When I was home on Monday I finally got around to cleaning the little attic space behind my studio. I wanted it to store my fall and holiday art supplies- since they are now out of the way and make a little more space in the studio. Plus, I can get to them easily so it seemed like the perfect no brainer way to gain that extra space.
And when I cleaned I had a bananza. I found this bag of vintage clothing.
Most of it isn't that old, but they're vintage to me, items I had in my 20's (and before) and I wondered where they had disappeared to.
I really thought I had put them into a charity bin years ago.
But then again, all of these have a special connection to me.
This pink sweater is my first knitted item ever!!!!
My college roommate and friend Lorrie taught me to knit (my Nana tried when I was about 10 but I needed some memory jogging at about 28) and I started on this sweater. Pretty good for a novice!
And here's an Icelandic sweater I bought on my trip to Scandinavia in 1985. I had picked it up in
Copenhagen during the couple of days I hung out there way back when I was youthful.
And here's a sweater my Nana knitted me back when I was in high school.
I miss my Nana a lot; she and I were pretty close. All I had to do was ask and she'd
knit one for me.
Nana's are fantastic like that.

And here's a sweater my Nana knitted me back when I was in high school.
I miss my Nana a lot; she and I were pretty close. All I had to do was ask and she'd
knit one for me.
Nana's are fantastic like that.
And this skirt was a maxi skirt back in the 1960's. It was my Mom's, and she gave it to me when I was in my 20's. I cut it down and made a work skirt out of it back in the day when I was a young skinny teacher.
Here's another couple of sweaters my Nana knit for me.
These reindeer sweater swere all the rage back in my college days in Orono, Maine. My Mom had actually started this for me back when I was in high school, but Mom was never much of a knitter.
Yet she finished it up for me when I pleaded to have it done so I would be like everyone else on campus.
Now Katie wants it.
Another sweater I knitted. I unfortunately I ended up felting it by accident, but that never stopped me from wearing it.
Finally a 1950's ski sweater that was my Auntie's, but she gave it to me. I love the pattern and design of sweater. Still.
Now if only I was small enough to still fit in all of them.
I could use one today-
it is brutally cold here in New Hampshire.
Stay warm.
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