Tuesday, September 18, 2018

T Stands for Washi Tape and a New Mug

Tuesday has arrived again so Happy T day everyone. Today we share our drink (and often food) related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog
So this past Saturday the hubby and I spent the day running some much needed errands. We ended up at a local hunting and fishing store because they are the one place my husband can get the shoes he likes to wear. While walking around the store I noticed that Yeti had come out with an insulated mug.
 I have a Yeti drink tumbler that I bought 2 summers ago that I love and quite literally use every day. It keeps ice in my ice tea all day in the warm weather and my hot tea warm all day in the cold weather. So when I saw that they had a yeti mug I decided it would be perfect for this winter when I have my after dinner cup of tea. It isn't as big aas my tumbler but it does have a handle that I really like.
So I bought myself a little present.  I haven't used it yet, but I am sure you will see it on a Tday post soon.
I also wanted to share my washi tape collection with you.
You can see my storage bin is very full right now. 
Good reason why I haven't bought any for quite awhile.
And I am guessing other than a couple of butternut squash, this is the last pick from my veggie garden.

Most of the plants are looking pretty sad and there aren't many immature veggies growing on those plants. But I had great garden this season so there are no complaints that it's winding down. I get busy with school anyhow so garden time drops way down on the to do list. Time to be done.
Hope everyone has a super T day and I appreciate you stopping by to visit.


Valerie-Jael said...

Love that mug! Your veggies look good, too. And you have lots of nice washi-tapes. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Mia said...

Great washi tapes collection, Erika. Happy T-day, my friend.

Let's Art Journal said...

Your new Yeti mug is wonderful, I love the colour and I can't wait to see it regularly featured on T Day 😁. Such a great washi tape collection too; the wood woof, owls and equation ones caught my eye ...lol 😉. So many veggies from your garden, how amazing is that and I bet they taste yummy! Happy T Day! J 😊 x

kathyinozarks said...

I am loving your new insulated cup! a beautiful photo of your veggies-I picked the last of mine over the weekend-just a few tomatoes left now-enough for eating fresh.
Fun to see everyone's tape collection you have some pretty ones
Happy T

Linda Kunsman said...

Looks like a great new mug you got-I had not heard of this brand. You have a nice stash of washi tapes. And your garden veggies look great. Our garden (shared with our neighbors) didn't fair as well as other years:( Too much rain perhaps. Have a great week ahead and happy T day!

froebelsternchen said...

Fabulous mug! Cool looks this and I love the colour of it - and your washi tape collection is super in my eyes and you got me with this fresh veggies from your garden! Must taste heavenly! Happy T-Day dear Erika! Big hugs, Susi

Meggymay said...

Your new mug sounds good, although I don't think we have that brand in the UK.
I was so interested looking at your washi tape collection. You have a super variety of style and patterns. I think I am needing to buy more seeing all tapes at Elizabeth's today.
Your veggies look delicious I am sure they will taste lovely.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

johanna said...

yes, the season for harvesting fruit and veggies was great this year!
and i like to see all these washi boxes from the t-people... i like your patterns, and most of them so different from mine, i´ve never seen them before... really cool!
have a great week and happy t-day:)

Jeanie said...

Nice washi bin. I know -- mine is full too and I'm not even using it that much -- except then I go on a binge so I hate to get rid of it!

Glad you had a good garden. Mine is just about done. Hoping I can wrap it up before we leave...

CJ Kennedy said...

Nice that you were able to treat yourself to a new mug. Pretty color. And that is a lot of tape. I know where to come if I ever need to borrow some. =^,.^= Looks like you got a really good harvest. The planter garden Himself started didn't do very well. Too much rain and I think the plants drowned. We got a couple of peppers and some cherry tomatoes. Timex finished harvesting the tomatoes. Stay dry today.

Dianne said...

Fresh vegetables from a garden are so gorgeous, yours included, love the vibrant colors! A Yeti mug sounds great...especially since I find myself reheating my coffee or tea 2 or 3 times in the microwave. I am so easily distracted....;) great Washi collection. I think seeing these photos may remind me to use mine more often! happy T day!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My friend Scott gave a Yetti like your original one to each family member last year. He asked if I wanted one, but I said no because there was no handle. This looks SO much better, and one I might actually be able to use one handed. It is really lovely, even the color is unique. qute a worthwhile purchase. This is a wonderful; thing to share with us for T this Tuesday.

You have some really different and unusual washi tapes. I couldn't see all of them, even though I went to the side of my monitor in hopes of getting a better view of some (grin). SO glad you took th washi tape challenge with us.

Divers and Sundry said...

An insulated mug that size looks like just the thing. Your veggies! I'm impressed with how well they've done this season. I know you'll miss having them fresh out of the garden, but it won't be long before you're planning for next year :) Happy T Tuesday!

Kate Yetter said...

Your garden produce looks beautiful. What bounty!
You have a lovely bin of washi tape. I spy a roll with cherries that is so pretty!
Your Yeti mug is such a pretty color. I recently bought a Tervis insulated mug (similar to Yeti) and I love how long it keeps my tea hot. It is nice to walk a way for a while and come back to a still hot cup of tea. Enjoy!
Happy Tea Day,

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

Your Yeti mug and tumbler sound really neat, Erika, especially for hot summer days. It's impressive that the ice cubes last so long.

Thank you for joining the "show your washi tape stash" challenge.

Very nice end of season harvest. My mouth is watering over those butternut squash. They're not available in this part of Mexico.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

jinxxxygirl said...

Ahhh Erika i think i may need to invest in Yeti..lol Keeping the ice all day sounds wonderful and my coffee warm in that mug would be great!! Go washi!! You have quite the collection too! Thanks for sharing! Your veggies are so shiney and pretty!!! Happy T day hugs! deb

Caty said...

Lovely Yeti mug Erika, I´m sure you ´ll use it very often. Your collection of washi tape is great, they are all so beautiful!
These veggies may taste very good,nothing better than our owns vegetables!!
I wish you a very nice Wednesday, big hugs, Caty

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your veggies look absolutely wonderful. It is quite a few years since I had a vegetable garden, but I buy from local Mennonite farmers so I still get great fresh produce. I hope you are able to freeze lots of it to enjoy it all winter long.

craftytrog said...

I haven't heard of those cups Erika, but they look and sound great.
Great selection of washi tapes, mine are mostly black and white.
Your garden produce looks delicious, we're getting a few tomatoes now, so much tastier than shop ones.
Have a lovely day,
Alison xxx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love the look of those mugs - not sure that they see them here!! Great selection of produce from your garden! Hugs, Chrisx