Friday, May 20, 2022

My Week's Adventures

Hi everyone. Happy Friday and happy almost weekend to you.

Whoever says staying home is boring doesn't know what they are talking about. I've had a lot of adventures this past week that didn't even involve getting into my car and driving. 

1) Home Chores: I've been hanging low this week trying not to go through a lot of gas. Mostly I've been busy with gardening and also unpacking a few craft supplies back into the just about finished art space. I've also stained and urethaned the trim boards which hopefully will go in tomorrow morning, and then, I can officially move everything back into place. Hurrah! 

Soon my lettuce, kale and spinach will be ready to pick out of my cold frame.

And my newest garden is coming along. I planted some dahlia bulbs and some zinnia seeds this week so I hope they grow.

2)  Nature: The other day I took a long  walk (thankful for wind to keep the bugs away), and that turned out to be  an adventure also.

The coltsfoot flowers (Tussilago farfara)  (Thanks David for mentioning this plant in a post so now I know what it is) may have passed, but I love these pom-poms left to spread their seeds.

And I also spied a lady slipper (Cypripedium acaule).

This fern looks like fabric. 

And  further on the way home, I heard a large crack. It didn't sound good, so I took a quick look around, and maybe 15 feet in front of me an old rotted tree came crashing down, bringing a branch off another tree down with it. I took this photo where I was standing right after the big fall.

Maddie was totally unimpressed, but it was a bit scary until I knew what exactly was being blown over. I called the town highway department to let them know they'd need someone to clean it up.

That same night, around 2 AM, the dogs started going NUTS. I totally missed this photo op  as I was more concerned about my bees and bird feeders than grabbing a camera, but once I snapped on the back light, standing in my yard was a big old black bear. He and I took a good look at each other through the window, and then I rapped on the glass and he ambled off into the woods. 

Of course bears are really smart, and what they do is only amble out of sight, figuring you'll turn off the light and go back to sleep (or most likely forget about them) so they can then come back. I waited about twenty minutes. Then I let the dogs out,  and I took my flashlight to go check on the bees (all OK) and to grab my hummingbird feeder, which was the only one still out. I didn't walk very far out into the yard though, because I don't want to come face to face with a bear.

All was good with the bees and feeder, but I did hear Mr. Bear running through the underbrush of the woods. He was loud as he ran over branches, snapping and cracking them, and also as he ran through brush. I could tell he was getting further and further away from the noise level. I knew then he was really gone. Maddie did some of her "Get Out of My Yard" barking and Pete ran around smelling the ground, followed by Maddie. Pete has chased a bear or two in the past, and I was glad he didn't decide to do that because the bear was far off and if he did go off after it, he'd be gone at least an hour.  Plus dogs can get hurt if a bear swipes at them with their claws. Most importantly, I wanted to go back to bed.

3)  My Art for Today: My journal page will probably be lost in this post, but since that's originally what  I planned on  sharing today, let me include it.

My inspiration for this page was this fun lady. She was on a birthday card I got from my aunt this past March. I didn't want to hang onto the card, but it came from my only aunt still left alive, so I thought I could recycle her onto a journal page. That way there I would always think of my aunt whenever I looked back to this page. It also explains why she has no feet because her legs ended at the  bottom of my card.

I started by inking half the page orange to match Myna's hair, and then I used gesso and stencil to make the design. I layered some paper scraps, some of which I added details too because they just looked too blah without any details.  I also added some washi tape with letters on it and some little paper scraps to make the ground.  And I also used markers and a pen to draw outlines not only around my page but also around the paper layered sections on the left.

I added my Myna, and then I found some silly punch out birds from an Art By Marlene punch out book. I also found the scooter image. I think Myna looks like a lady who would have fun and be on the go. I did color and add some details to both the birds and the motorbike.

I'm linking this art piece up to Art Journal Journey. This month Matilde is hosting and as you probably already know, the theme is birds.

I am also linking up to Gillena's Friday lunch break, and Nicole's Friday Face Off.

Have a great weekend. Thanks for visiting.


CJ Kennedy said...

You had a busy and exciting week. Your craft room looks awesome. A lady slipper! I've gone looking but haven't seen any growing in the woods behind my house. Trees falling and a bear encounter! 😱 Glad the bees, dogs, and you are safe. Your journal page is cute. Myrna looks like she can get up to good mischief. Stay cool!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think you have illustrated the point very well, Erika, that staying home does not have to be boring! Few of us will be going out into the backyard to make sure the bear has gone away, but perhaps there are equally few who would want to! I expect that your next post, or one very soon at least, will show us the grand opening of your new room/studio/workspace/crafting headquarters and we will all look forward to that. Perhaps you will invite important people to a ribbon cutting! Hugs. David.

Iris Flavia said...

Wow, that sounds like quite a week!
Those pom-poms are cute and the fern, funny!
Yikes to the cracking sound and what followed!
And then a bear, oh, my!!

God re-use of the card, ,came out beautiful.
To a probably not so dangerous weekend, hugs!

kathyinozarks said...

