Monday, May 20, 2024

T Stands for Spring Things

Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday (or Monday evening). I'm stopping by Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog for T day, and I'll be sharing my drink at the end of this post. 

     Last week we finally turned the corner and started having some late spring weather. Hurrah! It's good to finally have some warm up. (And this week we are supposed to really warm up!)

     This photo (that is looking out my window) says that we're getting into late May. You can see my husband has his boat out to clean, and secondly you can see my flats of flowers that I bought last week. Here in my area of New England they recommend not planting tender annuals until we get close to Memorial Day weekend (the last weekend and Monday in May) because of the chance of frost. But this week is going to be HOT so I started my planting in the last few days. ❤

     Last week for T I shared my screen porch mess. My other project this past week was to get that cleaned up. I haven't yet painted the floor, nor moved my indoor plants  out onto it, but I did get it cleaned and set up so I can use it.  It only takes me an afternoon to do it, and the longest part is waiting for the floor dry after I wash it. 

It doesn't look any different than it has for several years, which some of you might notice. 

My local botanical garden opened last week, and I visited one afternoon. I thought I'd share some spring views with you.

This plant in the next photo is Sweet Woodruff. I have a lot of it blooming in my yard right now also.

My peonies have small buds, but this one (above) looks almost ready to pop open.

 And since even small plants can be beautiful, don't forget to look down.

And finally at the garden, here's the bees, which many of you know I am quite fond of.

I went out to lunch twice last week, and both times forgot to take any photos 😟, so for my T day link  

let me share a cup of tea I made one evening.

     That's all for me this week. Wishing you a happy T day and week ahead. 



Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad to read, Erika, that it has been warming up in NH now as we are on a road trip and now in Prince Edward Island, Canada, where it is a bit cooler. Your porch looks like an inviting area to sit and read and maybe nap in that hammock.

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Erika! I enjoyed all your beautiful flower photos, and your screened deck looks like a wonderful place to relax. Our area has turned to warmer days too. I've gone from heated rice bags in our bed to an open bedroom window in short order. Enjoy this lovely Season!

Tom said...

...I love the colors of your bee boxes!!!

Mae Travels said...

Your porch is totally inviting! i hope you will be enjoying it all summer.
best, mae

Christine said...

Gorgeous flowers! Happy T! -Christine

Angie's Recipes said...

I love your porch! Very relaxing and nice. Your garden and bees are doing really well.

Iris Flavia said...

Love your boat - a sign of the good half of the year, and water!
And your screen porch, awww....
I need to visit our botanical garden, too!
I plant a "bee-paradise" this week - wish me luck! It says "April-June" - better wait a bit?
Your farm looks so playful, I love it!
Have a great week, hugs

Valerie-Jael said...

Happy T Day! Your porch and garden are looking great, and I love the colourful hives! Hugs!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Yay for getting your porch cleaned up and I hope the painting goes according to plan. Your annuals to plant look so colorful and your photos are too. Hope your week goes well and it's not too hot, xoxo

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Wow. It won't be long now and you will be on the lake with your husband and fur babies. Your flower beds will be lush, while mine are sparse. I just don't have the ambition to plant flowers, especially since so many of my herbs are dying because they have gotten too much water (rain).

Bedrock Gardens is really putting on a show. Lots of lovely flowers and hedges, too.

You have NO idea how many times I have taken my camera and forgotten to get a photo of my drink. That is usually the case when I visit a place we go to often. Regardless, I laughed at your cute beaver mug. Thanks for sharing your spring garden, Bedrock Gardens, and your tea with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Looks like you have been productive and are ready for spring. Your porch looks especially appealing. We have Sweet Woodruff too and it’s great ground cover. I am not sure whether we planted it or it just showed up years ago. As in New Hampshire, it has suddenly turned very hot in southern Ontario. Not my favourite weather but there’s nothing I can do about it. Salads are high on the menu choices. All the best - David

sirkkis said...

Your tided and painted porch looks invincible 😊
I started yesterday cleaning of windows and got it ready today πŸ˜… Huh, and took a nice nap after the work 😴
I've found out that summer there in New Hampshire and here in Finland goes in the same steps...
Im looking forward to seeing your blooming garden.
Have a wonderful time of summer 🀩🌷🌸

sirkkis said...

Your tided and painted porch looks invincible 😊
I started yesterday cleaning of windows and got it ready today πŸ˜… Huh, and took a nice nap after the work 😴
I've found out that summer there in New Hampshire and here in Finland goes in the same steps...
Im looking forward to seeing your blooming garden.
Have a wonderful time of summer 🀩🌷🌸

DVArtist said...

Getting ready for the heat. I would love that. Your flowers are so darn pretty. It looks so warm and inviting at your place. The bees are fabulous.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, loving that outdoor space, and I have never seen painted bee hives before-looks nice.
enjoy your spring! when I was growing up as a kid we always visited the botanical gardens and greenhouses nearby-I do miss that-have not lived close to one since. Enjoy your warmer days-we have severe weather coming in tonight and tomorrow-hoping it misses us-don't need 70 mile an hour winds here at the lake sounds scary
Hugs Kathy

CJ Kennedy said...

I'm hoping to get my porch cleaned Thursday so we'll be able to move out there over the weekend. Yours looks so inviting. Lovely flowers. Enjoy the glorious weather. Happy T Day

Jeanie said...

Your porch is looking wonderful and I'm so pleased to see happy bees. I love that you painted their area in such bright colors. Ah, soon the boat and water. How fun is that!

Divers and Sundry said...

Your screened porch looks like heaven. And those lovely flowers. The bees have a colorful home ☺️

Carola Bartz said...

Your screened porch looks very inviting, Erika. I guess you spend a lot of time out there in the summer. I'm glad that it is warming up at your area now. Our spring so far has been up and down - really warm days and quite chilly ones as well, all in the same week. Typical Northern California weather, but it still surprises. I guess you are busy planting all those annuals and in no time your garden will be lovely. How are your bees doing? Hugs - Carola

Jim said...

Beautiful blooms.

hels said...

Do you leave the boat outside all winter? How far would it be to a boat shed at the beach?

Katerinas Blog said...

Beautiful flowers,
after cleaning your porch looks great!
These are the beauties of spring!!

Lisca said...

Your porch is looking very inviting. Is it screened by glass or fly screen?
Yes, when the boat comes out, summer is on its way!
I love the colours of those bee hives. Are they yours or did you see them at the botanical gardens?
Happy T-Day,

nwilliams6 said...

Definitely almost summer with the boat out, the porch cleaned off, flowers being planted, and the bees busy! I love how cozy your porch looks - makes me want to get some good books and a refreshing drink and drop in for a visit - too bad you live so far away.

Lovely post, Erika. Happy late T-day. Hugz

Neet said...

Well, we managed a lovely sunny weekend but now we have had rain for the past few days. Its the one thing we can rely on most of the time. Rain.
Lovely to see your boat getting ready for it's trip out and the porch looking ever so tidy - must get around to tidying ours some time but it is nowhere near as huge as yours. A mere postage stamp by comparison.
Not sure what the first of the flowers are (lily family?) but they are beautiful and so delicate looking
Good to see the bees, I wonder how yours are doing.
Hugs, Neet xx