Hi everyone. Happy new year to those of you who only stop by for T. It is our first T of the new year, and I look forward to all the T adventures we'll have in 2021.
I have to say I am not usually someone who gets very excited about a new year's arrival. It was like that with the start of school also. I liked it better once it got going a little bit.
This year however, I was very excited to wrap up 2020 and start the new year. I feel like there is hope for something better ahead. Maybe not right away, and I do hope the winter isn't too long this year. I'm not sure things will get back to what they were as soon as I want them to get there (as that would be right now), but maybe at least we can all be a little less covid overwhelmed sooner rather than later.
I am hoping to reach a point where I can comfortably go into a store again, that I can go when I feel like going to the store and not have to plan to go during a not so busy time. I live too rural for grocery store delivery, but I have done online ordering for other items that require me to go into the busier stores in the cities near me. I want it so I can back shopping in general. It would be nice to visit a museum and meet my friends and family inside. Some of my friends and family I haven't seen in months. Although I may not be able to travel overseas yet, maybe I can at least travel out of New Hampshire or even out of New England without worries.
I was so excited on New Years Eve to see 2020 depart, I went through a whole bottle of wine.
Oh wow! This pasta looks delicious and the perfect way to bring in the New Year. It makes me want pasta right now. Love the sign as it has a lot a truth in it.
Happy Tea Day,
Ah yes, to the New Year and doing the things that used to be normal for so many of us!
Had to laugh at your last funny photo cuz I found that recently on Google (looking up funny memes) and texted it to my hubby while he was on his lunch break for his first day back to work after a nice holiday break:)
Happy New Year and happy T day!
Hi Erika, I think allot of us just want things to be back to more normal-so we can put away our fears for one. I am just thankful I am retired and do not have to deal with all the rules going to work.
we have always lived rural too and I find ordering allot of things online is really nice and I can compare prices easy too and look for free shipping.
Your italian dish looks delicious, and I love a red wine.
Happy T hugs Kathy
Your food looks so good. Chunk is probably the fate of many of us after Covid. Let's hope for a better new year! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
Covid overwhelmed is the right phrase. Turn on the news and that´s all you get, more or less.
You sure made me laugh over that bottle of wine! Hmmm, that dish looks very, very yummy! And a beautifully set table, too.
Cry or laugh about the sign, I think I need a glass of.... beer!
Happy T-day! Hugs and thank you for the smiles.
Hope is mine, too, and I've seen it elsewhere. I view that as promising -- that our blogging community has a lot of hope for the year. I "hope" we are right. I'll feel a lot better after January 20.
Your dinner looks to die for -- really delicious and beautiful, too. I'm not a big shopper but I miss the ability to shop -- to go get what I need when I need it instead of either waiting for it to come or for someone to get it for me. It's so simple. Who would have thought....
Your list of what's missing in your life and ours really ticks all the boxes-- eating out, traveling, going to museums, and above all seeing family. I wish you a good year in 2021 -- and may we all do better than we did in 2020!
be safe and well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Wow, you really know how to make a person hungry. It looks wonderful, even if it IS filled with meat. When I was in CA and shopped at Trader Joe's it was called two buck chuck. Now it appears the price has doubled (grin). Seriously, if there's any wine I would NOT drink it's Merlot. Using it in the Italian Pie was a good choice. Thanks for sharing this Merlot and delectable food with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.
Forgot to mention. When COVID is over, I'll be a chunky monk!
I love Italian food, and your dishes look delicious. I'm glad 2020 is gone, but I agree any real improvement will be a while coming. At least we can be sure it's coming :) Happy T Tuesday!
We share many of the same hopes for the new year, Erika. I think post-COVID, I'll be more of a monk f- or a while at least. I'm an introvert and have enjoyed the extra time for art. But, boy do I miss shopping and eating out!
Your New Year's dinner looks delicious.
Wishing you the best in 2021 and a Happy T-day today! Hugs, Eileen
I'm with you...don't get too excited about New Year's Eve. but this year we surely need some hope for improvement! Your rigatoni looks delish, and love that quote...so true! Happy New Year!
Hi! your rigatoni and red wine look yummy ~ I like the sign and I'm trying to work off the chunk I added back on in 2020 this year! Remain hopeful and Keep crafting :)
Loving that Italian pie - yum! Looks like you had a lovely celebration, I like merlot too 😀. The sign made me smile, I'm on my way to being a chunk ...lol 😉. Happy T Day and wishing you all the best for the New Year! Hugs, Jo x
Ooohhhhh that dish looks soooo good. The wine, hey it was New Years, so a whole bottle is OK. I love the covid sign and I think it may be true. LOL Have a very nice day.
Yum! Your food looks delicious!
All the best Jan
That pie looks mighty tasty. Bet it went down a treat with the Merlot.
Slopping about in comfortable clothes I hadn't realised just how much weight I had put on over Christmas - I can put weight on so easily but struggle to move it. So I guess I am a chunk! Love that sign.
Hugs, Neet xx
Oh for things to be 'normal' soon! We had plans to revamp our balcony last Spring but don't feel inclined to buy things online. Clothes I can manage with while we aren't going out - a lot of them are too big for me since I have lost weight but as no one is seeing me I can at least get some wear out of them. Your rigatoni looks fabulous - bet it smells delicious as well as being tasty!
Love that sign - I hoe no has crashed while laughing at it! Happy T day, Chrisx
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