Tuesday, April 29, 2008
April showers

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Spring vacation has arrived!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Gorgeous Earth Day

Finally watched this movie this evening- and I really loved it. I'm a sucker for a good romantic love story. Wow- still thinking about it, that's good when movies make you do that.
Another gorgeous day. We've been having a whole string of them and I LOVE IT! Got more raking done after work- every day do a bit- now my gardens are all cleaned out-only the lawn left to do. Hopefully might barkmulch this weekend before the black flies appear. My crocuses are in full bloom, and, except for 2 small piles (really small)-the snow is GONE! Happy day.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Really Spring in NH!
See the small remaining snow pile, just above?
This is torture! Dave's car back in early March buried. Now, there is only a couple of really small patches of snow in the backyard. By tomorrow-it will all be gone. I have crocus blooming, daffoldils budding, robins hopping around the greening grass, buds growing larger on the trees, chirping birds. squeeking spring peepers. SPRING has arrived in NH!
Bought a bunch of stamping items on eBay this weekend-I really am naughty. Will kick myself later when I could use the cash for something else, but am in an addictive buying mood-
Made a bunch of tiles today too-today was green Celtic, leaves and then some bright flowers out of some single packs of polymer clay I had. Trying to get many tiles made so I can put together a bunch of mosaics for gifts and hopefully to sell.
Katie is off this week coming up but I have 1 more week to go. Not a bad week though- tomorrow am doing some applications for honors and AP kids and Wed. am taking a personal day to go out with Katie. I do need to do some job decision this week- been thinking a lot about it but still feel like its not a real decision. Only it is. That's the scary part.
Off too go put the pile of laundry away so I can find clothes in the morning. Love these longer days-my favorite things about spring is the light, the warming and the greening
Thursday, April 17, 2008
thoughts on rubber stamping
1) a diamond background pattern stamp
2) a writing background pattern stamp
3) some good word stamps- I like dream, poem, believe, etc.
4) some definitions- they make great additions
5) swirls are hot right now- I love swirls- but some swirls would be good
6) I was never big into postage until lately- maybe the last year. I love postmarks, PO markings, stamp stamps-they make great additions too
7) circles-I love circles-have a whole drawer full- whether their dots, large solids, rings, interlooping circles, dotted circles...
8) a good alphabet- at least 1
9) journaling stamps-for scrapping
10) leaves of some sort- they make great additions
11) big flowers are great as a main focus, small flowers-even tiny, make great little additions
12) some texture background stamps
13) I love numbers
14) for cards- some of the basic sayings like Happy Birthday
15) a few saying stamps-I love quote stamps and have too many, but they are great for all kinds of projects
16) some stamps of things you love- for me its architecture, birds (even before they were so hot), travel stamps, natural items, sun and moon stamps, tea and coffee stamps, sea/ocean items, sewing items
17) a few useful shapes like hearts, squares, stars
18) a few seasonal stamps for fall and the holidays
19) a few edges/borders
20) so with this pretty precise list, why can't I weed down my collection? Well, I don't want to for one, not yet at least, and I do have stamps I bought but then found out I don't use much- or least right now don't use much like I'm not a big people stamper, but I have a bunch, and I don't like too cute stamps or too "new age" stamps...
Maybe tomorrow I'll do my favorite supplies- for the moment...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Another trip list
1- Oldest ruts- gladiator tracks in the stone roads of Pompeii
2- Oldest ruts in the USA- wagon tracks worn into stone on the Oregon Trail in Wyoming
3- Oldest drawings-not sure which is older- petroglyphs in Northern Sweden and at the Valley of Fire in Nevada
4-Oldest sculpture-though I can't say I am a date expert-the wolf with her children at the Capitoline Museum in Rome (Romulus and Remus)
5- Oldest items that were spectacular (again-I don't have a very good mental time line)-the items in the King Tut exhibit from his tomb
6- Wow-oldest death marker- Ceasar's spot (where he was cremated) in the Forum in Rome
7- Oldest mummy that I can actually remember I saw- Cleopatra in the British Museum ( I've seen older but who can remember all their names)
8- Most bizzarre mummies- the cat and the rat who were mummified in one of Dublin's cathedrals- can't remember if it was St. Patrick's or Christchurch
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Finding spring in small places
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Really spring!

