Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sunday Night Post

Hi everyone.  

Red sky in morning. Sailors take warning. More snow ahead.

I took this photo on Friday morning; it's the window behind my bed, before it clouded in and snowed. I love this cool view through my ancient bamboo blinds.  We had more snow today (Sunday) also. And more coming this week. They say February is usually the snowiest month in New Hampshire. They've got that right. It's just too bad we didn't get the red sky this morning.

 I hope everyone had a nice weekend. It's Super Bowl time here. It's interesting to watch a former star of your team now in the Super Bowl for another team. I can't say I'm too invested in who wins, but I am rooting for a team. If they lose, no great loss. And you can't forget the commercials or the Puppy Bowl from earlier today either. You can tell how I spent my Sunday afternoon. Me, the TV, some unneeded junk food,  and some doodling in my journal. Yes, also some computer time too, but this is a scheduled post I wrote just before the game began. 

Even Pete enjoyed watching the Puppy Bowl today. I know, it looks like he's just mesmerized by some alien bright light coming out of the TV.

I have another page for Valerie's heavy metal challenge at Art Journal Journey. Today my page's background  was made with some metallic paints.
Above I lightened the page a bit so we can see the streaks of gold and bronze paint.
If I darken the page like this next photo, you can see the metallic white paint I used with a stencil to give some texture on the white parts of the paper. 

I found the thumbs up piece when I was cleaning out a cabinet drawer and found a stack of old greeting cards. I liked the hand, especially since (and you can't see here) that is made of fuzzy whitish paper. 
I shouldn't have stuck the hand down as quickly as I did, because now I needed to figure out what to do with the rest of the page.
I obviously did figure it out. I added the piece of label maker tape as well as some little red doily pieces that I cut out from inside a big paper heart.
The cute little bees were leftover from another page I made, and I thought they worked here. The little pops of yellow gave the page a bit of interest. 
I've had bees on the mind as I am getting ready to actually get a hive set up a hive this spring. I  ordered a box of bees due to arrive mid-May. Once the snow melts the hubby needs to get a little stand put up. and I need to put in an electric fence to keep out the bears. That is one of my projects for the next couple of months, as I haven't used an electric fence before. I need to figure out the best way to install and how to keep the dogs from being jolted too.

That's all  the news with me here in New Hampshire. 
Have a great start to the new week.


sirkkis said...

Really wonderful window scene, Erika.
Thanks for sharing your great photos. Pete is a wise looking fellow.
I look forward seeing your interesting page ready.
Exciting Super Bowl watching and great new week ahead !

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful photo! Very cold with ice and snow again here. Love the beautiful journal page, thanks for linking to my challenge. Have a great week, stay safe and well! Hugs, Valerie. Love the dog watching TV, too!

R's Rue said...


Iris Flavia said...

My heart kinda broke when I saw that interception - WOW, what a moment.
What a night (started in the middle of the that for us).
Love your page for many a reason!
(One: One teamleader from former GDR sang the Russian alphabet to me)

Let's Art Journal said...

Such a fabulous page, loving the hand and cute bees 😁. We watched the Superbowl too, Tampa Bay just out played them and Brady seems like a very humble guy too. Going to look at the internet for the puppy bowl as I haven't heard of it before, glad Pete enjoyed it 😉. Wishing you a great new week! Hugs, Jo x

craftytrog said...

Gorgeous page Erika! We have snow too, and I've missed our morning walks the last two days. I didn't want to risk slipping and ending up in A&E.
Hope you have a lovely week,
Alison xx

CJ Kennedy said...

Pretty window scene. Cute how Pete enjoys watching the Puppy Bowl. A thumbs up for you page. I like the bees and red flowers. Cool that you will be starting an apiary. I thought of giving it a try, but I'm allergic to bees so I'll live vicariously through your attempt. I didn't watch the Super Bowl as a meme I saw says, I don't really care who gets the most baskets 😉 And I can do without all the snow this week, too. Take care and stay warm

Lowcarb team member said...

That photograph is amazing, wonderful colours.
I like your journal page.
Exciting about the bees.

Enjoy the rest of the week.

All the best Jan

Jeanie said...

Well, that's exciting -- I'll know a genuine beekeeper. I can't wait to hear more tales of bees here beginning this spring!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

That is a beautiful window view! You have so much snow. My son watched the game too!
Your journal page is great with the background to go with it.
Have a good day, hug Elke

Divers and Sundry said...

They're predicting ice here, and the natives are in a panic lol I imagine the stores are packed and shelves already emptied of bread. We don't know how to act in wintry precipitation. Even with all the hype, I'm not expecting to get anything to speak of...

I hope your beekeeping goes well and look forward to updates.

Neet said...

I enjoyed the light coming through the bamboo and thought you were going to use that photograph for your journal page - maybe another time?
I still like your journal page and the strength of that hand shows for us all to see.
SuperBowl - takes me back to those years we used to be over in CA for it. My friend would have her house for the party and hoards would come and bring food and we had the most wonderful time eating all the things everyone brought and betting on something we did not understand at all. Well I didn't. I was delighted one year to win my stakes back. How I miss all those friends i made over there.
Hugs, Neet xx
ps but thanks for the memories

nwilliams6 said...

Love the pictures - so glad you shared them!

The page you did is really cool with that saved hand, the metallic paints and those fun bees. Thrive is a wonderful word to focus on! Super page as always - so fun to see what we all come up with! Hugz

one irrational bean said...

Watched the Super Bowl and the ads. I was on Team Brady, for two reasons mostly... I am not ready for another team to start a new dynasty and on the Belechik/Brady debate I have been hands down on Brady’s side. So I will take the win.