Friday, May 31, 2024

Corfu and Faces

Hi everyone. It's already Friday, almost the weekend, and already the end of May.

I hope you don't mind my photos from Greece. When in Greece you have to visit an island-right? After all, there are so many. Today's photos are from Corfu which is the only island we  really visited. I'll start with a  face for Nicole's Friday Face Off. I'm also linking up to Gilena's  Friday Lunch Break.

Here I am taking a photo of this vase that contained mostly rosemary.

     I really enjoyed taking photos in Corfu. Of course I love taking photos anywhere. But one thing I thought was fun was all the narrow alleyways in the old part of Corfu City.

And I also loved the blue. These first 2 are views from the apartment we rented. It was great except the beds weren't comfortable at all, but the views  made up for that. Those views were amazing.

And here's some  blue in this big evil eye on a wall.

Some blue  views from downtown.

And I'll end this post with another fun face that has some blue too.

Happy end of May and start to June to you all. 


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Those Greek islands seem to have an appeal that never fades. Gerald Durrell grew up on one of them and that’s where he developed his skills as a naturalist and cemented his love for all living things. I know a couple of women who left their husbands behind and went birding on Lesbos for many years before COVID. The fact that I will never get there is certainly my loss. I have enjoyed seeing a little of Greece through your eyes. All the best - David

Aimeslee Winans said...

That's a really nice photo of you. And yes, the narrow alleys in all the European cities I've visited just make me want to gaze at everything they contain, especially Paris'. Kudos to you for suffering the bedding accomodations. Makes me feel fortunate I did that when I was young as I would not enjoy it at all now! XOX

Tom said...

...thanks for taking me along to see the sights of Corfu, they looks more exciting than Corfu, NY!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos -Christine

sirkkis said...

You had lucky with blue view; lovely blue scenery.
Have a wonderful weekend and the start of June 😘

Valerie-Jael said...

Love the photos, Greece is always worth seeing. The alleyways are even narrower than ours here! Once again, thanks for co-hosting with me, it was a good time with you! Hugs, Valerie

Mia said...

I love seeing you through the mirror, Erika. The photos from Corfu are beautiful. Corfu island is really romantic. The view from your hotel is amazing. From your window you could see the central Greece. The funny duck wears the greek traditional costume. Hugs, my friend.

Jeanie said...

Those views are fabulous and I can see why you liked the alleys -- I do too. Did you watch The Durrells in Corfu on PBS? I think it's online and it's quite wonderful! Great photos, as always.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for sharing and linking your lovely views to Art For Fun Friday


Divers and Sundry said...

Such wonderful views! Thanks for the photos.

CJ Kennedy said...

I love the Greek evil eyes. Your views are spectacular. Happy Last Day of May! Sounds like good weather for the weekend. Enjoy!

Iris Flavia said...

Rosemary in a vase... that sounds Greek indeed! Love it!
Beautiful little paths between those houses.
And the ocean... thank you for sharing, oh, it´s so grey and cold here, this was a treat. Happy end of May, hugs

Soma @ said...

I love alleyways in the old cities and I love your photos!! Perfect!!


Mae Travels said...

What fabulous photos! Thanks for taking us along with you.
best, mae at

Fundy Blue said...

Clever shot catching a cool photo of you in the mirror, Erika! How lovely to visit Corfu! I haven't been there yet, but I still have hope. Happy weekend to you!

Lowcarb team member said...

I did enjoy seeing the sights of Corfu through your photographs.

All the best Jan

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am desperately playing catch up today. I am very impressed with your adorable photos of Corfu. I like how you show things off the beaten path. This is a great entry for FFO. I wish I had more strength, so I could comment on all your photos.

DVArtist said...

Amazing photos Thank you for joining FFO.