OK, lots of melt going on-in fact, enough melt to look like it will all melt away. Actually bare spots-big ones- not like just the edges. (Though still some snow- will post photos later!)
But here's the big news- when my spring actually arrives. More accurate than the calendar and temperatures because these birds never return until its almost great weather.
Its the Eastern Phoebe- a fly catcher bug eating bird- and they nest under the eaves of Dave's workshop. I heard one this morning- with their scratchy "Phoebe" call, though need to go look and see-but with the rain today, and me cleaning the house-haven't gotten that far yet. Look for tail wagging-back and forth-that's what they do.
April12- on the late side-sometimes they're here in March- but they're back-yahoo!
Friday, April 11, 2008
The end of the week
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
More travel records
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Travel list-the start of one at least
Who knows?
Am inpsired by a blog I was reading about a couple travels in the west and in Asia-John and Belinda's Excellent Adventure (http://www.cris.com/~Johnmc/). So here is my list from all my trips of the MOSTs....
Monday, April 7, 2008
Notes and comments
Comment-Love it.
Note- Work was extremely busy today- one thing after another non-stop. Could barely even get to the bathroom.
Comment- I left cranky and frustrated and refused to do any grading tonight. I did make some spring ATCs and cut out some stamps I am putting on backing to use with acrylic blocks
Note-Dave was upset at work today and I'm worried he'll just quit
Comment- I have to have faith he won't. he's a repsonsible guy afterall.
Note-I did pre-order those stamps.
Comment- I'm stupid dumb and b ad with money. But I am excited to have some new acrylic letters coming.
Note-I keep having these crazy dreams at night. The kind that leave you exhausted when you wake up, like you've lost control or can't get to where you want to go.
Comment- What is bugging me? Is it just that I was so busy last month and this week and I hate being that busy.
Note- 3 weeks until spring vacation.
Comment- Can't wait.
Note- I'm tired and going to go to bed.
Comment- Be back later.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sunday afternoon

A gray day-though not cold and not snowing. Actually, the road was slightly soft but not muddy this morning so I could get back into my morning walking routine-at last-usually I'm out mid-March. I enjoyed my walk so much.
Made some more clay tiles for a while today. Want to make some pieces to sell and give as gifts. Working on some blue tiles with an ocean theme- still have a lot more to do but needed to put a pot roast in the oven for dinner. PLus, its the kind of day that good for a nap...which is on my agenda after I finish this.
So I'm looking at these new Hero Arts letters trying to decide if I should pre-order or not. here's my pros and cons:
- Its a lot of money- like $130.00, but it is 5 different fonts-complete 26 letter sets of each. Its also those frames, flowers and a little bird.
- I love the little frames.
- I like the birds but a lot of them are similar and like other Hero Arts birds recently released.
- The little flowers are nice, especially the few I have in bigger forms.
- I really like the frames.
- Think the way to make them useful is to take the letter sets apart and to do those acrylic stamp notebook pages (from Sunday International) with each alphabet complete and then the birds complete, flowers, etc. I think it would be a pain to dig out whole pages of letetrs as you need them. (Think I should do that with the month sets I have. I think Hero Arts needs to make a small notebook to put these into.
- I liked the old letter sets Hero Arts put out because they had a BIG letter and lots of items that were related to the letter (like Kimono for K). These really don't have that, but the old sets were like $14 a letter so it added up really fast.
- I like cursive style letter and the big plain letter a lot.
- Would I use them enough? I get kind of lazy putting letters together sometimes.
What do you think? I don't mind spending that money if I'd use them enough. But its still a lot of $$$. If you like them, check them out at StampingOnline. She's a really good seller, ships fast and lets you pre-order without paying until they are ready to ship- but you should realize that pre-ordering does mean you will be paying for them. Its only right. And shipping is free over $45 or so.
I'm back a few hours later. Did take a nap and put laundry away and eat dinner. And talked to my mom. Which frazzled me. Often does, but she went to a cousins retirement party today and she just LOVES this woman- more than me, and just says things she doesn't know about and says they are absolutely true and in the process hurts my feelings and makes me feel like like I am nothing. Why do I let her get to me? Always. She and I are SOOOOO different in many ways, and our views of the world are sooooooooo different. She has narrow vision too, which is ok, she's happy with it, but it rubs me wrong and I take things personally. I don't know if she realizes how much she puts me down- and I'm not sure she does it with purpose...but ARGH! I never get credit for anything with her. (And she wonders why I moved away-which is NOT what anyone is suppose to do in her mind but I would have been really NUTS by now if I stayed there).
Also, have decided everyone but me has spring. I know that's not true, but I don't have to go far to get away from snow- work in fact. Portsmouth has no snow. I want green. I want flowers and leaves budding. I am I here in NH? Why didn't I go somewhere that has spring and I would be better inside...I know, because my mother insulted me like she did with college when she said if I went away I would drop out in a couple of weeks and move home...not that I remember her insulting me about moving away after college...so I shouldn't blame her, but it was all these silly rules she and my dad had...wish I had been born into a different family. Wish I had been encouraged to be me, who I really am, instead of trying to to be someone who made them happy.
Ah, if I knew at 20 what I know now.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Day by Day the Melt Continues...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The good news is its April!!!