Wow lots of excitement going on there-hoping you have bear spray when you go out with bears. I bought a can when I visited Yellowstone as it was recommended to always have it with you.
Love your art too Happy Friday and weekend hugs Kathy

Valerie-Jael said...

What a fun week you had, including a black beAR show and trees falling down when you come neAR! No bears here, I can imagine how exciting it is for the dogs. Glad they didn't do any damage to your gardens and bees. Your new room is looking soooooo good, I bet you are excited! Love your myna pag, made med smile! Hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

Lovely page, I love being busy at home too. The garden is coming along nicely!

Angie's Recipes said...

You for sure had a very productive week! The page looks so bright and beautiful.

Divers and Sundry said...

Your bees will be happy not to have to go far :) And the flowers will be so pretty. The bears do sound scary. I'm guessing the electric fence will keep them from disturbing the bees. I'd be tempted to use one of those motion detector light bulbs lol

The Padre said...

Right On - Life Is Better Walking On Four Paws - Beautiful Crisp Lettuce There - So Dig The Hives And Pleased The Queen Stayed Put For Ya - Keep On Keeping On And Enjoy The Weekend


Serena Lewis said...

While I enjoy the occasional family outing, I do love being home.

I loved all the pics! I'm not sure if we have Lady Slippers growing wild here or even in the nurseries for that matter.

Trees sure do make a loud snap when they break and fall. I'm glad you weren't under it.

WOW! A bear! Good that all was well with the bees. I would have been excited to see a bear.

I LOVE your journal post! It made me smile. The colours, the characters, the scooter all fitted perfectly together.

Have a great weekend! x

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! ~ You are moving right along with your studio and even checking out bears that come to visit ~ and then creating this funtabulous art journal page ~ You 'rock' ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter, and love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Aimeslee Winans said...

Ah, the retired life, eh? LOL, we have had some action here this week as well. Fixing to be 3 days of rain and Honey says we need it badly. I pray the skeeters aren't horrible and the power stays on. You must be the adventurous one in your marriage. I said a silent prayer we don't have bears, oh my. Very cool page, love Myna, xoxo

DVArtist said...

This is a lovely post. When I lived in N. ID. we found Lady slipper in many places in the wood. They are magical. Your lettuce, kale, and spinach look amazing. Yes, the bears know exactly what they are doing. Glad the bees are OK. Thank you for joining Friday Face Off. Your art is awesome.

Meggymay said...

What an adventuresome week you had Erika and how brave are those dogs of yours wanting to go out to scare off the bear.
Its a fantastic and fun journal page you created for Matilde's AJJ theme.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx

🌹 Al Humaira Hifdz School 🌹 said...

Hello Erika, thank you for visiting me through Rain's flowers. You have a nice blog journaling your beautiful life. The flowers are simply amazing

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It is never "boring" being home and I know that we often take day trips, weekend trips or longer getaways (like this week to NC). But, we have been retired for over 20 years and so have sent much time at home as well and never tired of doing so even when we really just stay within the apt or the city. There is always something to enjoy and I do not mean sitting and watching TV, although I can often get lost in watching YouTube videos, especially the "how to" ones.

Glad you and the bear (and the dogs too) did not have a face-to-face setup with Mr. Bear. It was very sweet to incorporate your aunt's birthday card into your art so you will always remember her.

Jeanie said...

Good grief, Erika! That's way too much adventure and activity for a day! So glad the room is doing well but the bear is a bit much! Glad the bees were OK.

Love the lady's slipper but I can see why you would have been nervous with the tree coming down. Now, THAT's a day!

Rain said...

Myna is adorable!!! I love her! But scary about the tree and the bear! Maddie is so cute in that photo! Oh I'm with you Erika, staying home is much more exciting that being out and about! ☺♥

Shari Burke said...

Definitely some adventures right at home! Glad the bees were OK. How wonderful that you'll soon be in your new craft room! Have fun!

Lowcarb team member said...

Goodness me what a week you've had.
Eek to the bear and never good when a tree comes down.
Pleased the bees are okay.

Enjoy your weekend and perhaps next week may not be so eventful.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Pooja Mahimkar said...

Your garden is so pretty!

Matilde said...

I'm never boring staing at home :) It's always lot to do! Beautiful photos of the nature, Erika. And very inspiring page of your art journal :)

craftytrog said...

What an exciting week you've had Erika! Glad you escaped the tree, and that the bear didn't cause any damage.
I love your fun page!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I stay home all the time and My life truly IS boring. However, I don't have a new studio to decorate, or a dog (or two) to walk each day, or a forest in which to walk, or a bear to scare off at night. Your life truly ISN'T boring.

What a great way to save and recycle a card from a beloved aunt Those birds are crazy funny, too. Thanks for sharing this latest journal entry with us at Art Journal Journey using Matilde's theme.

Words and Pictures said...

My word - looks like you've been just as busy as I have! The new craft space is looking just wonderful already... what a beautiful storage cabinet. The garden is looking great too, and another bright and breezy page to keep the spirits up.
Alison x