Saturday, October 26, 2024

More Autumn Art

      Hi everyone. Happy weekend. I have a busy one with a niece's baby shower tomorrow, and my daughter and son-in-law are coming today. The son-in-law is going to help the hubby with a project for me 😏 which I will share more of another day.  Then we're all off to the shower tomorrow. But in between all of this, we're celebrating birthdays tonight since my husband and daughter both have birthdays this upcoming week. 

      Today I have some autumn views for you, first off are 2  pages for Alison's challenge at Art Journal Journey. The theme is owls today.

     This first page started with some printed paper that I attached to a page that I had inked in yellow and orange. The owl and the little moon are stamped and fussy cut. On the bottom of the page I made a border starting with some washi tape that I covered with  some rustic trim. I then used  a white pen to define this border,  and I also added a couple of paper gears that don't look like paper. ❤Finally I used 2 rubber stamp quotes to finish off my page.

     This other owl page is a bit different but still had a scrap paper and trim background. After the glue dried I inked the background brown to pull all the pieces together. I then added a layered paper frame, a chipboard gear which is painted and inked, a small craft metal screw top, a few small die cut leaves, and a paper image of an old metal bar with bolts as well as the light bulbs. I also added some bronze colored metallic paper trim. 

     This owl is made of paper clay using a mold. When it dried I  painted, inked and used a pen to color it in. I'm calling him a new species called Autumnal papersonii. Grin. Finally I used a very old Hero Arts word to finish off my page.

     And here's a few more Autumn photos, starting with these red oak leaves. I want to be able to recreate their color and textures on  a page because it's interesting and beautiful too.

Too bad for tree shadows, but this skeleton leaf is really interesting.

Some bare trees already.

The raking waiting for me in the backyard

and on the back deck

Popping milkweed

And passed purple asters

Have a nice weekend and start to the new week.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your shots of the milkweed seeds are especially delightful. I enjoy them every year. Have a pleasant weekend. All the best - David

hels said...

The red leaf (oak) is wonderful, both regarding its colour and its shape.

Angie's Recipes said...

The autumn is in full swing! Always find owl so cute and sweet.

Tom said...

...Mother Nature is going through another wardrobe change.

Mae Travels said...

Owls are among my favorite birds. On our trip to Costa Rica we saw seven species of owl, some of them new to us.
Your fall color photos are pretty… mae at

Christine said...

Gorgeous page and autumn photos. Happy Birthday to hubby and daughter!