Saturday, January 1, 2011

Its a New Year!

Welcome 2011! Wow. Its such a sense of excitement with a new year ahead and all it came bring.
Today we take down all the holiday decorations and get this house ready for the new adventures to come. Its also a gorgeous day- like about 50, as was yesterday. I LOVE this little taste of spring.
So 2010 ended in a FANTASTIC way for me. Dave and I took a roadtrip to Maine first, went to Cabella's for a little browsing and shopping and then to one of the local beaches, Ferry Beach and took a fantastic walk. Harley loved it too since he's a go dog go. Dave used to live in this area back when he and I started dating and I haven't been to this beach since then- a scary 25 or so years ago. Then for a Pat's Pizza (a college memory we can still relive-there's only Pat's Pizza's in Maine and even though college was forever ago, still got to have my standard double double, pepperoni and onion pizza.). Then we drove to Portsmouth and killed a bit of time at Best Buy and the Kittery Trading Post and then we went to see True Grit. It was a great movie. I now want to rewatch the original with John Wayne to make my comparisons. We had planned on going to see The Fighter but it was sold out by 5:30 when we got there. We were home to celebrate the New Year with Katie and Brian and then I somehow fell asleep  and didn't even hear them Wii bowling for an hour. Explain that?
Here's a few photos from our adventure filled day yesterday. I got some fun beach shots!
And last for today, a happy dog running on the beach. Wore out the old guy...but he loved it!
So did you come up with any resolutions for the new year? I still haven't, Maybe my goal should be the year where I try not to over plan and make resolutions. I did think a bit about what I want to accomplish this winter...finish organizing and cleaning out my studio...reading more...not spending a lot of money...paying off some bills...planning for my vacation...sending out some art since I haven't done that for like 2 years...but these are short terms goals. Think that's all I do this year-short term goals.
Hope your year starts with great days too!