Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sew Stylish

     Hi everyone. Happy Sunday. I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. We're having some beautiful summer weather after too many hot and humid days.  ❤  My daughter has been around this weekend too. Yesterday we had a small partial family get together and my mother-in-law came over to her house from the assisted living where she now lives.  This is a scheduled post ( I wrote it Friday since I know even with just my daughter around it's a busy weekend) so I can't say exactly how it went.  My guess is that my mother-in-law was thrilled to be home. We planned a yummy lobster dinner which is one of her favorites so I'm guessing it was a good day. 

     I apologize if I haven't been by you blog either. It's been busy lately.     

     Today I have a journal page for Halle's I've Got A Notion challenge at Art Journal Journey

     I'm  happy with the way my page came out. I had made the background (with paint and inks) some time back, but I wasn't sure what to do with it.  Then when I added the printed tissue paper, I still wasn't sure what to do with it. But when I had this scrap of white lace sitting on my work table,  the idea for this page came to me. Funny how sometimes all it takes is a photo, image or actually bit of something to inspire you.

      I added some yellow washi tape and then attached the lace with matte medium. I searched my stash and found this old sewing pattern stamp.  I seem to remember that when it first came out it was quite popular, and when I searched for it online, I couldn't find it anywhere. One day it's in, and then the next day it's out. (That's sort of the quote from that old show Project Runway.) Isn't that true for just about everything in life?  I'm always behind the times so if something was popular, I'm probably just discovering it now. 😏

     I  stamped the pattern image on some "used" deli paper. It was used in the sense that I put it underneath what I was working on when I was painting or outlining something else.  I thought all the dabs of paint and black Sharpie lines made deli paper look like some abstract fabric. 

    I then used an older Inkadinkado clear stamp set for the ladies. After I fussy cut the ladies out, I used my button punch and made some paper buttons. I threaded some waxed book-binding thread through them and glued them down. Finally I stamped the works on the bottom right. They are a bit curved in the photo because this is the last page of a spiral bound album and the only way to photograph it was as it is. The words aren't crooked, but the page has a slight curve over to the spiral edging.

I am also linking up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles.

That's all for me. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


Violetta said...

Happy Sunday too Erika. It´s good the you have some fine summer days. At the moment we have too. But in the afternoon rain and thunder is forecasted.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
And a nice work you showed.
All the best

Tom said...

...and it's sew special.

kathyinozarks said...

Gorgeous page!

Angie's Recipes said...

The page turned out really nice! I really love the lace part.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I hope that your mother-in-law had vivid recollection of her house and that all was not lost in the fuzziness of old age and uncertain memory. It’s a future that awaits far too many of us! All the best - David

Jamie Ghione said...

This looks good!
It's still been quite hot where I live.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like wonderful family time Erika so great your mom in law could visit too. that is special.

Lovely page too! -Christine

sirkkis said...

It sure was a lovely day for your MIL to see your family and enjou a diner together🍲. Your notion page has a good idea and looks fine 🪡🧵
Happy time, it could be evening as here 💤😘

ashok said...

Happy Sunday 😊

Valerie-Jael said...

Love the piece you made for AJJ, fabulous, my fave so far. Enjoy your family time! Hugs, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm often amazed at where inspiration comes from. That "fabric" reminds me of batik. I love those buttons! Thanks for another great entry for Halle's theme at AJJ. I hope your get together was a success.

Divers and Sundry said...

I trust the visit went well. It's good y'all can have these visits.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

All so effective with the deli paper, stamps and punched buttons I thought they were real. A little bit of lace always brings things together it's a pretty addition. AJJ challenge theme sounds fab really wish I had had time to create this past month.
I hope having you MIL home for a family get together went well and was enjoyed by all. I can't get my Mom to go anywhere anymore sadly :(
Take care of yourself look forward to a catch up soon Hugs Tracey xx

Iris Flavia said...

Such a fun page and yes, I am often behind, too, LOL...
See, already Monday, lunch-time here. Hope you had a great weekend, hugs!

CJ Kennedy said...

The colors are so bright and happy. Those were the days sewing our own clothes. I wasn't very good at it. Love the button punch, too. Very cute. Maybe some rain this afternoon, but doesn't sound like a total washout

Jeanie said...

That's great that your daughter was there -- and so nice your MIL could join you, too. Sounds like loads of fun, so tell us more!

Halle said...

Amazing piece!! I love every little thing about it!
I've also had a busy 3 days...finally catching up on visiting blogs.

peppylady (Dora) said...

It been a while since I made an outfit.

Neet said...

A fab page Erika. I love the bright bold colours of the pattern pieces against the background. I am impressed that you cut those figures out but they works so well I guess you felt it was worth the effort - and it was!
How fab to have a button punch - could have done with one of those for this challenge at AJJ.
Hugs, Neet xx