Thursday, May 23, 2024

Precious Stones

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday.

Today I want to share another journal page for Valerie's and my challenge at Art Journal Journey. You probably know our theme is poetry.

     My poem today came out of my children's poetry book, and it's all about (as the title states) Precious Stones. It's written by Christina Georgina Rossetti. Rossetti was an English poet who lived in the  1800's. It was interesting to read about her, as I knew the name but didn't know anything about her. One thing I learned is that she was considered, along with Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the greatest woman poet of her era. Her poetry is still in publication today.

I decided to make an abstract page using the colors from the first stanza.

I also used lots of lines because when a precious stone is cut, it often has straight facets. Although I will say I've never seen a stone cut with facets like my page. 😏

We've been having some warm and humid weather. I'm not crazy about high humidity, but my garden certainly loves it.

My azalea will be covered in actual blooms by this weekend, if not by later today. Look at all the buds.

Last year I planted a bleeding heart and it's doing great. Since this one looks fantastic, I think I need to find another one for this area as I have a big space there.

My ground phlox is just passed peak, now but it looked so pretty in full bloom.

And soon the big showy peony blooms will be wowing me. 

I had a visitor in my yard too.

That's all for me today. Enjoy your day!


Hels said...

Warm weather is delightful but humidity sucks :( High humidity reminds me of the tropics, but I can see that your garden is flourishing.

Katerinas Blog said...

Your card for AJJ is great.
Your garden is fantastic (many and different flowers) blooming.

Tom said...

...I enjoy a long cool spring, a hot humid summer is a quit another thing.

Christine said...

Lovely page and nice to see everything in bloom.

Neet said...

Fascinating poem about the flint. I wonder what a precious stone would look like if it was cut in a similar way to your blocks of colour? Would it be possible?
You have got me trying to think of the poetry of Christina Rossetti now. No doubt I will be on the internet shortly doing some searching. I am sure we had to study some of her work.
Love all the photos of the garden. My Papavar Poppies were beautiful at weekend but yesterday the rain came down and now they are in bits. Nature can be beautiful and cruel at the same time. My Peonies suffered the same fate and now I wish I had cut them and brought them indoors. Would they haved lasted much longer though?
Thanks for todays post, really enjoyable in every way.
Hugs, Neet xx

Valerie-Jael said...

How lovely to find a lizard in your yard. I always loved Christine Rossetti's poems when we learnt them at school, and I enjoyed your page and this poem very much. I need to get early to bed - my computer was playing up all afternoon and it has cost me my last nerve to get it back to normal! Tomorrow has to be better! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

Divers and Sundry said...

I remember that poet. Our azaleas are almost gone. Is that a salamander? Cool!

CJ Kennedy said...

Cute page and poem. I am πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ this weather! Did you get the thunderstorms around noon? I hope you're enjoying your screen porch

Lowcarb team member said...

I have always enjoyed Rossetti's poems.
Funnily enough I am reading a book with one character (Pearl) named after a precious stone ...

Your garden is looking good, that ground phlox is a beautiful colour.

All the best Jan

Soma @ said...

That is a great poem and your page made a wonderful background. Humidity...not my favourite, but yes, plants do seem to love it. Happy Weekend!


Iris Flavia said...

You might laugh (or not) - my friend gave me stones to put into water. They have different functions even. Creativity, health, .... so far I feel nothing, but they look pretty. To a great day, hugs

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Our peonies are about to burst out too. We went to the garden centre yesterday to pick up a few things and I can’t believe the prices this year. Thank goodness we didn’t need much. All the best - David

*Vicki* said...

What a darling poem! Really love this concept with your retiform background too! Your bleeding hearts are so pretty in the red! We have one in white. Your visitor looks so cool! We don't have creatures like that over here.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Lovely art and your garden looks great.

Jeanie said...

Gardens are going crazy I just love your bleeding hearts. They are a favorite!

Lowcarb team member said...

I know I commented here!!!
Has it gone in spam folder???

All the best Jan