Saturday, March 30, 2024

Happy( early) Easter and Happy Weekend

 Hi everyone. Happy weekend, and for those who celebrate, Happy Easter.

       I found some unfinished wooden eggs at the dollar section of Target earlier this month, and I finally finished painting them. They're kind of a hot mess, but since tomorrow is Easter, I thought I would share them.

I'm not sure I needed the sparkles, but they look great with the bunnies on my dining room hutch. (Just don't look at them too closely-grin).

     I have 2 matching bunnies; this second one is next to the new honey pot I fell in love with and bought in Greece. We found so many artisan shops in Corfu. This is where I picked up the honey pot. The man was working right in the back of his shop turning and making items from olive wood.

The honey in Greece was amazing, and I saw beehives all over the place. ❤  I'm sure  I must have driven my friends a bit nuts pointing out hives every time I spotted them. 😏

At the breakfast buffet that came with our room (at our hotel) in Athens they had this fantastic fresh honey practically right from the hive.

      Today I'm also sharing my last page for Chris' On All Fours challenge at Art Journal Journey.  My page today is a pretty basic one. I colored the background, added a lot of Art By Marlene punch out figures, and did a bit of alteration to them.  But it does have lots of 4 legged animals on it. 😏

    Thank you Chris for all your great inspiration, as well as hosting. And here's a big  thank you to everyone who joined Chris this month also. I loved seeing all the animals!  There's still one more day to join Chris over at Art Journal Journey in case you're inspired. 

That's all for me today. Thanks for visiting my blog. 


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Certainly a unique way to serve honey for breakfast, I would have enjoyed it immensely. As a beekeeper it must have been exceptionally for you. All the best - David

Tom said...

...I'm glad that you had a sweet time!

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, such a happy post. I love your bunny pieces and I think your eggs are awesome.
I didn't think about Greece producing allot of honey, I don't think I have ever seen any here-perhaps they don't export. Loved that they painted the honey boxes in bright colors.
Love your journal page too Happy Easter weekend hugs Kathy

kathyinozarks said...

Oh and I love your new honey pot

kathyinozarks said...

I was curious-So I did find lots of honey from Greece online

Iris Flavia said...

LOL, you have the hives, I have the Pantos ;-)
Ingo just ordered a train I am to modify so it looks like the ones in Perth. People accept our quirks, right?
I also got 2 small portions of Australian honey from the Indian Pacific, pic to come on Tuesday for you.
Certainly packed - not as cool as what you got!!!
Great page and quote!
Happy Easter/long weekend, hugs!

Christine said...

Great job on the eggs and a lovely page. Fantastic honey display, can imagine you enjoyed that honey.

Angie's Recipes said...

wow The hone directly from a hive...I just love that! Those wooden eggs are really festive.

Jamie Ghione said...

I really like how you painted the eggs. And I love those colorful animal cutouts.

Jeanie said...

Of course you bought a honey pot! I love that you did. (I also love your yellow Fiesta pitcher next to it.) And the eggs are really pretty -- no hot mess that I see!

You had to be over the moon with the honey in Greece-- seeing the hives, the eating of it and all!

hels said...

When you saw the artisan shops in Corfu, I would have joined you with pleasure :) But can families live off this source of income alone?

Mia said...

Your eggs are beautiful, Erika. And they look great with your bunnies.
The wood honey pot is amazing.
Yes, there are beehives all over Greece. The best honey is the theme honey.
Beehives are always in bright colors.
The breakfast in your hotel was fantastic!
As for your page, it is simply perfect! Hugs, my friend.

Aimeslee Winans said...

Okay, first, Happy Easter!
Second, lovelove the Art by Marlene animals page. Colorful and quirky!
Third, lovelove the eggs you decorated. Hot Mess looks fabulous.
And wow, I'm loving that you got to have honey off the comb! And what was gorgeouly crafted honey pot. XOX

Katerinas Blog said...

Happy Easter! Great post honey! Bees do amazing work in nature! They help in pollination to make the plants fruits!! No bees...

kaartenepidemie said...

Happy Easter and a nice weekend

Valerie-Jael said...

Happy Easter, dear Erika, have a great time. Te honey looks wonderful! Hugs, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

Your Easter eggs are fabulous. Yes, definitely glitter. Cute decorations and I like your milk glass bowl. Wow, that's fresh honey! The sun popped out a little while ago. Have a lovely Easter 🪻🌷🐣🐰

Mae Travels said...

Nice Easter bunnies — have a wonderful holiday.
I’m enjoying your posts about Greece.
best, mae at

DVArtist said...

Very lovely Easter displays. The matching bunnies are very sweet. Ohhhh to have honey served that way. I can almost taste it. Have a very nice Sunday.

Let's Art Journal said...

Such a fun and fabulous page! The colours and animals look amazing 😊. I love the bright coloured hives they have in Greece and your breakfast honey must have been delicious! Beautiful Easter decorations too - Happy Easter! Hugs, Jo x

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy Easter wishes sent to you and your family, Erika. As a honey fan I would have really enjoyed that fresh type shown in your photo. I am sure it tasted wonderful too.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Ooh Erika! First your fabulous journal page- I love those animals- wonderful colours! Love the eggs - I haven't done any Easter decorating this year although I do have lots of Spring flowers. I love Greek Pine honey - what a treat your breakfast must have been. Thanks for supporting my theme this month, hugs, Chrisx

Linda said...

I love the colorful journal page!

Lowcarb team member said...

I like your Easter décor.

We had a very nice weekend spending time with the family, with the added bonus of some welcome sunshine. Think it's back to rain this coming week!

All the best Jan