Happy Friday and weekend ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Wow, some of those are so creative! Sometimes we will run across a fairy house while we are hiking, it is fun to see that someone took the time and had enough joy to put up a house like that randomly in the forest.

Tom said...

...Erika, these sure are fun finds!

Christine said...


CJ Kennedy said...

The fairy houses look so cute. So much effort going into them. Looks like a nice day today. Enjoy

R's Rue said...

So pretty.

Iris Flavia said...

Great scenes! Peter Pan, OH, YES!

Angie's Recipes said...

Those fairy houses are fun and adorable!

Valerie-Jael said...

This is so gorgeous, love it! Wish I could visit there! Hugs, have a great weekend!

DVArtist said...

This is such a fabulous idea and so many wonderful fantasy items. I would love to visit there. Thank you for sharing this with FFO and have a nice weekend.

LA Paylor said...

how clever these are. I'd love to visit. It's hard to take photos of low things... my kneeling ability is compromised! LeeAnna

Unknown said...

Cute fairy decoration. They are so detail and bring our imagination about fairy tale story in our childhood..thanks for interesting photos. Greetings...

carol l mckenna said...

wow! awesome post and photos of the fairy houses ~ delightful and the milkweed is fantastic ~ thanks, hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Lowcarb team member said...

Aww these were so lovely to see.
I just adore anything fairies, gnomes, elves etc.
Great post, I'm smiling :)

All the best Jan

Neet said...

Some people had a great time thinking of and executing these delightful little panoramas. What fun it must have been to wander through.
You did a sterling job of taking the photos, well done Erika. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Neet xx