Hi everyone-
Happy weekend!
Yesterday I had a fun Costa Rica reunion after work.
It was really fun to get together with my traveling companions.
The rest of my weekend-I am not so sure what's up.
How about you?
So for today
a little of this and a little
of that.
First of all
its my 10 Things Saturday post-
ten things about me: Just random things.
You may not have wanted to know these 10 things,
but now you get to read them.
1- I am very short- just a tad over 5 feet.
2-I have blue eyes.
3-Sage green and other greens are my favorite colors. Second in line is blue. I LOVE color as a whole.
4-If I could wear sandals and a sweater every day of the year I would be in heaven.
5-One thing I can do and forget about time is play with my art supplies.
6-If I could have dinner with 1 person in all of time it would be Julia Child. What a life?
Now I want to add Anne Morrow Lindbergh to that list after reading my last book (The Aviator's Wife).
7-I don't drink coffee but I love coffee flavored ice cream. Give me a good cup of tea any day.
8-I don't like to get up at 4:45 in the morning although once I wake up I am awake. I am more of a morning person though.
9-One thing I don't like about teaching is I really want to take a vacation in May, June , September and October. I could go some place right now.
10-Two things I'd love to do right now- go apple picking and go walk the beach. I also would love a day all to myself to play in the studio. That is what I am missing from summer vacation the most.
So what are 10 things about you that other people might not know?
Also on the book front:
My Latest Read:
Back in the travel reading mode for the moment.
Probably because I am ready to hit the road again.
If only work didn't get in the way-
Not a bad read, pretty quick and enjoyable.
And I am stalking out a good pie recipe
something a little different but

This book has some pretty delicious looking recipes.
Banana chocolate chip- yes, this is a pie, pie looks good to me right now.
Well, a lot of them look really good actually,
but the one I might go try in the kitchen
And I have 2 books I really want to read-
in a reading mood lately-
The Stress of Her Regard by Tim Powers. Its all vampires and magic-
read book 2 (by mistake- didn't realize it was a 2 parter).
Book 2 is called
Hide Me Among the Graves

Bought a used copy that is sitting on my nightstand of
The Stress of Her Regard and I really want to read it.
Also, I did buy this brand new in hardcover.
because I love Crosby, Stills Nash (and Young too).
Wild Tales by Graham Nash.
Can't wait to start that also.
New slippers too. I need them now that it is chilly and making the floors cold.
And I as I mentioned- I hope to go pick apples this weekend- still haven't gotten up to orchard.
This is what I am talking about!
Found a place near me that had a sign up for pick your own apples and I want to go check it out.
Work has, as it always does, gotten very busy.
Feeling a bit stressed and working on the de-stressing.
Everyone around, always needing something from me.
I need a bit of me time.
No, not a bit.
I need a big chunk of me time.
I get a little bit here and there,
guess I am working on that adjustment-
you know, back to work for 5 weeks now and
wishing it was the long slow days of summer.
enough said.
Happy Saturday.