Thursday, July 25, 2024

This Week Is Quiet But Last Week Wasn't

    Hi everyone. Happy Thursday to you. I am really enjoying a very unscheduled week along with the rain and clouds we've been having.  I'm not really a rainy day person, but it was so dry we needed the moisture. Plus, since I haven't had much on the calendar this week (hurrah for a quiet week), it's great to have some time to do a few art projects, make a blueberry pie with some native blueberries I bought and even get a bit of a cleaning project accomplished. 😀

     During the summer my husband only works until noon on Friday's, so that's our boating/fishing day. Last week we took a break from fishing and invited a friend of mine and her sister out for a cruise. It was an absolutely gorgeous weather day (as tomorrow promises to be), and we went a bit offshore to Star Island, which is a part of the Isles of Shoals. The Isles of Shoals is a small group of islands about 7 miles offshore. Some islands are in the state of Maine, and some are in of New Hampshire.

     Star Island is owned by the Unitarian Universalist Church. It is definitely a  place to escape. Not only does the island run self-growth retreats, but it also runs art, writing, birding and a variety of other classes that are not religiously based. Star Island has a history of being a retreat for some of New England's most famous classic writers back in the mid-1800's when it was not owned by the Unitarian Church, and a famous local poet, Celia Thaxter actually grew up on one of the other Isles of Shoals as she was lighthouse keeper's daughter.

     Today there is  an old hotel on Star Island. The Oceanic was built in 1876. It is still a very bare bones place and hasn't had a lot of updating. You are welcome to come ashore and visit. We usually take  1 or 2 boat rides out there during the summer, and I have visited the island in the past. However, I haven't gone ashore since before COVID hit. It's always fun to take a step back in time, and I think the island is very scenic. One day I might even go for one of their (non-religious) programs and stay over.

     My husband dropped us off at the boat dock, and he took the boat and anchored in the harbor. I think he took a nap while we went for a walk around the island and explored. I thought I shared a few photos today of our trip.

My husband's boat is the tiny one on the far left of the photo.

The views from our walk were very scenic.

Besides the hotel there are some cute little cottages on the island. I'm not sure who lives in them during the summer, but I'm guessing the people who run the island.

The island is the largest off-grid solar farm off the coast of New England, all to be as  self-sufficient as possible.

     This post is getting long, so I'll share some more photos another day. But let me end this post with a few photos from another island in the Shoals. I don't know the name of this island, but I do know that the cormorants love it. We cruised by it before we ended up in Gosport Harbor at Star Island.

Enjoy your day!




Hels said...

Those cute little cottages on the island would be perfect for retired couples, as long as the families have their own small boats and they both like to eat fish. It would be even better if there was plenty of space for growing fruit and vegetables. The power supply seems secure already.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Looks like a very attractive little island and you no doubt enjoyed your visit. If they offer birding classes there maybe I can get a teaching gig and get paid to visit! All the best - David

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Your photos are lovely and so peaceful. What a joy to have a boat to take such a cruise with your friend. Thanks for the tour of the area.

Tom said...

...Erika, thanks for taking me along to see the sights. What a fabulous destination.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, sounds like a very awesome day Enjoyed the photos Happy Thursday hugs Kathy

Angie's Recipes said...

Being busy is a good thing, but the rest is just as important. The island looks really relaxing and beautiful.

CJ Kennedy said...

A friend of mine goes to Star Island a couple of times during the Summer. She participates in Star Women, I guess a group that's been going there a long time. She also does some of the history classes. She says the accommodations are a bit rustic. I heard it's supposed to be clearing later this morning and early afternoon. Maybe a thunderstorm or two rolling through late afternoon. Tomorrow looks to be the pick of the week. Enjoy!

Valerie-Jael said...

What a fabulous boat trip you had. The islands look very interesting, I love islands, lt is so exiting to tread on new land, so to say. I have never seen so many cormorants all at once, wow. Here there are always a few by the Rhine, but never so many! Thanks for sharing, keep the pictures coming! Hugs!

Christine said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely outing!

Katerinas Blog said...

Star Island looks like a very beautiful island and you present it amazingly with your photos Erica!! But also the last ones from the island with the cormorants are amazing! Thank you very much and we are waiting for the rest!

craftytrog said...

I enjoyed looking at your beautiful photos Erika. What a stunning place! Thanks for sharing.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I have heard of Star Island, erika, and that hotel would certainly be a photo draw for me and most likely yourself as well. You had a wonderful day for a boat ride and shore exploration.

Jeanie said...

This is beautiful and I"m glad you had a great day for boating. It would be fun to take a class there.

*Vicki* said...

It looks so pretty over there! What a stunning day to be out in it! Enjoy the peace!

Neet said...

Your friends were very lucky to have this wonderful visit planned and executed for them. What a lovely day out that must have been. Thanks for all the beautiful photographs - the sky is beautiful and so blue - and the commentary alongside them.
Hugs, Neet xx

Divers and Sundry said...

Star Island sounds like a fascinating place.