Monday, July 10, 2023

Visiting The Jungle

 Hi everyone. Happy new week.

I have a garden post this morning. And no, I didn't really visit an actual jungle. 

With all the wet weather, humidity and me fertilizing every now and again, my gardens are a jungle.  I do have a lot of flowers blooming., veggies growing, and lots of wildflowers (or what many people consider weeds).

Can you actually pick out the tomato and pepper plants? I grow them off the side of my back deck which is an area I keep "natural".

My potted basil, my favorite summer smell.

The last of my lettuce. It has warmed up, my plants bolted, and so I pulled all the plants.

And my roses are slightly passed peak but still looking amazing.

My delphinium looks great, but sadly some of them have broken in the rain.

My perennial garden (my oldest garden) is very overgrown right now. I did some weeding, but then with the way the weather is, it has just exploded with growth.

 I need some dry cooler days to do a lot more weeding. It has some nice blooms though.

I have a small maintained yard with gardens, but since my land is over 5 acres, I have some wooded areas and some small wild meadow type areas. Some of you might think my unkempt areas look messy, but I like providing lots of habitat for whatever wildlife I can, including my bees.

Right now the milkweed is blooming or just about getting ready to bloom.

And you can see in the above photo I have massive numbers of ferns. In some ways they have become very invasive. If only they'd just stay out of my actual gardens, I might like them better.

And lastly, how about a few other various flowers?

Can you tell I love puttering around my yard?


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Our basil too has done exceptionally well this year. One of our summer delights is caprese salad which I have made three times already, so a copious and self- renewing supply of basis is very welcome. Your”jungle” by the way looks wild, rugged and interesting. Hugs - David

Tom said...

...a wonderful jungle, but yellow loosestrife will take over the world if you let it.

Guillermo García-Saúco Sánchez said...

Lovely flowers!

Angie's Recipes said...

Your garden is doing really good! I saw lots of tomato plants :-))

Iris Flavia said...

Big, big wow on your jungle! Its wonderful!
Here still near to nothing on the balcony...

CJ Kennedy said...

Your garden is beautiful. I have many areas of unkemptness and the ferns, giant hogweed, and other growth have taken over. And we have another day of no weeding. Stay dry!

Christine said...

I love puttering too

Muhammad Teddy Wijaya said...

In Indonesia, we usually use basil leaves for fresh vegetables.

Your flowers are very nice. My mother also likes to raise flowers, but there are also papaya, banana, guava around the house.

Thanks for sharing.

Valerie-Jael said...

Erica, your garden is wonderful. I much prefer jungles to tidy spaces. Love all the plants. Basil is delicious and really has a wonderful smell. Enjoy your lettuce, and have fun in your wonderful and special space! Hugs, Valerie

Jeanie said...

Your garden is absolutely unbelievable. What a lot of work there, Erika. And well done!

Liz Hinds said...

How glorious! I have tried to build a perennial bed but everything seems to die on me! But my roses do well. Your astilbes are beautiful. Another fail for me . . .

R's Rue said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Food Blogger said...

I love the scent of basil and I have planted it all around in pots and ground. Your plants looks so amazing.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely colourful flowers.
Your 'jungle' is looking good.

All the best Jan

Anke said...

WOW Erika I love your flowers and vegetables, I grow tomatoes and peppers in a pot.

It's very hot here, we're waiting for rain.


Neet said...

Love your jungle - and the flowers and the plants that are edible. I absolutely adore the smell of basil, I only buy it in small growing pots from the supermarket, does about two meals but then I find if I water it it carries on growing and I get even more out of it.
Your roses are so pretty and the other flowers too - love the red.
Hugs, neet xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Your garden looks wonderful and your bees are set for a treat this Summer! Hugs, Chrisx