Friday, June 7, 2024

Back to Corfu

Hi everyone. I hope the first week of June went well for you, and it's almost the weekend too.  😊

I'm here with some photos for Nicole's  Friday Face Off and Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.

Last week in my Corfu post some of you mentioned Gerald Durrell. If you aren't familiar with him, he was an author and naturalist. There was even a TV series about his childhood and his family called The Durrells in Corfu which here in the US you could/can watch on Public Television or on some channels like Amazon. Gerald Durrell spent part of his childhood on Corfu, and I highly recommend not only the TV show but the books about his youth.  The 3 Corfu books are My Family and Other Animals, Birds, Beasts and Relatives, and The Garden of the Gods.

Had I had more time in Corfu, and if I was traveling with friends who actually  knew of Gerald Durrell, I might have signed up to take one of this company's tours. That is if they were even open since when we walked by they were not.

And for these first few photos are some views from outside of the city.

Corfu is in the far northwestern corner of Greece, and some of the island is not far off the coast of Albania. We wondered if this is a view of that country (Albania) across the water.

I need some faces for this week's Friday Face Off,  so here's a few from back in the city. These were on some type of official building, but I never took a photo of the whole facade with the title on it,  and now I can't remember exactly what it was.

And here's a few more photos from the city.

Have a great weekend ahead, and thanks for stopping by to visit.


Tom said...

...thanks Erika, for taking me along on the wonderful tour.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Gerald Durrell was a fine naturalist and dedicated conservationist, and his legacy lives on at the Jersey Wildlife Trust. I would have come home with a tee shirt had I been there. I don’t know whether you have read “The Song of the Dodo” by David Quammen, one of the great books of all time, but there is fine coverage of Carl Jones, a Durrell protégé and a real character, and his work to save the Mauritius Kestrel. I have read the book four times, so that will give you an idea how I regard it. Lawrence Durrell, Gerald’s brother, made his mark in the literary world too. It was a talented family. All the best - David

Valerie-Jael said...

Thanks for sharing the photos, dear Erika, I always love looking at Pictures. I remember the Gerald Durrell TV series, great fun! Have a great Friday, take care, hugs!

CJ Kennedy said...

Stunning photos. The blue of the sky and water are so beautiful. A beautiful day for us today. Did you get any of the heavy rains to wash away the pine pollen? We didn't. Achoo!

sirkkis said...

Great photos, Erika, thanks for sharing.
Here it's been unusually long hot weather period, some records in Finland. Now it getting cooler, nearly cold... :(
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog :)
Happy Weekend :))

Christine said...

Lovely images of Corfu!

Mae Travels said...

Your photos are beautiful — seeing the coast of Albania from another country is neat. I love when you can do that! My favorite place to see countries that I’ll never visit was a mountain top near Eilat, Israel, from which we could see three other countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan!
THanks for the virtual trip to Corfu!
best, mae

DVArtist said...

Wow! Those photos are magnificent, especially the faces. Thank you for joining in FFO and have a very nice weekend.

Let's Art Journal said...

Such a beautiful place to visit, I've actually never been to Corfu but it's on my bucket list 😊. Sending you happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

Gillena Cox said...

Wow your travels amaze me. Lovely photos. I travelled a little in my younger years mostly by myself. But then after a while i lost interest in travellibg as a loner. I think though that if i had a goid travelling parrner i would has syill been a traveller 😊
Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday


Iris Flavia said...

Sad the tour was not available, but, ohhh, what a beautiful place otherwise! Thank you for sharing and to a great weekend, hugs

Divers and Sundry said...

The Corfu books are wonderful! Those photographs make me want to be there.

Aimeslee Winans said...

Well, I've never heard of Durrell, was he on PBS or just BBC?
I'm thinking that has to be Albania you were seeing. It's been 50 years since I was there, though, I hve slept since then for sure, lol.
Lovely photos, you captured some very nice light!
Happy weekend, xoxo

Jeanie said...

As you know, I loved the Durrell series and I've read at least one of the books he wrote (along with some of his later writings as a naturalist). I'm sorry the tour spot wasn't open -- I would have broken off from the group to do that if it had been! The views are just beautiful, both of the water and in the town. I'm fond of that one of the two purple blooms on the street and the narrow street with the interesting buildings. What a great trip.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely series of photos ~ love the flowers and faces too ~

Wishing you good health,laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Nova Rio Redondo said...

All pictures are taken in kind. Nice to meet you

Katerinas Blog said...

Great photos Erica!
Corfu is a beautiful island worth visiting!!
The faces for the FFO challenge very resourceful!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Erika, I knew the Durells of Corfu was on PBS and had not seen it, but i recently renewed PBS Passport so will check it out for summertime viewing. The photos look so inviting.

Lowcarb team member said...

I was fortunate to visit Corfu (a good many years ago) and it was lovely seeing your photographs. I can remember standing and looking out seeing the coast of Albania!

Once again, many thanks for sharing these lovely photographs.

All the best Jan

Neet said...

When I saw your photos of the cobbled streets they really got to me and `I went off into dreamland and past holidays. I love those cobbled streets you see in parts of Europe.
i've never been to Corfu so I loved your photos. but it was the Durrell family that made me think of Greece and its islands. What a fabulous TV series that was with Keeley Hawes as the mother. The kind of series I could watch again in fact. Each week, watching it I was filled with envy for the house that they lived in. Their life style even if chaotic at times. Imagine living there with the beautiful water so close to bathe in. Bliss!
Hugs, Neet xx

Hels said...

I have visited the Greek mainland and enjoyed myself totally (years ago). But now I am becoming more interested in the Greek islands, both in tv travel programmes and from blogs.
Your timing is perfect - the photos of Corfu are very appealing.