Feeling tired tonight. Since we've come home it has been SO busy. Today I had Leadership Teacher and we went to Timberland Shoes in Stratham. Man, what a talented bunch of people and I learned a lot. Who knew that it took so much to make shoes. This designer spoke with us, and he was a genius. How he came up with shoes, wow. They had gone to Spain to inspiration for their summer shoes for 2009.
I am way behind on my grading for work too. Labs are sitting on the floor next to the couch, looking at me. Last night I graded a bunch, but they're not done and I came home tired tonight. Too tired to read labs. There seems to be so much to do at school that you do the top priority first- getting ready to teach and then there is something else you are being told you must do, like sit through a meeting or a semi-useless or useless workshop, so the next things don't get done. I can't stand it. What they give us at school is all crazy busy work- just we aren't suppose to give the kids- not like today where it was really interesting and where I learned so much.
Plus they had this store at Timberland- got 2 pairs of cool shoes for under $30 a piece- what with them being markdowned and then getting a visitors one day discount.
Dave is at a meeting tonight and is actually doing his 4 hour drive home from this meeting. I spent my whole drive home from Stratham-like an hour- on the cell phone with him, and he's called a few times. I know he's bored driving, and I want to talk, but the telephone is something I no longer really like using. How can you not though...
On the lighter side-Tomorrow is Friday. Pay day. Laurie Mika class this weekend. means I have no down time at home- a bummer- but should be a good class. I wouldn't have signed up if I didn't want to do it. Hope the weather holds out and we don't get a big snow dump to interfere... that would really be a shame.
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