Sunday, June 2, 2024

June's Fruits

Hi everyone. It's June 2, so today I'm posting for Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's Second on the Second. I am also posting for Gillena's Sunday Smiles.

    For Second on the Second you just need to share a previous post. June is the month for fresh strawberries and some cherries here in New Hampshire. Since these are 2 of my favorite fruits, and they are definitely a highlight for June,  I thought I'd re-share some photos and art about these 2 fruits. 

          Let me start with some cherries that I journaled about in a post from 2016.  Here's the original if you want to check it out: Life is a Bowl of Cherries.  

Although I can't link this page to Art Journal Journey because we only accept new art, I remind you that Matilde's challenge this month is What Makes You Happy. Cherries and strawberries certainly make me happy!

Here's a card from that same 2016 post also about cherries.

I also can't forget about strawberries. Here's some photos from 2018 when I went strawberry picking.

And what I made with some of those strawberries.

I'm making myself really hungry with this post 😏 I apologize in advance if I had you salivating.

Have a super rest of your weekend!


Angie's Recipes said...

The strawberry pie looks sensational! Are those strawberries local? They are usually much sweeter and more aromatic too.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Cherries and strawberries are two of my favourite fruits, and they are a special treat at this time of year when fresh berries are available. I haven’t had my first local fruit yet - maybe today! All the best - David

CJ Kennedy said...

I haven't had breakfast yet so I want some of that pie! Looks like another nice day on tap. Enjoy

Tom said...

...have a yummy day.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning you are making me hungry too-I love all berries your pie looks so delicious
Happy 2nd on the second

Christine said...

yummy fruit!

Hels said...

You have showed my very favourite fruit, strawberries and cherries *sighs happily*. The only problem is that both fruits are very seasonal, so if you import them in during the off-season, they are likely to be extremely expensive.

I don't mind. We don't eat sweets, so fruit after the main course is worth every penny.

Jeanie said...

Summer fruits -- the very best!

Divers and Sundry said...

Fresh fruit! Nice!

Valerie-Jael said...

The strawberries look wonderful, I'm not salivating because we just got back from the Italian restaurant, wonderful penne with salmon in tomato cream sauce, yummy! Have a great evening, hugs!

Gillena Cox said...

What a sweet yummy post. Thanks for linking to SundaySmiles


Mae Travels said...

THat pie is gorgeous! I hope you are lucky enough to have one again this year.
best, mae at

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The strawberry pie does look delicious, Erika, but cherry pie is more my you plan to make one?

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I adore cherries and I love strawberries that are ripe from the vine. However, I am not a fan of strawberries that have been cooked, so your pie, although tempting, doesn't make me salivate. The cherries, on the other hand, certainly do. I love the cherry card because it is a great collage, and also because of the bees you were thinking about, even back then. Thanks for sharing these memories as your second look on the 2nd, dear Erika.

ashok said...

Lovely berries

*Vicki* said...

Now my mouth is watering from the pie! Really wonderful art work!

Neet said...

Salivating? Much more than that, my tummy is almost rumbling despite having just eaten something but that strawberry tart has made me long so much for a slice. You shouldn't be such a good cook who has appetising home bakes on her journal posts.
Hugs, Neet xx